Anaïs Bowring, 1st Ward Alderman | City of Geneva
Anaïs Bowring, 1st Ward Alderman | City of Geneva
City of Geneva Committee of the Whole met Jan. 6
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Approve Committee of the Whole Minutes from December 16, 2024
3. Items of Business
a. Consider Draft Resolution Authorizing a Contract with Dahm Mechanical Industries, Inc. for Kautz Road Lift Station Improvements in an Amount Not to Exceed $610,377.76.
b. Consider Draft Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Ultraviolet Lamps, Sleeves, and O-Rings from Xylem Water Solutions in the Amount of $30,980.00.
c. Consider Draft Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of a Bobcat Model PA450 Air Compressor from O’Leary’s Equipment in the Amount of $70,923.07 through Sourcewell Contract 020923-CEC and Declare Unit #1024 Ingersoll-Rand Compressor as Surplus Property.
d. Consider Draft Ordinance Providing for and Requiring the Submission of the Proposition of Issuing General Obligation Bonds to the Voters of the City of Geneva, Kane County, Illinois, at the Consolidated Election to Be Held on the 1st Day of April, 2025.
4. Public Comment
When recognized by the Chair, proceed to the podium, state your name for the record, and provide your public comments. Please understand this is your time to be heard and the public body’s time to listen. No discussion or debate will follow.
5. New Business
6. Adjournment