
Kane County Reporter

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Kane County Forest Preserve District Commission met Jan. 11


Kane County Forest Preserve District Commission met Jan. 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order

The Forest Preserve District Commission meeting was held at 9:00 AM at Kane County Government Center, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. A, Geneva, IL 60134. The meeting was opened by President Chris Kious at 9:00 AM.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

President Kious asked Exec. Dir. Monica Meyers to lead the pledge.

III. Roll Call Status

Commissioner Dale Berman Present

Commissioner David Brown Present

Commissioner Drew Frasz Present

Commissioner Michael Kenyon Present

President Chris Kious Present

Commissioner Bill Lenert Present

Commissioner Anita Lewis Present

Commissioner John Martin Present

Commissioner Jarett Sanchez Present

Commissioner Clifford Surges Present

Commissioner Vern Tepe Present

Commissioner Barbara Wojnicki Present

Commissioner Deborah Allan Present*(via remote @ 9:04 a.m.)

Commissioner Mavis Bates Present*

Commissioner Mark Davoust Present*

Commissioner Ron Ford Present*(via remote @ 9:03 a.m.)

Commissioner Michelle Gumz Present*

Commissioner Mo Iqbal Present*

Commissioner Tom Koppie Present*(via remote @ 9:04 a.m.)

Commissioner Myrna Molina Present*

Commissioner Kenneth Shepro Present*(via remote @ 9:03 a.m.)

Commissioner Monica Silva Present*

Commissioner Cherryl Strathmann Present*

Board Member Todd Wallace Present*(via remote @ 9:05 a.m.)

Others Present:

Also Present: Exec. Dir. Meyers; CFO Stanish & staff Petschke*; Chief of Planning Anderson Jr.; Dir. of Ops. Goreth; NRM Dir. Haberthur* & staff Rodeghero*; Dir. of Comm. Affairs Metanchuk* & staff Kovach; HR Dir. Yee*; Chief of Police & Public Safety Dir. Burger; Attorney Hodge; Recording Secretary Figliozzi; KCIT Peters, Thompson and members of the press and public.

IV. Public Comment (Each Speaker is limited to 3 minutes)


V. Presentation and Approval of the Minutes of December 14, 2021


MOVER: Dale Berman, Commissioner

SECONDER: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Deborah Allan, Ron Ford, Tom Koppie, Kenneth C. Shepro, Todd Wallace

PRESENT: Clifford Surges

VI. Presentation and Approval of the Bills and Commissioners' Per Diem for December 2021


MOVER: Barbara Wojnicki, Commissioner

SECONDER: Mavis Bates, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Deborah Allan, Ron Ford, Tom Koppie, Kenneth C. Shepro, Todd Wallace

VII. Agreements

FP-R-22-01-2927 Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with GolfVisions Management, Inc. to Manage the Hughes Creek and Settler's Hill Golf Courses

Exec. Dir. Meyers presented the current contract with GolfVisions, she explained the modifications, including revised language in the capital maintenance expectations with a required annual report.

DISCUSSION: Commissioner Lenert commented that he was pleased with the progress made at the Settler's Hill Golf Course, noting it is a great asset for the District. He stated his concern with the contract, agreeing to a three-year without going out to bid for a request for proposal (RFP) is not fulfilling the fiduciary responsibility to our tax payers. He felt that this resolution should be held for 60 days.

Commissioner Lenert further expressed his concern with the contract stating that the Commission does not have anything to compare to, therefore there is no way to know if the numbers presented were the best deal offered. He stated that he felt the Committee structure had been violated. The consensus of the November Finance and Administration Committee, was to not move forward with the three year contract, however, it was brought to the Executive Committee presented and voted on to move into the Full Commission.

Commissioner Lenert moved to postpone the contract for 60 days and send out an RFP. Commissioner Shepro seconded the motion.

DISCUSSION ON THE MOTION TO POSTPONE: Commissioner Brown asked if the Board were to postpone the current contract for 60 days and send out an RFP, what would happen to the offer. Commissioner Shepro noted that this would require a further decision if there are no other proposals.

Attorney Hodge responded that it is all dependent of any other offers. He noted that GolfVisions is not bound at this point. Commissioner Shepro asked that if anyone is eligible to submit a proposal, including the current vendor, why the District is not required to do so. Attorney Hodge explained that the agreement is with a management company, revenue generator, not an expenditure, so it is not a requirement.

President Kious clarified that the Finance and Administration Committee’s consensus was to move forward with a one year proposal. He wanted to present all the options, one year, and the three year with additional extensions to the full board.

Commissioner Bates asked if the additional 60 days would jeopardize the agreement now. Exec. Dir. Meyers responded that yes, and if the District agreed to a one year agreement only and sent out an RFP, GolfVisions would not cover certain expenses. The Three year agreement covered those expenses.

Commissioner Davoust commented that he agreed with Commissioner Lenert, noting that he was disturbed that the Committee did not continue with the consensus at the Finance and Administration Committee meeting. He felt that the Board needs to be consistent and follow through with the decisions. The one year could have provided enough coverage for further options to be reviewed.

Commissioner Frasz explained that GolfVisions would now be in a disadvantage because the proposal has been published. Also, the timing for the season is not in favor since most companies have already set their schedules for the spring rush. He stated he was in favor for today’s proposal.

Commissioner Tepe was not in favor of the 1 year contract at the Finance and Administration Committee. He stated that he was not in agreement with delaying the proposal and felt that the board should move forward and approve the contract today.

Commissioner Kenyon felt that it is in the best interest of the District to move forward with the proposal now, as he could not imagine any vendors bidding on this now. He also noted that this project is not complete, it would be more along the lines of a 2 ½ year contract. Commissioner Surges questioned the requirements regarding an RFP. Attorney Hodge clarified, that the difference is that this is not an expenditure, this is a renewal to a management license agreement.

Commissioner Martin stated that he understood the time crunch, he noted that the board could have decided to put this out for RFP in the fall, however it did not happen, and felt this was not the time to do it now.

Commissioner Strathmann stated that the observation of the 2 ½ years made by Commissioner Kenyon was the right idea, she noted that she was not in favor of the 1- year proposal, as the time goes by very quickly. She was in support of moving forward with the proposal presented.

Commissioner Shepro felt troubled that the procedural rules could get swept aside due to timing not being favorable. He presumed that the resolution presented would pass with reasons stated within the discussion. However, he felt this was not followed in the correct manner.

Exec. Dir. Meyers clarified that the timing was not due to waiting, rather the ongoing construction of the course. Due to the construction, there were many elements that could not be included in an RFP simply because of the phasing of project. Some information was not available in the fall. Conceptual items have recently been drawn (connections to the new driving range/hole #1).

Commissioner Gumz requested clarification on the threshold and requirements for an RFP. Attorney Hodge responded that the District is governed by the Downstate Forest Preserve Act, which differs from Kane County Government’s regulations. According to the District’s purchasing ordinance, any expenditure that needs the approval of the Commission would be over $25,000.

President Kious called for the vote on the motion to postpone the agreement for 60 days.


MOVER: Bill Lenert, Commissioner

SECONDER: Kenneth C. Shepro, Commissioner

NAYS: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, , Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Barbara Wojnicki

AYES: Ron Ford, Mo Iqbal, Bill Lenert, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Todd Wallace

President Kious called for the motion to approve the Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with GolfVisions Management, Inc. to Manage the Hughes Creek and Settler's Hill Golf Courses



MOVER: Dale Berman, Commissioner

SECONDER: Michelle Gumz, Commissioner

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, , Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, , Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, , Vern Tepe, Barbara Wojnicki,

NAYS: Ron Ford, Mo Iqbal, Bill Lenert, Kenneth C. Shepro, Clifford Surges, Todd Wallace

VIII. Appointments

FP-R-22-01-2928 Resolution Approving the 2022 Organization Officers and Committees Roster



MOVER: Dale Berman, Commissioner

SECONDER: Jarett Sanchez, Commissioner

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Barbara Wojnicki, Todd Wallace

IX. New or Unfinished Business

A. Presentation and Approval of the REVISED Forest Preserve District's 2022 Committee Meeting Schedule

Exec. Dir. Meyers explained the change in the annual calendar for the Executive Committee meeting from June 2, 2022 to June 9, 2022.



MOVER: Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon

SECONDER: Bill Lenert, Commissioner

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Barbara Wojnicki, Todd Wallace

B. Presentation and Approval of the Closed Session Minutes of December 2019 through December 2021

The Full Commission of the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, Illinois has reviewed the minutes of Closed Sessions pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2.06 and has made a determination as to whether the need for confidentiality still exists as to all or part of those minutes which have not been fully made public. The Committee has determined that the need for confidentiality still exists as to the Closed Session minutes of 04/14/2020, 10/13/2020, 11/10/2020, 02/09/2021, 03/09/2021 and 08/10/2021. The Committee has determined that there is no longer a need for confidentiality as to all or part of the Closed Session minutes of (none).

DISCUSSION: Exec. Dir. Meyers stated that the Closed Session Minutes will continue to be redacted at this time. There were no minutes to be released. Brief discussion occurred.


MOVER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner

SECONDER: Mark Davoust, Commissioner

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Barbara Wojnicki, Todd Wallace

NAYS: Kenneth C. Shepro

X. Ordinances

FP-O-22-01-0581 Approval of the Restated Organization Ordinance

The Organization is defined within the Downstate Forest Preserve Act and therefore complies with the provisions and is recognized by judicial notice as organized under this act. To meet all necessary compliance, the District reinstates the Organization Ordinance governing the organization and rules of procedure of the Board of Commissioners of the District annually. The original Organization Ordinance was passed on June 14, 1937, and most recently revised on February 9, 2021.



MOVER: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

SECONDER: Deborah Allan, Commissioner

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Barbara Wojnicki, Todd Wallace

XI. Closed Session to Discuss Land Acquisition, Contracts, Litigation, and Personnel None.

XII. Communications


XIII. President's Comments

President Kious commented on the newly awarded accreditation noting pins would be distributed for the Commissioners. President Kious announced Becky Gillam as the new Kane Forest Foundation Chair. He thanked Mark Davoust for all of his efforts in the past year.

XIV. Department Reports for December 2021


MOVER: Dale Berman, Commissioner

SECONDER: Barbara Wojnicki, Commissioner

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Barbara Wojnicki, Todd Wallace

XV. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:53 a.m.


MOVER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner

SECONDER: Dale Berman, Commissioner

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Barbara Wojnicki, Todd Wallace




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