Corinne Pierog, County Board Chairman | Kane County
Corinne Pierog, County Board Chairman | Kane County
Kane County Administration Committee met Feb. 14
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
KIOUS, Juby, Arroyo, Berman, Garcia, Gumz, Young, ex-officios Roth (County Vice Chair) and Pierog (County Chair)
2025 Committee Goals
• Invest in the county capital assets through the Five-Year Capital Plan using capital and American Rescue Plan funding to replace major mechanical systems including heating, air conditioning, fire safety, and water systems identified for replacement by condition assessments.
• Invest in scheduled lifecycle replacement of county computer systems, network infrastructure, and telephone systems.
• Upgrade and maintain all county software, applications, and databases to provide continuity of operations for the county offices and departments and the visiting public.
• Provide a secure computing and online environment for the county offices and departments and the visiting public.
• Update and maintain the Five-Year Capital Plan, Facilities Condition Assessments, and Building Utilization Assessments.
• Promote the county’s ability to license fiber optic network infrastructure assets for the development of Kane County.
1. Call To Order
2. Roll Call
3. Remote Attendance Requests
4. Approval of Minutes: January 15, 2025
5. Public Comment
6. Finance Report
A. Monthly Finance Reports
7. Executive Director's Report (R. Fahnestock)
A. Presentation: Kane County Facilities Planning
8. Building Management (R. Fahnestock)
A. Presentation: Kane County Electric Program
B. Resolution: Authorizing a Contract Extension for Architect, Engineer, and Construction Manager Services Contract(s) with Wight & Company, Healy Bender, Patton & Been, Inc., and Helmuth, Obata & Kassabuam, Inc. (HOK) (RFQ# 42-020)
9. Information Technology (C. Lasky)
A. Resolution: Authorizing Execution of a Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement and Other Documents Necessary to Participate in a Purchasing Cooperative with AT&T and Authorizing the Purchase of Telecommunications Services Under SAID Agreement by Kane County
B. Resolution: Authorizing Contract Extension for Low Voltage Data Cabling and Structured Network Cable Engineering Services with Blade Electric & Technologies
10. Mill Creek SSA (R. Fahnestock)
11. Vehicles
A. Resolution: Approving the Purchase of Seven Replacement Vehicles For the Kane County Sheriff’s Office
12. New Business
A. Resolution: Repealing Resolution 22-439 Authorizing the Combining of the Positions of Executive Director of Information Technologies and Executive Director of Building Management
13. Old Business
14. Reports Placed On File
15. Executive Session (if needed)
16. Adjournment