City of Aurora Airport Advisory Committee met April 16.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
I. Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Armbruster.
II. Members Present: Mr. Armbruster, Mr. Koster, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Baker, Mr. Lieser, Mr. Dorf,
Mr. Rudigier, Mr. Fank
Members Excused: Mr. Davis
Members Absent: Mr. Bonifas
Reps Present: Mr. Langerveld
Others Present: Kyle Peabody, Luke Grotto, Mike Warner, Amy Maveus
III. A motion was made by Mr. Lieser, seconded by Mr. Wolf, to accept the minutes of the February 12,
2018 meeting of the Airport Advisory Board. The motion carried unanimously.
IV. Committee Reports
A. Finance – No report
B. Planning and Ops – No report
V. Old Business
A. Sugar Grove Update – Mr. Wolf reported Anytime Fitness has started construction.
B. Draft Airport Rate Study – No report
C. Drone Business Opportunities – No report. To be removed from agenda.
D. Airfield Signage Project – Mr. Peabody reported D-Construction plans to begin the project
on May 7, 2018. The project is scheduled to take 48 days. There will be phased airfield
closures during construction. CMT, D-Construction, control tower personnel and airport
administration will meet to discuss planned closures. A notice detailing phasing of closures
will be emailed to airport tenants.
E. Airport Entrance Sign – No report
F. Sugar Grove Park District (Ball Field Sale) – Mr. Armbruster reported the closing on the
property is scheduled to take place soon. Mr. Koster questioned the sale of the Harner
property. Mr. Armbruster and Mr. Peabody reminded the board of the additional parcels
that were included in the land release to be sold.
G. ALCMS – Mr. Peabody reported the project is out for bid on the IDOT letting. Bids are due
on April 27, 2018. Only one bid packet has been picked up. CMT reached out to
approximately 20 additional aviation contractors in hopes more than one bid will be turned
in. The project will take approximately two weeks and should be done this calendar year.
VI. New Business
A. Eclipse Aerospace – Mr. Armbruster provided background to the board regarding Eclipse
Aerospace. Eclipse desires to move from Chicago Executive Airport to Aurora. The board was
provided with a copy of the proposed limited operator agreement between the City of
Aurora and Eclipse Aerospace to review. Concern was raised over the volume of aircraft
traffic this would create on the east ramp. Discussion took place. Additional concerns were
raised over the non-airworthy aircraft currently parked at the airport. The board was
informed that Mr. Andras is currently working with the City of Aurora Law Department and
airport businesses in the removal of these aircraft. A motion was made by Mr. Koster,
seconded by Mr. Fank, that the advisory committee recommends that city hall approve
Eclipse coming to the airport and that the advisory committee also would like city hall to
address the non-airworthy aircraft. The motion carried unanimously.
VII. Other Business
A. JA Top 5% FBO in AIN Survey – Mr. Fank reported that JA ranked in the top 5% of FBOs in
the nation in the AIN survey.
B. CABAA – Mr. Koster questioned why the Aurora Airport was not listed on the panel for the
upcoming CABAA meeting taking place on April 19, 2018. It was explained to Mr. Koster that
there was a calendar conflict preventing Steve Andras from being able to attend this year.
C. Leaking Fuel Tanks – Mr. Koster questioned the reports about leaking fuel tanks on the
airport contaminating the ground. Mr. Armbruster reported the tanks in question have been
removed and other items listed on the report of environmental issues have all been
resolved by the business owner. A NFR (no further remediation) is being requested from the
D. Mr. Grotto – Mr. Grotto offered his assistance in helping with the removal of non-airworthy
A motion was made by Mr. Wolf, seconded by Mr. Rudigier, to adjourn the April 16, 2018 meeting of the
Aurora Municipal Airport Advisory Board at 6:31 p.m. The motion carried unanimously