Kane County Development Committee met Feb. 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes: January 2, 2019 & January 15, 2019
3. Monthly Financials
A. January Development Committee Financial Reports (attached)
4. Public Comment
5. Building & Zoning Division
A. Building & Zoning Report
B. Zoning Petitions
Petitioner: Miguel Bautista
Location: 7N416 Route 31, Section 2, St. Charles Township (09-02-301-002)
Proposed: Requesting a Five-Year Interim Special Use in the F-Farming District to allow for the storage of landscaping vehicles and equipment
2040 Plan: Rural Residential
Objectors: None
Recommendations: Regional Planning Comm.: N/A
Zoning Board: Approval
Development Committee: To be determined
Petitioner: Mary Ann Krempel
Location: 3N952 Bittersweet Road, Section 29, St. Charles Township (09-29-226-002)
Proposed: Rezoning from F-District Farming to R-1 District Rural Residential
2040 Plan: Rural Residential
Objectors: Neighboring property owners
Recommendations: Regional Planning Comm.: N/A
Zoning Board: Approval
Development Committee: To be determined
Petition #4473 PLATO TOWNSHIP
Petitioner: Burke Storage Inc.
Location: Located on the western portion of 9N533 Nesler Road, Section 25, Plato Township (05-25-178-006 & 05-25-178-008
Proposed: Special Use in the B-3 Business District to allow outdoor storage of vehicles and equipment
2040 Plan: Commerce/Employment
Objectors: Neighboring property owners
Recommendations: Regional Planning Comm.: N/A
Zoning Board: Approval with the following stipulations:
1. The Special Use will bring the existing businesses into conformance with the Zoning Ordinance.
2. The evergreen trees planted as screening must be maintained and replaced if they die or become more than 25% brown.
3. The vehicles associated with the towing business must be operable. All inoperable vehicles must be removed from the premises within 90 days of zoning approval.
4. All outdoor storage must be on the subject parcel and not on the F zoned parcel to the east.
5. All storage and towing business traffic must use the northern access.
6. A maximum height allowed for storage vehicles not exceed 14’.
7. 10 additional trees be planted north of current eastern tree endpoint near the house for additional screening.
8.The maximum number of trucks allowed to be parked outside not exceed 12.
Development Committee: To be determined
Petitioner: Michael Vondra (Creekside Farms, LLC)
Location: 2S785 Lorang Road, Section 30, Blackberry Township (11-30-100-007, 11-30-300-005 & 11-30-401-008)
Proposed: Special Use in the F-Farming District for an owner operated farm compost operation and for mining and on-site sale of mined materials
2040 Plan: Proposed Open Space/Resource Management
Objectors: None
Recommendations: Regional Planning Comm.: N/A
Zoning Board: Approval
Development Committee: To be determined
Petitioner: Harris Trust #1464/Mark Hodges
Location: Located south of Dietrich Rd, north of Interstate 90 and east of US Rte 20, Section 2, Hampshire Township (01-02-300-017, 01-02-300-008 & 01-02-400-012)
Proposed: Amendment to the existing PUD-Planned Unit Development to allow for storage of vehicles/equipment and for a 1000 ft2 sign
2040 Plan: Commerce/Employment
Objectors: None
Recommendations: Regional Planning Comm.: N/A
Zoning Board: No Recommendation (4 Aye, 2 Nay)
Development Committee: To be determined
C. Approval: Minor Adjustment to PUD Zoning: IntraSoccer, LLC, located at 37W950 Mason Road
6. Planning & Special Projects
A. Staff Report (attached)
7. Subdivision
A. Discussion: Land/Cash Annual Review Fiscal Year 2018 (attached)
B. Presentation: Land/Cash Review-Mill Creek Row Houses (near the Swim Club), 17 Row Homes on 3.3 Acres, Section 13, Blackberry Township, Geneva School District #304 and Geneva Park District (attached)
8. Environmental Resources
9. Water Resources
A. Approval: Cost-Share 2019-001 - Campton Tile Replacement
10. Office of Community Reinvestment
A. Presentation: HUD Continuum of Care Funding Awards (attached)
11. New Business
12. Reports Placed On File
13. Executive Session (If Needed)
14. Settler's Hill End Use Update
A. Resolution: Approving a Contract for Settlers Hill Cross Country Course with Curran Contracting Company, Crystal Lake, IL.
15. Adjournment