Jennifer Baerren, Ward 1 Alderworman | City of Batavia Website
Jennifer Baerren, Ward 1 Alderworman | City of Batavia Website
City of Batavia Committee of the Whole will meet March 10
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Roll Call
2. Reminder: Please speak directly into microphone for BATV recording
3. Approve Minutes February 25, 2025
4. Items Removed/Added/Changed
5. Matters from the Public (For Items NOT on Agenda)
6. Consent Agenda:
(The consent agenda is made up of items recommended by city staff that require recommendation to the full City Council by the Cow. This agenda is placed as a separate item of the COW agenda. The items on the consent agenda are usually minor items, already budgeted, standard non-policy activities or outgrowths of earlier meetings and are voted on as a “package” in the interest of saving time on non-controversial issues. However, any council member may, by simple request, have an item removed and placed on the “regular” agenda.).
a. Approval: COW Executive Session Minutes from February 11, 2025 – a. Personnel and b. Purchase of Real Estate
b. Resolution 2025-042-R: Resolution Approving the 2025 Zoning Map (DMR 3/3/25) CD
c. Resolution 2025-035-R: Approving a Contract with Electric Conduit Construction Company to Install Electric Conduits under the Railroad Track at Raddant Road BNSF Crossing for an amount not to exceed $355,025 (RB 3/7/25) PU
d. Resolution 2025-045-R: Authorizing Payment for Finance Software Maintenance (TD 3/6/25) GS
e. Resolution 2025-044-R: Authorizing the Execution of Task Order No. 16 with Allen Pepa Architects for Professional Engineering and Architectural Services for Fire Station #2 Mechanical Upgrades (SH 3/5/25) CS
f. Resolution 2025-043-R: Authorizing Execution of a One-Year Contract with Clauss Brothers, Inc. for 2025 Code Enforcement Abatement for Lawn Mowing (JA 3/5/25) CD
g. Resolution 2025-037-R: Designating Authority as Banking Agents (PC) GS
7. Discussion: Peace Bridge Bike Ramp (RB)
8. Ordinance 2025-016: Amendment to the Official Zoning Map for Multiple Properties at 505, 615, 621, 705, 723, 741, 749, 757, 801 Pine Street, and 937 South Raddant Road (ZE 3/6/2025) CD
9. Resolution 2025-036-R: Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision Approval for Hemming Subdivision (403 North Avenue & 420 Maple Lane) – Travis Hemming, Applicant (DMR 3/?/25) CD
10. Ordinance 2025-017: Approving a Plat of Vacation for a Portion of Maple Lane (DMR 3/7/25) CD
11. Resolution 2025-040-R: Authorizing Execution of Task Order No. 52 with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. for Construction Engineering Services of the Year 3 Lead Service Line Replacement Project (JB 3/6/25) PU
12. Resolution 2024-041-R: Authorizing Execution of the Notice of Intent to Award the Year 3 Lead and Galvanized Steel Water Service Line Replacement Project to Miller Pipeline, LLC (JB 3/6/25) PU
13. Discussion: Illinois House Bill 5021 – Municipal and Cooperative Electric Utility Planning and Transparency Act (GH)
14. Project Status
15. Other
16. Adjournment