Alan Wolff, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Batavia Website
Alan Wolff, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Batavia Website
City of Batavia City Council met Jan. 6
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Ald. Malay led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Aldermen in attendance at roll: Barraza (7), Lanci (6), Beck (5), Pieper (4), Malone (3), Wolff (2), Solfa (1), Bearren (1), Leman (2), Malay (4), Vogelsinger (7).
Attending remotely: none
4. REMINDER: Please Speak Into The Microphone For BATV Recording
Ald. Uher arrived at 7:03 pm
none seen
Accept and Place on File:
A. Committee of the Whole Minutes November 12, 2024 and November 26, 2024
B. Plan Commission Minutes November 20, 2024
C. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes November 25, 2024
D. December 20, 2024 Payroll $1,109,622.66
E. Accounts Payable Check Register $7,523,581.48
F. City Council Minutes for December 16, 2024
G. APPROVAL: City Council Executive Session Minutes August 19, 2024, September 3, 2024, September 16, 2024 and October 7, 2024
H. RESOLUTION 2025-001-R: Authorizing Renewing a Contract for the Association for Individual Development (A.I.D.) Victim Services for a Full-Time In-House Social Worker (MJ)
Ald. Beck read aloud the Consent Agenda.
Motion by Ald. Beck, seconded by Ald. Solfa, to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried 13 yea/ 0 nay/ 1 absent.
7. MATTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: (For Items NOT On The Agenda)
Tom Viorin of the Viorin Group rose to address the Council. He shared a document regarding “continuous improvement,” a business philosophy that involves making regular, incremental improvements to products, services, or processes. He spoke about the value of applying continuous improvement philosophy to City administration and encouraged the Council to reach out with questions.
Mayor Schielke suggested that Viorin return to the topic at a more general Committee of the Whole meeting.
8. PRESENTATION: Honoring Police Chief Shawn Mazza for 26 years of Service with the Batavia Police Department
Mayor Schielke presented a proclamation for Chief Shawn Mazza. The proclamation commended Chief Mazza’s 25 year career, innovative and community focused programs, department adoption of the Ten Shared Principals, and enhancement of officer and staff training, development, and personal and professional wellbeing.
January 14th will be recognized as Chief Shawn Mazza Day.
Motion by Ald. Wolf , seconded by Ald. Malay, to approve the proclamation as read.
Motion carried 13 yea/ 0 nay/ 1 absent.
Administrator Newman said that Chief Mazza has been a steadfast member of the City of Batavia and a role model.
Chief Mazza offered his thanks for the opportunity to serve Batavia as a police officer. He thanked officers he has served with over the years, the records staff and civilian employees, and TriCom and the Fire Department. He commended officers who have responded to traumatic events and thanked them for their work. He thanked the City staff who work together to make Batavia a successful city. He thanked the City administration for the opportunity to help make Batavia Joann Miller, the administrative assistant. He expressed his confidence in Eric Blowers, Mike Johnson and Gary LaBarbera.
9. OATH OF OFFICE: Chief of Police Eric Blowers
Administrator Laura Newman introduced Eric Blowers, who will be taking the role of Chief of Police. He has come up through the ranks of Batavia police department. She shared that Blowers joined the department in 2007, and reviewed his previous roles, qualifications, and commendations.
Mayor Schielke administered the Oath of Office.
Chief Blowers offered his thanks and said that the people of Batavia are what make the job special. He thanked the officers and staff of the department. He thanked former Batavia Chief Uhl for support and guidance. He thanked Chief Mazza for his visionary leadership. He thanked his family for their support.
10. OATH OF OFFICE: Deputy Police Chief Gary LaBarbera
Administrator Newman introduced Detective Sergeant Gary LaBarbera, who has been with the department for 20 years. She spoke about LaBarbera’s service and qualifications.
Mayor Schielke administered the Oath of Office.
Deputy Chief LaBarbera addressed the community and said he loves working with the City and the police department. He thanked his wife, and said that it can be difficult to be married to an officer. He thanked the leaders of the department, past and present, who have given him support and guidance. He promised to leave Batavia a better place.
President Maragaret Perrault delivered her report on the recent and upcoming activities of the Batavia Chamber of Commerce. During the holiday season, the Chamber sold $20,120 in Chamber Bucks and donated an additional $5,000, a direct injection of cash into the Batavia community.
A new 2025 Chamber Guide and Membership Directory has been released, along with a calendar of upcoming events and an “At-a-Glance” review of accomplishments that took place during 2024. The Spirit of Batavia Award winner is Batavia MainStreet. The Impact Award winner is the Peace Initiative. The Ole Award winner is Sturdy Shelter.
She played a video highlighting Sturdy Shelter, her guests for the evening. She introduced Oliver Bulley, General Manager, and Frank and Diane Mercadante, Head Brewer and Communication Director respectively.
The company earned a bronze medal in 2024 from the World Beer Cup for their “Wilson Street Dunkel.” Oliver spoke about the plans for the future of the space and expressed his intent to be a good community partner for the City and the people of Batavia.
Mayor Schielke expressed his gratitude and appreciation that the business has located in Batavia and has taken care of the historic building where they are based.
Administrator Newman delivered her report on the recent and upcoming initiatives of the City of Batavia, including the riverbank stabilization project. The City is seeking recognition as a “Salt Smart” City for intentional use of salt to maintain so many miles of road during icy conditions.
Kane County recently recognized the Downtown Plan as “Plan of the Year.” Phil Bus received an award for his 50 years of service in Kane County towards planning in the communities. In public works, the local APWA chapter recognized the Bliss, Main, and Fabyan Intersection Improvement project with Public Works Project of the Year in the Transportation. This creates an opportunity to submit that project to the regional chapter of APWA for consideration.
None seen.
Mayor Schielke delivered his report. He recently received a visitor returning to Batavia after many years living elsewhere. His visitor noted the incredible change and progress visible in the area in the last 50 years.
Motion by Ald. Solfa, seconded by Ald. Wolf , to adjourn. Motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.