
Kane County Reporter

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Kane County Forest Preserve District Commission Met Feb. 9

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Kane County Forest Preserve District Commission Met Feb. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order

The Forest Preserve District Commission meeting was held at 9:00 a.m. at Kane County Government Center, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. A, Geneva, IL 60134. The meeting was opened by President Chris Kious at 9:00 AM. Remote=*

II. Pledge of Allegiance

President Kious asked Auditor Penny Wegman to lead the pledge.

III. Roll Call

Commissioner Ron Ford Present

Commissioner David Brown Present

Commissioner Kenneth Shepro Present*(In person @ 9:35 a.m.) 

Commissioner Vern Tepe Present

Commissioner Drew Frasz Present

Commissioner Michael Kenyon Present

President Chris Kious Present

Commissioner Tom Koppie Present (In person @ 9:20 a.m.) 

Commissioner Bill Lenert Present

Commissioner John Martin Present

Commissioner Jarett Sanchez Present

Commissioner Steve Weber Present

Commissioner Barbara Wojnicki Present

Commissioner Dale Berman Present*

Commissioner Michelle Gumz Present*

Commissioner Mavis Bates Present*

Commissioner Cherryl Strathmann Present*

Commissioner Deborah Allan Present*

Commissioner Mark Davoust Present*

Commissioner Mo Iqbal Present*

Commissioner Anita Lewis Present*

Commissioner Myrna Molina Present*

Commissioner Monica Silva Present*

Commissioner Clifford Surges Present*

Others Present:

Executive Director Meyers*; Auditor Wegman; CFO Stanish* & staff Petschke*; Dir. of NR Haberthur* & staff Rodeghero*; Chief of Planning Anderson*; Dir. of Operations Goreth*; Dir of Community Affairs Metanchuk*; Dir. of Public Safety & Chief of Police Gilloffo*; HR Dir. Yee*; Attorney Hodge*; KCIT staff Peters; Recording Secretary Figliozzi.

IV. Public Comment (Each Speaker is limited to 3 minutes)

Resident and Board Member of the Village of East Dundee Scott Kunze spoke in regards to a village initiative to shovel snow and salt the sidewalks. The village board would like to expand the program using the same techniques, which include pet friendly salt to the bike trail. Kunze discussed an area of the bike trail near the old Hagger Pottery building that had some deterioration. President Kious responded that staff would assess the concerned area. Commissioner Surges asked Mr. Kunze for the general scope he intended to address, Kunze responded boarder to boarder.

V. Presentation and Approval of the Minutes of January 12, 2021


MOVER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner

SECONDER: Barbara Wojnicki, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Kenneth C. Shepro, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal,

Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Tom Koppie

VI. Presentation and Approval of the Bills and Commissioner's Per Diem for January 2021


MOVER: Deborah Allan, Commissioner

SECONDER: Ron Ford, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Kenneth C. Shepro, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Tom Koppie

VII. Presentations: Presentation of the Natural Resource Management Department 2021 Annual Management Schedules

Dir. of Natural Resource Management Haberthur via remote provided a PowerPoint presentation on the Annual Management Schedules (AMS) report. He informed the Board that a hard copy was distributed to their County mailboxes. Haberthur provided background information noting staff meets annually to discuss work needed in the field, management activities and a wish list for future needs. Haberthur provided a comparison chart of work completed for 2019 and 2020 in light of Covid. A large portion involved mitigation of invasive species as this was a safe job for social distancing in the field. Haberthur covered the 2020 highlights noting a rare bird species that was identified for the first time in a marsh area and staff was able to relocate young Blanding’s turtles to a protected area. Haberthur presented items in progress for 2021 including Burlington Wetland Projects and 2017 Referendum Projects.

DISCUSSION: Commissioner Bates asked about the herbicide treatment used. Dir. Haberthur responded that the herbicides used are specific to the areas, carefully balanced to protect the surrounding land and staff as well. Annual trainings are held to ensure safety. Commissioner Allan requested a copy of the report to be available online. (Koppie arrived in person @ 9:20 a.m.)

VIII. Bids and Proposals

B. FP-R-21-02-2856 Resolution Approving the Purchase of One Replacement Vehicle for the Planning and Operations Department

This resolution authorizes the purchase of one replacement vehicle for truck #422 for use by the Planning and Operations Department. The truck will be purchased from National Auto Fleet Group from Watsonville, California, for a total price of $83,315.64.



MOVER: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

SECONDER: Bill Lenert, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Kenneth C. Shepro, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

C. FP-R-21-02-2857 Resolution Approving a Bid For Weed Management of Reed Canary Grass at Various Preserves

This resolution authorizes bids for the control of reed canary grass at portions of seven preserves, prioritized as needing treatment. Seven project areas within seven preserve locations were formally bid with the lowest qualified bidder for all seven options being V3 Companies, LTD. of Woodridge, Illinois, for a total contract cost of $41,301.



MOVER: Barbara Wojnicki, Commissioner

SECONDER: Mavis Bates, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Kenneth C. Shepro, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

D. FP-R-21-02-2858 Resolution Approving a Bid for Weed Management of Canada Thistle at Brunner Family Forest Preserve

This resolution authorizes a bid for the control of Canada thistle at a portion of the Brunner Family Forest Preserve, prioritized as needing treatment. Contractors were sought to bid on spring/summer 2021 control projects, across approximately 68 acres at Brunner Family Forest Preserve. One option was bid, with the lowest qualified bidder for the project option being Integrated Lakes Management of Waukegan, Illinois, for a total contract cost of $7,581.06.

DISCUSSION: None. (Commissioner Shepro arrived in person @ 9:35 a.m.)


MOVER: Jarett Sanchez, Commissioner

SECONDER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Kenneth C. Shepro, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

E. FP-R-21-02-2859 Resolution Approving A Bid For Garlic Mustard Control At Johnson's Mound Forest Preserve

This resolution authorizes a bid for the control of garlic mustard at a portion of Johnson’s Mound Forest Preserve, prioritized as needing treatment. Work will consist of weed whipping, hand-pulling, and/or mowing garlic mustard plants across one woodland unit, twice in the spring of 2021 at approximately 93.7 acres of woodland at Johnson’s Mound Forest Preserve. Removal work would begin immediately and be completed by July 1, 2021. The lowest qualified bidder for the project being Cardo, Inc. of Monee, Illinois, for a total contract cost of $11,500.

DISCUSSION: Commissioner Surges commented on the difference in price with this company and the herbicide. Dir. Haberthur noted that these contractors come in very low, they have been doing that for years, and they do good work, they are local company.


MOVER: Bill Lenert, Commissioner

SECONDER: Mark Davoust, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Kenneth C. Shepro, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

F. FP-R-21-02-2860 Resolution Approving a Bid for Oakhurst Forest Preserve - Lake Patterson Access Area Renovation

This resolution authorizes a bid for the Oakhurst Forest Preserve-Lake Patterson Access Area Renovation. The lowest responsible bidder was D. Construction, Inc., of Coal City, Illinois at a base bid amount of $871,936.78. Additionally, $27,500 shall be set aside as contingency to cover any additional costs that may arise during construction, for a total possible project cost of $899,436.78.

DISCUSSION: Commissioner Bates commented on idea of the salamander shape for the learning area. Exec. Dir. Meyers responded that including these types of design is a way to appeal and add interest with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.


MOVER: Myrna Molina, Commissioner

SECONDER: Cherryl Strathmann, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Kenneth C. Shepro, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

IX. Agreements

A. FP-R-21-02-2861 Resolution Approving the Carpentersville Dam Removal Project Access and Land Transfer Agreement with Otto Engineering, Inc.

This resolution authorizes an Access and Land Transfer Agreement with Otto Engineering, Inc. of Carpentersville, Illinois, related to the Carpentersville Dam Removal Project at the Fox River Shores Forest Preserve. On January 9, 2015, the District entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) to provide $3.5 million to the District for the removal and restoration of two structures on the Fox River: the Causeway at Fabyan Forest Preserve and the Carpentersville Dam. Next steps include the execution of an Access and Land Transfer Agreement with the adjacent landowner Otto Engineering.

DISCUSSION: Koppie asked about the estimated cost of the project, Anderson responded that they do not have a total as they are in process of gaining permits, etc. There is $2M set aside for the project. Surges commented on his excitement of the project. Berman noted the South Batavia Dam was removed a number of years ago.


MOVER: Jarett Sanchez, Commissioner

SECONDER: Clifford Surges, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Kenneth C. Shepro, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

There was a change in the agenda order as follows: The Land Acquisition item was presented and moved after Executive Closed Session.

X. Land Acquisition

A. FP-R-21-02-2862 Updated Resolution Authorizing Condemnation Action Against the Union Pacific Rail Road for the Acquisition of a Section of Abandoned Rail Line Connecting LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve to Randall Road in St. Charles Township.


MOVER: Mark Davoust, Commissioner

SECONDER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Kenneth C. Shepro, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

XI. Ordinance

1. FP-O-21-02-0571 Approval of the Restated Organization Ordinance

This ordinance approves a restatement. The District is subject to statutory changes from time to time, as well as policy changes adopted by the District over time, and as a result of those changes, it becomes necessary to review, reconsider, and revise the Organizational Ordinance of the District to assure adherence to the changes in statute and policy that have occurred or been adopted by the District since the last formal adoption or ratification of the Organizational Ordinance by the District.



MOVER: John Martin, Commissioner

SECONDER: Mark Davoust, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Kenneth C. Shepro, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

XII. New or Unfinished Business

A. REVISED 2021 Annual Calendar for Committee Meetings and Holiday Observances Exec. Dir. Meyers indicated the changes in standing Committees to reflect accommodation for the Holidays in November and December.



MOVER: John Martin, Commissioner

SECONDER: Bill Lenert, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Kenneth C. Shepro, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

B. Presentation and Approval of the Closed Session Minutes of December 2019 through November 2020

The Full Commission of the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, Illinois has reviewed the minutes of Closed Sessions pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2.06 and has made a determination as to whether the need for confidentiality still exists as to all or part of those minutes which have not been fully made public.

The Committee has determined that the need for confidentiality still exists as to the Closed Session minutes of 12/10/2019, 02/11/2020, 04/14/2020, 10/13/2020, and 11/10/2020.The Committee has determined that there is no longer a need for confidentiality as to all or part of the Closed Session minutes of 09/08/2020.

DISCUSSION: Noted to continue the redaction on the memo for the 02/11/2020 minutes.


MOVER: Steve Weber, Commissioner

SECONDER: Barbara Wojnicki, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina,

Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSTAIN: Kenneth C. Shepro

XIII. Closed Session to Discuss Land Acquisition, Contracts, Litigation and Personnel The Committee moved into Executive Closed Session @ 9:58 a.m. to discuss Land Acquisition, Contracts and Litigation on a motion by Wojnicki, second by Bates.


MOVER: Barbara Wojnicki, Commissioner

SECONDER: Mavis Bates, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina,

Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

The Committee returned to Open Session @ 10:14 a.m. on a motion by Martin, second by Strathmann, Roll Call Vote, Unanimous.

XIV. Communications

Dir. of Community Affairs Metanchuk reminded everyone that the new guidelines allow up to 50 people outdoor for program enrollment and virtual programs will still be made available on the Forest Preserve District website.

XV. President's Comments

President Kious thanked the staff for all their hard work, noting recent snow removal efforts and continued programming.

XVI. Department Reports for January 2021


MOVER: Steve Weber, Commissioner

SECONDER: Michelle Gumz, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Kenneth C. Shepro, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

XVII. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 10:22 a.m.


MOVER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner

SECONDER: Kenneth C. Shepro, Commissioner

AYES: Ron Ford, Dale Berman, Michelle Gumz, Mavis Bates, David Brown, Kenneth C. Shepro, Cherryl Strathmann, Vern Tepe, Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki




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