Mike Bruno, 1st Ward Alderman | City of Geneva
Mike Bruno, 1st Ward Alderman | City of Geneva
City of Geneva Committee of the Whole met Dec. 16
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Elected Officials Present: Mayor Burns, Ald. Bruno, Ald. Hruby, Ald. Kilburg, Ald. Kosirog, Ald. Malecki, Ald. Marks, Ald. Mayer, Ald. Paschke, Ald. Swanson, Clerk Kellick.
Elected Officials Attending by Teleconference: Ald. Bowring.
Elected Officials Absent: None.
Others Present: City Admin. Dawkins, Asst. City Admin. McCready, City Attny. Sandack, Dir. Babica, Dir. Kruse.
Others attending by video or teleconference: None.
Call to Order
Mayor Burns, serving as chair for Ald. Bowring, called the meeting to order at 7:22 PM noting all council members were present with Ald. Bowring attending remotely.
Approve Committee of the Whole Minutes from December 2, 2024
Moved by Ald. Swanson, seconded by Ald. Mayer.
MOTION CARRIED by voice vote 10-0.
Items of Business
Facilities Community Engagement Phase 3 Update and Discussion.
Ed Sullivan presented the findings from Phase 3 of the update. He explained that 500 phone survey responses were received with 90% of respondents rating the City favorably. Additionally, the community committee met on December 10. He noted that the public was split fairly evenly between the three funding options presented with only 5% separating the top choice of Option 3 from the bottom choice of Option 1. As a result, no clear consensus emerged from Phase 3, which Mr. Sullivan noted was not uncommon. He also noted that the community supports home rule. He did note that community education and engagement would be important in terms of the funding issue’s success on the upcoming ballot. If responses are tepid, he suggested putting the issue on the 2026 ballot.
Discussion took place among the Committee with Mr. Sullivan pointing out that robust education of the public would require the entire City Council to educate the Chamber of Commerce, Realtors, senior communities and other stakeholders. He noted that there is a chance that with a delay in putting this issue on the ballot, the costs involved could increase which makes this a more favorable action for the April ballot.
The consensus at the end of discussion and questions was not to put the question of home rule on the April ballot. At the January 6 Committee of the Whole meeting, Admin. Dawkins would provide further information for option 3 as well as option 2 with modifications for the Committee to consider.
Consider Resolution Executing Eighth Amendment to Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Electric Capacity and Energy between WM Illinois Renewable Energy, LLC and City of Geneva.
Moved by Ald. Mayer, seconded by Ald. Paschke.
MOTION CARRIED by voice vote 10-0.
Public Comment
New Business
Closed Session on Pending Litigation (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)
Moved by Ald. Marks, seconded by Ald. Swanson to enter into closed session.
AYES: 10 (Bowring, Bruno, Hruby, Kilburg, Kosirog, Malecki, Marks, Mayer, Paschke, Swanson)
MOTION CARRIED to enter into closed session at 9:22 p.m.
Moved by Ald. Marks, seconded by Ald. Swanson to return to open session.
AYES: 10 (Bowring, Bruno, Hruby, Kilburg, Kosirog, Malecki, Marks, Mayer, Paschke, Swanson)
MOTION CARRIED to return to open session at 9:35 p.m.
On a motion by Ald. Marks, the meeting was adjourned by unanimous voice vote at 9:35 PM.