
Kane County Reporter

Thursday, February 13, 2025

City of Batavia Active Transportation Advisory Commission met Feb. 10

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Leah Leman, Ward 2 Alderwoman | City of Batavia Website

Leah Leman, Ward 2 Alderwoman | City of Batavia Website

City of Batavia Active Transportation Advisory Commission met Feb. 10 

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:



Review and Approval of Minutes

Old Business

1. Bike and Ped Plan Construction Status - Gary H.

New Business

1. Options for bike/ped crossing - Gary H.

2. Location for bike/ped counting equipment - Josh

3. BATAC Strategic Plan - Liam

4. Commission positions - Josh

5. Swag Options - Kim

6. BATAC Planning Calendar - Jared

Future Topics
