
Kane County Reporter

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Batavia Committee of the Whole Met May 4

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City of Batavia Committee of the Whole Met May 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Chair Wolff called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

1. Roll Call

Members Present: Chair Wolff; Ald. Miller, Baerren, Russotto (online), Beck (online), Solfa, Lehman, Ayazi (online), Knopp, Uher, Cerone (online), Vogelsinger (online)

Members Absent: Chanzit, Malay

Also Present: Mayor Schielke; Laura Newman, City Administrator; Gary Holm, Director of Public Works; Jeff Albertson, Building Commissioner (online); Peggy Colby, Director of Finance (online); Anthony Isom, Assistant to the City Administrator (online); and Karen Morley, Administrative Assistant

2. Reminder: Please speak into the microphone for BATV recording

3. Items to be Removed/Added/Changed

There were no items to be removed, added or changed.

4. Matters From the Public (For Items NOT on the Agenda)

There were no matters from the public at this time.

5. Consent Agenda

(The Consent Agenda is made up of items recommended by city staff that requires recommendation to the full City Council by the COW. This agenda is placed as a separate item on the COW agenda. The items on the Consent Agenda are usually minor items, already budgeted, standard non-policy activities or outgrowths of earlier meetings and are voted on as a “package” in the interest of saving time on non controversial issues. However, any council member may, by simple request, have an item removed and placed on the “regular” agenda.)

a. Ordinance 21-27: Declaring Certain Property to be Surplus and Authorizing Sale Thereof (Scott Haines 4/27/21)

b. Resolution 21-045-R: Authorizing Purchase of a 2019 TRUVAC Prodigy Hydroexcavator from Standard Equipment Company for $342,454.88 (Scott Haines 4/29/21)

Motion: To approve the Consent Agenda as presented

Maker: Wolff

Second: Baerren

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Wolff, Solfa, Baerren, Lehman, Ayazi, Uher, Cerone, Vogelsinger, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp


12-0 Vote, 0 Absent. Motion carried.

6. Ordinance 21-26: Demolition COA for 14 N Washington Ave (JA 4/30/21) CD Wolff overviewed the memo. Beck commented that it seems there is a perception in the public that the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) is a barrier to improve your building unless you want to let it fall into disrepair. She asked what is the process for preventing something like this from happening because this building is in a historic district as a designated building. She does understand that a year ago the plan was to turn that building into a parking lot. Historic buildings and attractions bring people to the area, but parking lots don’t contribute as much.

Newman reported that staff has been working with this property owner for a couple of years. The City held off adjudication because the property owner did indicate they were going to go through the process of applying for the right to demolish and build a parking lot there. As time went on and nothing happened the City then put them through the adjudication process. They now have filed the Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) in order to demolish. Albertson added that the HPC was concerned about the lack of maintenance of this building but understood the cost prohibitive nature of the needed improvements. The owner did buy the building with the intent to tear it down and it was in bad shape when it was purchased. Chair Wolff stated that the building was never purchased with the intent to keep the building. Chair Wolff added to his knowledge the house sat there for years without maintenance prior to being purchased by the COA applicant. He continued if you bought a building because it wasn’t in the greatest shape to demolish is very different that letting a habitable house deteriorate over a decade with the intent to demolish. If this is area opened up and there is green space it would help the entire block to be opened up. He is sad to see an old house disappear but the amount of money to improve the house is significant. Beck stated that she is more concerned about the eventual parking lot. Albertson stated that the owner has stated right now their business has changed and they do not need the parking lot. They plan to landscape the area until there is a future need.

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 21-26: Demolition COA for 14 N Washington Ave

Maker: Wolff

Second: Russotto

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Wolff, Solfa, Baerren, Lehman, Ayazi, Uher, Cerone, Vogelsinger, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp


12-0 Vote, 2 Absent. Motion carried.

7. Resolution 21-044-R: Award of Bid for Demolition of 916 Park St. to Fowler Enterprises LLC for an Amount of $25,200 Plus Alternate #1 of $4.25 per Square Foot (JA 4/30/21) GS

Albertson overviewed the memo. Mayor Schielke expressed his strong support of this resolution. Knopp shared that he had the opportunity to go inside the house and stated the condition the property was in was unimaginably bad. Chair Wolff suggested when the property is sold to try to break even on the City’s contribution to the demolition and other incurred costs for this property.

Motion: To recommend approval of Resolution 21-044-R: Award of Bid for Demolition of 916 Park St. to Fowler Enterprises LLC for an Amount of $25,200 Plus Alternate #1 of $4.25 per Square Foot

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Wolff, Solfa, Baerren, Lehman, Ayazi, Uher, Cerone, Vogelsinger, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp


12-0 Vote, 2 Absent. Motion carried.

8. Resolution 21-043-R: Authorizing Upgrade of Electric on S. Water Street for Amplified (LN 4/30/21) GS

Chair Wolff overviewed the memo.

Motion: To recommend approval of Resolution 21-043-R: Authorizing Upgrade of Electric on S. Water Street for Amplified

Maker: Wolff

Second: Uher

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Wolff, Solfa, Baerren, Lehman, Ayazi, Uher, Cerone, Vogelsinger, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp


12-0 Vote, 2 Absent. Motion carried.

9. Discussion: Illinois Energy Legislation

The Committee of the Whole (COW) reviewed the draft document for the Illinois Energy Legislation utilizing the shared screen feature of Zoom. Chair Wolff noted that Andrew Greenhagen, Batavia Environmental Commission, had written a letter to the COW and should be considered in this discussion. The COW discussed the elements of the draft document for the Illinois Energy Legislation decided on the following to be essential to the document:

• 100% in support of renewable energy by a future date (non-specific)

• Financial relief for Batavia as a municipal utility

• Renewable portfolio standard requirements also as financial relief

• Difference between investor owned utilities (for profit) versus municipal utility (not-for profit)

• Adding the impact per year if the Prairie State plant were to close early

• Eliminate “confirm that the City of Batavia supports efforts by the State to provide financial support to owners of the State’s nuclear generation fleet” because, Chair Wolff explained, it is the State’s decision on how to handle that

• Eliminate language on electric charging stations because that issue effects everyone and is not specific to Batavia

• Possible partnering with the City of Geneva and the Illinois Municipal Association (IMUA)- Newman will contact

10. Project Status

Newman reported on the following:

• The remaining balance of the Economic Development Fund is $121,132.70

11. Other

Chair Wolff reported that the four Vice-Chair positions are needed for the committees and they are usually assigned by seniority. Uher asked to be Vice-Chair of Community Development. Malay, Miller, Beck and Knopp were the next in seniority with Miller, Beck and Knopp all beginning at the same time. Miller asked for Public Utilities. Newman asked if there could be two Vice-Chairs and then everyone could pick what they would want and everyone is on a Committee. Mayor Schielke noted that many years ago they settled this by flipping a coin. Knopp expressed that he is okay with the others having the Vice-Chair positions.

Chair Wolff stated that the assignments are:

• Ald. Uher – Vice-Chair of Community Development

• Ald. Miller – Vice-Chair of Public Utilities

• Ald. Malay – Vice-Chair of City Services

• Ald. Beck – Vice-Chair of Government Services

12. Adjournment

There being no other business to discuss, Chair Wolff asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35pm; Made by Beck; Seconded by Miller. Motion carried.




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