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Prior to the Nov. 18-20 Illinois Association of School Boards Convention, The School District U-46 board met Oct. 24 to discuss resolutions to be voted upon at the convention.
"We also need to decide who wants to be the delegate," board president Sue Kerr said. "The advantage of being the delegate is you get to be in the assembly, the disadvantage is you get to miss some of at least one or sometimes two other sessions. So we can decide, I guess, next week."
The resolutions include changes to the IASB constitution such as officer’s terms to two years instead of one and eliminating reelections.
The eight resolutions sent out that the delegates will be voting on also include: adjusting fund balances to the Miller Ratio, having the state transition to alternative-fueled school buses, increasing distance between schools and firearms businesses, capital grant funding, school safety funds, involvements with public office candidates, mandates review committee, and finances in school board elections.
The board discussed each of the resolutions to determine how its delegate would vote. The final choice for the delegate was to have been made between two representatives from the board and was to have been decided alongside final decisions on each resolution at the November meeting which fell before the IASB convention.