Christopher Solfa, Ward 1 Alderman | City of Batavia Website
Christopher Solfa, Ward 1 Alderman | City of Batavia Website
City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met Feb. 25
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Roll Call:
Present: Barazza, Lanci, Beck, Pieper, Malone, Wolff, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Uher, Vogelsinger
Absent: Solfa*, Malay*, Cerone*
Also Present: Mayor Schielke, Laura Newman, Max Weiss, Wendy Bednarek, Andrea Podraza, Gary Holm, Scott Buening, Jeff Albertson, Fire Chief Craig Hanson, Police Chief Eric Blowers, Ellyn Theis.
2. Reminder: Please Speak Directly Into Microphone For BATV Recording
3. Approve Minutes For: February 11 2025
Motion: Approve minutes
Maker: Uher
Second: Ajazi
Voice Vote: 11-0, 3 Absent, Motion Carries
4. Items Removed/added/changed
Motion: Move items d and e from Consent Agenda to the Regular Agenda
Maker: Uher
Second: Ajazi
Voice Vote: 11-0, 3 Absent, Motion Carries
5. Matters From The Public (For Items NOT On Agenda)
6. Consent Agenda:
a. Resolution 2025-030-R: Authorizing purchase of Software Server Licenses from SHI International (HC 02/14/2025)
b. Ordinance 2025-012: Annexing Property at 02S690 South Raddant Road (SCB 2/3/25) CD
c. Resolution 2025-032-R: Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Mutual Release of Claims with Vega Building Maintenance for Termination of Renewable Contract (SH 02/19/25) CS
d. (7a) Resolution 2025-033-R: Authorizing Approval of a Budget Amendment in the amount of $113,507.00 from the Public Works Capital Fleet Budget (SH 2/19/25) CS
e. (7b) Resolution 2025-034-R: Authorization to Purchase of one truck chassis from Rush Truck Center of Springfield, IL (SH 2/19/25) CS
Motion: Approve Consent Agenda as Presented
Maker: Beck
Second: Uher
Voice Vote: 11-0, 3 Absent, Motion Carries
7. Motion To Approve Of A Request For Proposals For Removal And Relocation Of The Tin Shop Building At 106 N River Street (SCB 2/18/25) CD
*Ald. Solfa joined the meeting at 7:09pm
Two primary options were presented by Scott Buening: first, an RFP would be issued to explore relocating or dismantling the building, allowing interested parties a 30-day period to submit low or zero-cost proposals. If no viable offers emerge, a subsequent RFP would be issued for the building’s demolition and site clearing.
The urgency of this decision stems from plans to construct public restrooms on the site, which must be completed or at least contracted by the end of the year to utilize allocated funding. Council members debated whether to approve both RFPs simultaneously or stagger them, with concerns about timing and public interest playing a role in the discussion. City staff clarified that any additional utility work would be handled separately.
Motion: Approve Request as Presented
Maker: Ajazi
Second: Baerren
Roll Call Vote
Aye: Barazza, Lanci, Beck, Pieper, Malone, Solfa, Wolff, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Uher,
Nay: None
12-0, 2 Absent, Motion Carries
7a. Resolution 2025-033-R: Authorizing Approval of a Budget Amendment in the amount of $113,507.00 from the Public Works Capital Fleet Budget (SH 2/19/25) CS
*Ald. Cerone joined the meeting at 7:15pm
Gary Holm discussed a budget amendment related to the delayed acquisition of truck chassis originally ordered in December 2022 through the Illinois State purchase process. Due to global supply chain disruptions, the three chassis were significantly delayed and are now scheduled for manufacturing in late 2025.
Given the city's ongoing need for replacement vehicles, council members considered purchasing one chassis now for a planned 2026 truck replacement, as it would cost $155,000 less than recently acquired alternatives. The amendment was necessary since the purchase was not included in the 2025 budget, requiring a cash flow adjustment to secure the chassis in advance.
Motion: Approve Resolution as Presented
Maker: Uher
Second: Solfa
Voice Vote: 13-0, 1 Absent, Motion Carries
7b. Resolution 2025-034-R: Authorization to Purchase of one truck chassis from Rush Truck Center of Springfield, IL (SH 2/19/25) CS
Motion: Approve Resolution as Presented
Maker: Uher
Second: Solfa
Voice Vote: 13-0, 1 Absent, Motion Carries
8. Motion To Approve Of A Request For Proposals For Demolition, Backfill, Grading And Seeding Of The Tin Shop Building Site At 106 N River Street (SCB 2/18/25) CD
The council approved a resolution to purchase a truck chassis from Rush Truck Center of Springfield, Illinois. Following this, they discussed issuing an RFP for the demolition, backfilling, grading, and seeding of the tin shop building site at 106 North River Street. Questions arose about whether city staff or contractors would handle utility and site preparation work for the planned public restroom. Some members debated whether seeding the site was necessary if the restroom installation would follow soon after. However, compliance with erosion control regulations requires temporary seeding if the land remains exposed. The council considered adding alternate bid options to accommodate different project timelines.
Motion: Approve Request as Presented
Maker: Uher
Second: Ajazi
Voice Vote: 13-0, 1 Absent, Motion Carries
9. Resolution 2025-029-R: Authorizing Approval For Police Authorized Tow Contracts (EB 2/25/25) CS
*Ald. Malay joined the meeting at 8:00pm
Chief Blowers requested approval of a new police towing contract, which would add Rivera’s Towing as a fourth vendor alongside the existing three—Dazzo’s, Duke & Lee’s, and Certified Towing. The towing contracts, which have been in place since 2010, are reviewed periodically. The city does not make or spend money on them but ensures vendors meet response time, location, and service requirements.
Rivera’s Towing was considered for the rotation because it recently moved into the city and made facility improvements to meet the police department’s standards. Additionally, its rates are significantly lower than the existing vendors, which could promote competitive pricing for residents. Evelyn Rivera, representing Rivera’s Towing, spoke about her family's business, which has been operating for nearly 15 years. Originally based in West Chicago, the company sought growth opportunities but was unable to expand there due to restrictions on adding new vendors. This led them to move into Batavia, where they have been welcomed and hope to contribute by offering their services.
Ald. Malone suggested that if the city wants to limit tow vendors to three, it would stand to reason to replace a higher-cost company with the lower-cost Rivera’s Towing. If the city allows four vendors, it could set that as a cap and consider switching out companies in the future based on cost.
Lincoln, representing Duke & Lees, explained that local operators set fair rates to prevent overcharging and ensure fairness for customers. He argued that with towing demand down across multiple cities, adding a fourth vendor isn’t necessary right now. While they support giving new companies opportunities, they believe existing businesses have already invested in equipment and services and shouldn’t be negatively impacted when demand is low.
Ald. Solfa argued that the process for selecting tow vendors needs to be revised, suggesting the city should consider setting a cap or implementing a bidding process instead of simply approving companies that meet basic requirements. He saw no clear reason to add a fourth vendor at this time and believed the current system should be improved before the next RFP to avoid similar issues in the future. He opposed adding the new vendor.
Motion: Approve Resolution as Presented
Maker: Malone
Second: Cerone
Roll Call
Aye: Barazza, Lani, Beck, Pieper, Malone, Wolff, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Uher, Cerone, Vogelsinger
Nay: Solfa
Abstain: Malay
Voice Vote: 12-1, 1 Abstention, 0 Absent, Motion Carries
10. Resolution 2025-038-R: Authorizing Execution Of A Site Host Agreement With Batavia Public Schools For Level 3 EV Fast Chargers (MW 2/21/25)
Max Weiss presented a $320,000 grant from the Drive Clean Illinois program to install level 3 EV fast chargers at two locations: South Shumway Avenue and Batavia High School. The high school site was chosen because it qualified under census tract requirements, and the school partnered with the city to support environmental initiatives. The fast chargers can fully charge a vehicle in 30-45 minutes and will be publicly accessible 24/7. The city contributed $180,000 in matching funds, mainly through TIF funding for the Shumway site and the general fund for the school location.
Ald. Beck discussed ensuring proper signage and enforcement to prevent non-EV vehicles from occupying the spaces. Council members also explored the economic benefits of attracting EV drivers to local businesses and placing the chargers on national EV charging maps for better visibility. Some questioned whether the high school parking lot was the best location since it is not used year-round, but city officials confirmed that another charger would also be installed downtown on Shumway Avenue to attract visitors.
Additionally, the council praised the city's grant-writing efforts, highlighting that an $18,000 investment in grant writing services resulted in securing $320,000 in funding. They also discussed the need to set charging rates and ensure long-term sustainability as EV usage grows. The grant was confirmed as state-funded under the Clean Energy Jobs Act and is not at risk.
Motion: Approve Resolution as Presented
Maker: Vogelsinger
Second: Ajazi
Voice Vote: 14-0, 0 Absent, Motion Carries
11. Discussion: Single Use Bag Fee Energy Audit And Rebate Program
Ald. Beck is optimistic about the energy audit and rebate program, favoring Sustained Ability Construction (Craig) for its income-based pricing and larger impact per home. While EIP included $30,000 for program development, making their proposal potentially more accurate, she felt Craig closely followed the RFP requirements and was fully capable of setting up the program. She also valued Craig’s local presence, seeing it as a long-term benefit for residents.
Ald. Uher also highlighted the importance of supporting a local business when all other factors are favorable. He noted that the program isn't a long-term commitment, and adjustments could be made in the future if necessary. Additionally, he addressed conflict-of-interest concerns, confirming that Craig would not perform rebate-funded improvement work, allowing homeowners the flexibility to choose their own contractors. Ald. Baerren supported focusing the program on lower-income residents but cautioned that many may not have the funds to immediately implement energy upgrades. She noted that even higher-income individuals often need to budget over time for such improvements. While the program could help raise awareness and encourage future action, the full impact might take longer to materialize for lower-income participants.
In opposition, there were concerns about the selection of homes to be qualified for this program in a fair and equitable way. Ald. Lanci opposed using home value to determine rebate eligibility, arguing it doesn’t reflect financial need. He preferred a fair lottery system over selective criteria. While he saw benefits in reaching more people with smaller rebates, he favored making a bigger impact per household.
12. Discussion: Single Use Bag Fee Education Campaign
A key takeaway from the previous meeting was that two competing firms found complementary strengths, leading to the idea of combining their efforts. One firm (Orbis Design) specializes in short videos and social media, while the other (Vicarious Multimedia) focuses on PR, website content, and traditional outreach. The city saw potential in using both to maximize impact.
Concerns were raised about messaging strategy, with some members disappointed in the proposals, feeling they lacked a clear approach to persuasion. Others wanted to shift the focus away from general plastic bag awareness toward highlighting the program’s benefits and showing its impact on the community. They emphasized promoting how the collected funds are being used rather than revisiting the original reasons for the program.
13. Executive Session: Personnel
Motion: To Enter Executive Session at 9:00pm
Maker: Solfa
Second: Uher
Roll Call