There are 44 inmates sentenced to jail in Kane County set to be released from the custody of the Illinois Department of Corrections during the first quarter of 2023.
The Geneva City Council heard an update from the city's Mental health Board on the importance of "prioritizing mental health" during the regular council Meeting on Dec. 5.
The village of South Elgin board of trustees heard a presentation about the funding options that may be available for the construction of a new police station and awarded a $14.5-million construction contract for its completion.
The Bartlett Village Board of Trustees recognized the 85th anniversary of the Bartlett Women’s Club with a proclamation presented by Village Trustee President Kevin Wallace during a recent meeting.
There are six inmates sentenced to jail in Kane County set to be released from the custody of the Illinois Department of Corrections during the week ending Dec. 17.
As workplaces and organizations strive to become more welcoming to all team members and the public: internal discussions, trainings and policies/procedures regarding diversity, inclusivity and allyship become even more important.