
Kane County Reporter

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met June 29

City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met June 29.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Chair Wolff called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

1. Roll Call

Members Present: Chair Wolff; Ald. Miller, Russotto, Beck (online), Knopp (online), Chanzit (online), Solfa, Baerren, Malay (online), Uher, Cerone (online), Ajazi, and Vogelsinger (online)

Members Absent: Ald. Leman

Also Present: Mayor Schielke; Laura Newman, City Administrator Gary Holm, Director of Public Works (online); Rahat Bari, City Engineer; Anthony Isom, Assistant to the City Administrator (online); Jeff Albertson, Building Commissioner (online); and Jennifer Austin Smith, Recording Secretary

2. Reminder: Please speak into the microphone for BATV recording 

3. Approve Minutes for: May 25, 2021 Special Meeting

Motion: To approve minutes for: May 25, 2021 Special Meeting

Maker: Knopp

Second: Uher

Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Knopp, Chanzit, Solfa, Wolff, Baerren, Ajazi, Uher, Malay, Cerone, Vogelsinger, Miller, Russotto, Beck


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.

4. Items to be Removed/Added/Changed

There were no items to be removed, added or changed.

5. Matters From the Public (For Items NOT on the Agenda)

There were no matters from the public at this time.

6. Ordinance 21-32: Annexing 1435, 1440 and 1445 Thoria Road, 1415, 1425 and 1427 Orion Road and 1324, 1332 and 1406 N. Washington Avenue (Involuntary)(SCB 6/11/21) CD

Buening reported that they are resuming our efforts to finish off the various islands of unincorporated pockets that are surrounded by City limits. Many of these properties in these areas are on City utilities. In this particular area there are nine parcels that are involved. We had ten originally but had one involuntary one happen a few months ago because they wanted to connect to sewer. All of these properties are connected on one utility or another except for one parcel. We are proposing to annex these properties in the involuntary annexation process. We did have two of the property owners submitting a petition to annex but because we did not have one hundred percent we had to proceed with this in an involuntary manner. Buening noted that one property owner had objected to annexation and they are on one City utility.

Chair Wolff opened the floor for public comment. David Fordeen, North Washington, addressed the Committee. He stated that the property is attached to City water and has been so since 1950. The problem that he has is he is not surrounded by City limits. He is technically a peninsula. Across the street from him is forest preserve, Route 25 is a State Highway and he has the Fox River. He does not feel that the City surrounds him at this time. He objects to annexing because he does not see anything that the City could do for him right now. He is on a septic and does not want his water bill to increase and does not want to pay for brush and leaf pick up. He already has brush pick up with the County. Chair Wolff stated that if anything goes wrong with the septic the County would not permit rebuilding it. David Fordeen shared that his septic is running really well and has been rebuilt. He does not want to be in the City but would like to remain with the County.

Doreen Granicke, 1440 Thoria Road, stated that she chooses not to be in the City. The only service that she has from the City that has been in place since 1949 is the water. Everything else is County and independent.

Chair Wolff stated that the City has been doing annexation over the years. Cerone added that the services of the police and fire for first responding and it is unfair that they get the same service from them without paying for those services. David Fordeen stated that they pay for Batavia Fire in their taxes so that is nothing new. We do not have the City of Batavia Police but we do have the Sheriff’s Department. Over the past 35 years he has never had to call for service. Doreen Granicke stated that there an agreement, we call County and if they are not able to arrive in a timely fashion they do call Batavia. She has never called for a service. Buening noted that Thoria and Orient are City streets so we do maintain those streets and the properties have frontage on them and they get benefit of City street maintenance that they are not paying for. Buening added that with the annexation the school, library and park district would not change. Doreen Granicke stated that being one of the original residents of that area she strongly objects to being annexed into the City.

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 21-32: Annexing 1435, 1440 and 1445 Thoria Road, 1415, 1425 and 1427 Orion Road and 1324, 1332 and 1406 N. Washington Avenue (Involuntary)

Maker: Wolff

Second: Miller

Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Wolff, Baerren, Ajazi, Uher, Malay, Cerone, Vogelsinger, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Solfa


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.

7. Resolution 21-070-R: Authorizing a contract with Quad Plus to Start-up and Commission Vacuum Switchgear Line-up, Outdoor Transformer, Breakers, protection relay, battery charging system and associated disconnects at Paramount Distribution Substation for an amount not to exceed $86,870 which includes 10 percent contingency amount (RB 6/25/21) PU

Bari overviewed the memo with the Committee.

Motion: To recommend approval of Resolution 21-070-R: Authorizing a contract with Quad Plus to Start-up and Commission Vacuum Switchgear Line-up, Outdoor Transformer, Breakers, protection relay, battery charging system and associated disconnects at Paramount Distribution Substation for an amount not to exceed $86,870 which includes 10 percent contingency amount

Maker: Cerone

Second: Solfa

Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Cerone, Vogelsinger, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Solfa, Wolff, Baerren, Ajazi, Uher, Malay


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.


8. Resolution 21-071-R: Approving a contract with Meade Electric to install 35kV and 15kV feeder installation from Paramount Substation to existing feeder facility for an amount not to exceed $186,636 which includes 10% contingency amount (RB 6/25/21)PU

Bari discussed the resolution and bidding process with the Committee.

Motion: To recommend approval of Resolution 21-071-R: Approving a contract with Meade Electric to install 35kV and 15kV feeder installation from Paramount Substation to existing feeder facility for an amount not to exceed $186,636 which includes 10% contingency amount

Maker: Cerone

Second: Miller

Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Cerone, Vogelsinger, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Solfa, Wolff, Baerren, Ajazi, Uher, Malay


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.


9. Discussion: Fencing Surrounding Peg Bond for Park District River Rhapsody Series Uher stated that the fencing looks off putting and having a temporary fence in the middle of town all summer looks awful. Chair Wolff shared that he has received comments from the public that the temporary fencing makes the open space area look like a construction zone and that everything looks shut down. Chair Wolff continued that having the fencing up all summer sends the wrong message to the public because it reads as if you cannot go into that area. There is no signage out there and right now it looks like a barrier. Solfa asked if it would be possible to install the fence for the programming and roll it up when done.

Eric Lacher, Park District, discussed the labor of installing the fence that provides the security they need for the event. Overtime has been held back because we are trying to contain cost. Our services would be drastically affected during the week if we had to set up and take it back down. A roll up type fence takes longer than the fence we created for the event. Installing the fence takes four people and takes two and a half hours. They are short staffed and there is no interest in seasonal help.

The Committee discussed the balance of supporting the Park District and keeping the area aesthetically pleasing, reusable signage explaining/advertising the reason the fence is there, wine sales and revenue, possible designated drinking areas without the need for a fence, and enforcement issues. Knopp asked for a discussion with Chief Eul and staff on how other cities have been able to enforce designated dining issues to be better prepared for next year. Chair Wolff joined Knopp with exploring what other areas are doing without fences.

After discussion, general consensus was the Park District would take down the fence after this week’s concert for the two-week duration without concerts. When the fence returns, reduce the fence size to the Park District property with signage advertising the River Rhapsody Concert Series.

10. Project Status

Newman reported on the following:

• July 21st parking discussion at Plan Commission

• Plan Commission would review the Avenue Chevrolet development on August 4th

• Manhole adjust work is going to wrap up this week in preparation for the paving of Route 31

• Electrical subcontractor will continue working on the traffic signal at Route 31 and Main

• Police Department: Body worn camera program grant, internal in-service training sessions, joint training session with the attorneys from Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office on July 2nd regarding changes to the Illinois compiled statutes that will go into effect with the Safety Acting becoming law mid July, bi-annual CPR training, two officers are being sent to the Police Bicycles Operators Force in September as part of a joint initiative with the Batavia Bicycle Commission

• Today staff had a great meeting with the Ride Illinois Group

• Joint meeting with Batavia Park District Board: July 13th at 6pm

o Requested to move the COW meeting to 7:30pm to allow for more time with the joint meeting. Prefer no COW meeting that evening to allow for more time.

o Public Meeting tentatively July 29th

• In Person attendance requirement of the Open Meetings Act in effect once the emergency act expires on July 24th

11. Other

There were no others at this time.

12. Executive Session:

a. Setting the Price of Land for Sale (SCB)

b. Purchase of Real Estate

Motion: To enter into Executive Session for the purchase and sale of electricity

Maker: Knopp

Second: Cerone

Voice Vote: 12 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent

Motion carried.

Chanzit and Leman were absent. The Committee entered into Executive Session at 8:22pm.

13. Adjournment

There being no other business to discuss, Chair Wolff asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:02pm; Made by Knopp; Seconded by Solfa. Motion carried.




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