
Kane County Reporter

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Lake County Public Works, Planning & Transportation Committee met July 28


Lake County Public Works, Planning & Transportation Committee met July 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order 

Chair Durkin called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 

2. Pledge of Allegiance 

Chair Durkin led the Pledge of Allegiance 

3. Roll Call of Members

Present 5 -  Member Clark, Chair Durkin, Member Maine, Vice Chair Pedersen and Member  Vealitzek

Absent 2 - Member Wasik and Member Wilke * Electronic Members: Member Wilke 

Others present: 

Shane Schneider, Division of Transportation 

Eric Waggoner, Public Building and Development 

Matt Meyers, County Administrator's Office 

Jim Hawkins, Deputy County Administrator 

Gary Gibson, County Administrator 

J. Kevin Hunter, County Board 

Sydney Dawson, County Board Staff 

Abby Scalf, Communications 

Angela Panateri, Communications  

Alex Carr, Deputy Communications  

Chris Anderson-Sell, Communications 

Maury Corbin, Corbin Design 

Patrice Sutton, Chief Financial Officer 

Paul Frank, Board Member 

Marah Altenberg, Board Member 

Julie Simpson, Board Member 

Mary Ross Cunningham, County Board 

Matthew Emde, Division of Transportation 

Carissa Casbon, Board Member 

Kristy Cechini, County Board Staff 

Walter Willis, SWALCO 

Bailey Wyatt, Communications 

Cassandra Torstenson, County Administrator's Office 

Terry Wilke, Board Member 

Kevin Carrier, Division of Transportation 

Austin McFarlane, Public Works 

Lisle Stalter, States Attorney's office 

John Nelson, Division of Transportation 

Eric Steffen, Planning, Building and Development 

Linda Rubeck, Division of Transportation 

Joseph Arcus, Planning, Building Development 

Arnold Donato, Stormwater Management Commission 

Krista Braun, Planning, Building and Development 

Michael Wheeler, Finance and Administration 

Mary Crain, Division of Transportation 

Chris Blanding, Information Technology 

Robert Springer, Planning, Building and Development 

Mike Klemens, Division of Transportation 

Marina Shteynberg, Division of Transportation 

Al Gietych, Division of Transportation 

Joel Sensenig, Public Works 


Dan Schmanski 

Dawn Keller 

Gail Weil 

K. LaManna 

Phil Hampel 

4. Addenda to the Agenda 

Matt Meyers, Assistant County Administrator, noted an administrative error on item 8.8.  This item is a joint resolution and will be correctly reflected on the Finance and  

Administrative Committee Agenda. 

5. Public Comment (Items not on the agenda) 

6. Chair's Remarks 

Chair Durkin passed on his report to Matt Meyers, Assistant County Administrator, to  provide information on attendance and Board rules. 

Matt Meyers read one public comment that was not on the agenda, which was from Chris  Geiselhart, President HOA regarding open burning. Mr. Geiselhart representing himself,  spoke about having a moratorium on yard waste burning and the effects on the  environment and clean air policy.  

Mr. Meyers briefly went over the board rules and stated that members are to be present  in-person in order to be able to vote. Board Members need to have their reason provided  in advance in writing why they need to appear remotely. Member Wasik stated that he  gave his notice to the Committee Chair for his virtual presence. 

Gary Gibson, County Administrator did confirm that Member Wasik provided notice,  however, the reasoning he gave does not constitute as an excused absence. Mr. Gibson  did divert to the Chair. 

7. Unfinished Business 

8. New Business 

CONSENT AGENDA (Items 8.1 - 8.4) 


8.1 21-1071 

Joint resolution appropriating $806,400 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for maintaining streets  and highways, including utility services, under the applicable Illinois Highway Code,  from December 1, 2021, to November 30, 2022, and $200,000 of Matching Tax funds  for de-icing materials. 

A motion was made by Member Clark, seconded by Member Maine, that Consent  Agenda items 8.1 to 8.4 be approved and referred on to the Financial and  

Administrative Committee. The motion carried by the following roll-call vote: 

Aye: 5 - Member Clark, Chair Durkin, Member Maine, Vice Chair Pedersen and Member  Vealitzek 

Absent: 2 - Member Wasik and Member Wilke 

8.2 21-1072 

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Acura Inc., Bensenville, Illinois, in the  amount of $110,887 for concrete patching on various County highways, which will be  improved under the Illinois Highway Code and appropriating $135,000 of Motor Fuel  Tax funds.

A motion was made by Member Clark, seconded by Member Maine, that Consent  Agenda items 8.1 to 8.4 be approved and referred on to the Financial and  Administrative Committee. The motion carried by the following roll-call vote: 

Aye: 5 - Member Clark, Chair Durkin, Member Maine, Vice Chair Pedersen and Member  Vealitzek 

Absent: 2 - Member Wasik and Member Wilke 

8.3 21-1073 

Joint resolution authorizing a contract for the replacement of a drain tile on Old  McHenry Road, east of US Route 12, to Campanella and Sons, Inc., Wadsworth,  Illinois, in the amount of $63,024.45, and appropriating $80,000 of County Bridge Tax  funds. 

A motion was made by Member Clark, seconded by Member Maine, that Consent  Agenda items 8.1 to 8.4 be approved and referred on to the Financial and  Administrative Committee. The motion carried by the following roll-call vote: 

Aye: 5 - Member Clark, Chair Durkin, Member Maine, Vice Chair Pedersen and Member  Vealitzek 

Absent: 2 - Member Wasik and Member Wilke 

8.4 21-1074 

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Copenhaver Construction, Gilberts, Illinois,  in the amount of $300,077 for the replacement of four culverts underneath the Skokie  Valley Bike Path and appropriating $365,000 of County Bridge Tax funds.

A motion was made by Member Clark, seconded by Member Maine, that Consent  Agenda items 8.1 to 8.4 be approved and referred on to the Financial and  Administrative Committee. The motion carried by the following roll-call vote: 

Aye: 5 - Member Clark, Chair Durkin, Member Maine, Vice Chair Pedersen and Member  Vealitzek 

Absent: 2 - Member Wasik and Member Wilke 


8.5 21-0956 

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Waste Management, Lombard, Illinois, for  refuse collection services for Lake County and the water treatment plant waste residue  collection for the various County Departments in the estimated annual amount of  $142,692.92.

RuthAnne Hall, Finance and Administrative Services, Purchasing Agent presented this  item because Public Works is part of contract and using its enterprise funds for part of this  contract separately. There should be no changes in service.  

Discussion ensued. 

A motion was made by Member Clark, seconded by Member Maine, that this  resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative  Committee. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Member Clark, Chair Durkin, Member Maine, Vice Chair Pedersen and Member  Vealitzek 

Absent: 2 - Member Wasik and Member Wilke 


8.6 21-1075 

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Copenhaver Construction, Gilberts, Illinois,  in the amount of $297,081 for the reconstruction of the Lake County Division of  Transportation’s (LCDOT) visitor parking lot, located at 600 West Winchester Road,  Libertyville, Illinois, and appropriating $356,500 of Matching Tax funds.

Shane Schneider, Division of Transportation (DOT) Director, presented this item to  reconstruct the DOT visitor parking lot. The project will involve taking out asphalt  pavement at the end of its life and replace with coarse asphalt that is more permeable.  Sidewalks and ADA crosswalks will be replaced with permeable brick pavers. The work will  begin in September and is expected to be wrapped up by Thanksgiving.  

Discussion ensued. 

A motion was made by Member Vealitzek, seconded by Member Pedersen, that this  item be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative Committee.  The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Member Clark, Chair Durkin, Member Maine, Vice Chair Pedersen and Member  Vealitzek 

Absent: 2 - Member Wasik and Member Wilke 

8.7 21-1076 

Joint committee action item approving Change Order Number Two consisting of an  increase of $355,931 for additions to the 14th Street Reconstruction Phase III  construction engineering contract.

Shane Schneider, Division of Transportation, Director, presented this item for a change  order to extend the length of the contract for the 14th Street reconstruction. This contract  was originally scheduled to be completed in October, 2020 but due to utility delays and a  previous undiscovered water main, the contract needed to be extended to October, 2021  with an increase of $355,931.  

Discussion ensued. 

A motion was made by Member Maine, seconded by Member Clark, that this item be  approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative Committee. The  motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Member Clark, Chair Durkin, Member Maine, Vice Chair Pedersen and Member  Vealitzek 

Absent: 2 - Member Wasik and Member Wilke 

8.8 21-1077 

Joint resolution adopting the 2021-2026 Proposed Transportation Improvement  Program.

Shane Schneider, Division of Transportation, Director, presented this item to introduce the  2021-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for improvement of infrastructure.  TIP was presented in two parts; part one was presented on April 28 to the Committee.  Program includes 340 projects investing $688 million in transportation infrastructure.  Program is devoted to preservation, modernization and expansion. 

A motion was made by Member Clark, seconded by Member Vealitzek, that this item  be recommended for adoption to the regular agenda. The motion carried  unanimously.

Aye: 5 -  Member Clark, Chair Durkin, Member Maine, Vice Chair Pedersen and Member  Vealitzek

Absent: 2 - Member Wasik and Member Wilke 

8.9 21-1078 

Presentation update on the bike path wayfinding study and implementation.  

Director Schneider, presented the item. 

Jeff Corbin, Founder and Moira O'Polka, Project Manager from Corbin Design, provided  details of the study and its' goals.  

Ms. O'Polka presented the results of first community usage survey. Jeff Corbin, Corbin  Design, explained the test route along North Shore Path with signs used and input  received.  

Kevin Carrier, Department of Transportation, Director, Programming and Planning,  explained the next steps to the Wayfinding study, finalizing the standards manual,  preparing an implementation plan, and process of implementation on the Division of  Transportation paths, starting with larger regional trails that spans larger chunks of the  county.  

Significant discussion ensued.  

Vice Chair Pedersen left the meeting at 9:58 a.m. She returned to the meeting at 10:01  a.m. 

Member Clark left the meeting at 10:10 a.m. She returned to the meeting at 10:12 a.m. This matter was presented 

8.10 21-0051 

Director’s Report - Division of Transportation. 

Shane Schneider, Division of Transportation (DOT), Director, provided the committee  information on a USDOT grant that was applied for, information regarding upcoming  paratransit meetings and PACE information currently on their website.  

Pace bus has a draft on their website on their strategic plan titled "Driving Innovation" and  is available public comment through August 20. 


8.11 21-1086 

Discussion of proposed ordinance amendments to the Lake County, Illinois Code of  Ordinances related to wildlife rehabilitation and ecotherapy uses in unincorporated  Lake County.  

Eric Waggoner, Planning Building and Development Director (PBD), and Krista Braun,  PBD presented this item regarding nature-based amendments to the Illinois Code of  Ordinances.  

Staff has been engaging the community in a series of discussions this summer regarding  nature-based amendments to the Illinois Code of Ordinance Discussion. Staff has been  receiving feedback based on these discussions. This item continues two topics; eco  therapy and wildlife rehabilitation.  

Ms. Braun provided background on eco therapy, which is connecting people with nature or  animals in natural setting, which is an increased form of therapy. Staff proposes a new use  category which would amend the zoning ordinance to create the new use category.  

Discussion ensued.  

Ms. Braun then addressed wildlife rehabilitation, existing use in ordinance, and proposed  amendments.  

Discussion ensued. 

Director Waggoner will use feedback today and look to make revisions and bring a new  version back to Committee. 

This matter was discussed 

8.12 21-0052 

Director’s Report - Planning Building and Development. 

Eric Waggoner, Planning Building and Development, Director spoke about the joint  committee meeting with PWPT and E and E that will be held August 4 to discuss open  burning regulations and waste franchising options. Director Waggoner provided  information regarding the public outreach that has occurred.  

Discussion ensued.  

Chair Durkin left the meeting at 9:31 a.m. He returned to meeting at 9:32 a.m. 


8.13 21-0053 

Director’s Report - Public Works. 

Austin McFarlane, Interim Public Works Director provided an update on the Vernon Hills  reservoir. The Village of Vernon Hills has agreed to offset permit fees for construction of  the reservoir. 


8.14 21-1087 

Joint resolution adopting the second amendment to the Host Agreement between Lake  County, the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County (SWALCO), and the owner of the  Zion Landfill, GFL, Inc.

Walter Willis, SWALCO Director, presented this item. A summary of the amendment was  provided at the last meeting. Director Willis provided brief background. 

Discussion ensued. 

A motion was made by Member Vealitzek, seconded by Member Pedersen, that this  resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative  Committee. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 -  Member Clark, Chair Durkin, Member Maine, Vice Chair Pedersen and Member  Vealitzek

Absent: 2 - Member Wasik and Member Wilke 


8.15 21-1079 

Joint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation for the Lake County All-Natural  Hazard Mitigation Plan (ANHMP) update project by the Stormwater Management  Commission (SMC) in the amount of $67,500 and funded by the Federal Emergency  Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program through the Illinois  Emergency Management Agency (IEMA)

Kurt Woolford, Lake County SMC, Executive Director presented this item for the Lake  County all natural hazard mitigation plan. This plan enables all municipalities to be  eligible for hazard mitigation grants. Request approval to pay for the plan of $67,500 which  will be reimbursed by FEMA. 

A motion was made by Member Clark, seconded by Member Vealitzek, that this  resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative  Committee. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 -  Member Clark, Chair Durkin, Member Maine, Vice Chair Pedersen and Member  Vealitzek

Absent: 2 - Member Wasik and Member Wilke 

9. County Administrator's Report 

Matt Meyers, Assistant County Administrator, stated the audio will be posted on the  website for those that may have been having issues hearing.  

Gary Gibson, County Administrator, addressed the Public Works Director position,  explaining there are statutory requirements for that position. Interim Director Austin  McFarlane has been in this position for quite some time. The County is focusing on the  upcoming veto session in the hopes that legislation can pass that amends the statutory  requirements.  

Discussion ensued. 

10. Executive Session 

No executive session 

11. Members' Remarks 

Member Clark asked the Staff to move the meetings back to Libertyville to accommodate  department staff who attend this Committee Meeting and prevent technical issues.  

Chair Hart recognized the staff is doing a good job in running meetings in Waukegan, but  also suggested the topic be brought up in the Financial and Administrative Committee to  discuss technical and important safety considerations.  

Member Vealitzek asked if the meeting was moved for safety reasons. Gary Gibson,  County Administrator, said the meeting was moved to Waukegan for security needs and  there is not the proper technology to operate the Zoom meetings in Libertyville.  

Chair Durkin clarified the next Committee meeting will be in Waukegan. Lake County Illinois Page 11 of 12

Transportation Committee 

12. Adjournment 

Chair Durkin called the meeting to be adjourned at 10:31 AM. 




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