
Kane County Reporter

Monday, September 30, 2024

Village of East Dundee Village Board Met October 19

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Village of East Dundee Village Board met Oct. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


President Miller calls to order the Village of East Dundee Regular Village Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m.


Trustees Lynam, Wood, Selep, Andresen, Kunze and President Miller. Trustee Mahony was absent.

Also in attendance Administrator Jennifer Johnsen, Assistant Administrator Brad Mitchell, Police Chief George Carpenter, Village Attorney Greg Smith, Public Works Director Phil Cotter, Building Inspector Chris Ranieri, Village Engineer Joe Heinz, Management Analyst Amanda Rafter and Village Clerk Katherine Diehl.


PUBLIC COMMENT (Agenda items only): None Trustee Mahony joined the meeting at 6:03 p.m. 


A. Motion to Approve the Regular Village Board Meeting Minutes Dated September 14, 2020

B. Motion to Approve a Resolution Authorizing the Village President and Designated Village Staff to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement Authorizing Participation in the Kane County Coronavirus Relief Fund COVID-19 Reimbursement Program

C. Motion to Waive Formal Bids and Approve the Purchase of Rock Salt from Cargill Incorporated and Open a Purchase Order in the Amount of $33,750.00

D. Motion to Approve a Resolution Approving an Insurance Proposal from Alliant Mesirow Insurance Services Insurance Renewal

Motion to approve the consent agenda by Kunze/Andresen.

Trustee Lynam commented that even though the Village budgeted for $33,750.00 but is only spending $20,000.00 on this purchase order, he would like the waiver for the amount that is being spent, not the amount that was budgeted. Trustee Mahony suggested the waiver include language of “authorizing the purchase for up to $33,750.00”. There was consensus of the Board to include this language.

Trustee Kunze amended his motion to include the agreed upon language. Trustee Andresen seconded the amended motion.

Roll: Ayes – 6 – Trustees Lynam, Selep, Wood, Mahony, Andresen and Kunze. Nays – 0. Absent – 0. Motion carries.


A. Motion to Approve an Ordinance approving Variations for a Rear Yard Setback and Off- Street Parking Spaces for a Proposed Office Building Accessory Structure in the M-1 Limited Manufacturing District at 110 Prairie Lake Road, East Dundee, IL 60118

Motion to Approve an Ordinance approving Variations for a Rear Yard Setback and Off-Street Parking Spaces for a Proposed Office Building Accessory Structure in the M-1 Limited Manufacturing District at 110 Prairie Lake Road, East Dundee, IL 60118 by Mahony/Andresen


Trustee Lynam asked if the landowner has requested TIF funding assistance. Administrator Johnsen stated that they have not. She advised that they have an aggressive timeline and that the development was incentivized in the beginning for infrastructure and other things that were put in place. Trustee Lynam questioned if the Village’s accessibility to the land around the water tower will pose future issues due to the reduced setback. Engineer Heinz explained that the set back is only on the petitioner’s property. He said the Village’s property is unaffected by the setback and there are not easements in place that are being encroached.

Roll: Ayes – 6 – Trustees Lynam, Selep, Wood, Mahony, Andresen and Kunze. Nays – 0. Absent – 0. Motion carries.

B. Motion to Waive Formal Bids and Approve a Street Improvement Project to Arrow Road Construction in the Amount of $119,809.28

Motion to Approve an Ordinance Approving the South Il Route 72 Tax Increment Financing District Redevelopment Project Area Redevelopment Plan and Project by Andresen/Mahony.


Trustee Kunze asked if there are future plans for additional road segment improvements beyond those listed in the current street project plan. Administrator Johnsen advised that the Village tries to have a road improvement project every year. Kunze then asked what the reasoning is behind the decision to waive bids on this project. Public Works Direct Cotter explained that this came up late September and there was not enough time to put a full competitive bid out and complete the project before the end of the season. He added that Arrow Road Construction recently bid projects in Sleepy Hollow and Elgin and that pricing was compared with East Dundee’s proposal. Administrator Johnsen added that with the COVID pandemic, it was uncertain if funding would be available for the project. She stated that once it was found out that funding was available, there was not enough time to competitively bid for the project.

Roll: Ayes – 6 – Trustees Lynam, Selep, Wood, Mahony, Andresen and Kunze. Nays – 0. Absent – 0. Motion carries.


A. Warrants List $125,807.85


Village President Miller: gave an update on the number of COVID cases reported in Kane County. He shared a chart with numbers increasing over the past 3 months. He advised that he was on a call today with the Kane County Health Department and local municipalities were encouraged to do whatever possible to contain the spread of the virus.

Lynam: Requested that a future discussion be had to consider implementing a 4-way stop at Railroad and River Streets. Administrator Johnsen advised that this was discussed internally. She said a couple of items are needed, such as a history of traffic accidents, because engineering support is necessary to incorporate a new stop sign. She said this will be looked into from an engineering standpoint in order to make a recommendation one way or another. He also suggested that the dumpster along the bike path across from Max Freeman park either be moved or shielded from passersby view. Next, he asked if the Dickens in Dundee event has officially been cancelled. President Miller replied that he is holding off on a decision until it gets a little closer. He stated that it may happen but be more of a scaled down event. Administrator Johnsen advised that on her call with Kane County today, they reminded to not have social gatherings of 50 people or more. She said that businesses will be encouraged to participate by doing something festive with their windows. Additional holiday lighting will be purchased and lights will be hung much earlier this season. She does not recommend having Santa at the Depot. President Miller suggested having a house decorating contest. Next, Lynam asked if the Depot roof work will be done this year. Administrator Johnsen advised that this item will be brought back on a November meeting agenda. She also stated that staff is working on obtaining estimates for the Depot signage to bring before the Board. Lastly, he thanked Public Works for helping him with some of the Depot building repairs.

Selep: Thanked Management Analyst Rafter for helping set up his new email account due to the IT transition.

Wood: Also thanked Management Analyst Rafter for helping set up her new email account due to the IT transition.

Mahony: Reported that she witnessed material trucks driving on Bonnie Dundee Road. She said she thought this road was a no truck route even though it is not posted as such. She stated that the road is too narrow to have a center line, has a soft shoulder and no curbs or gutters. She asked of signs could be posted if it is in fact a no truck route.

Andresen: None

Kunze: Reported that as a QuadCom representative for the Village, he went on a tour of their facility recently. He said the team is understaffed and currently have only two dispatchers and one supervisor manning incoming calls each shift. He said they are looking to hire but are having a hard time recruiting and keeping people because of the stress of the job. He said positions are available for one supervisor and three dispatchers. Trustee Wood suggested that QuadCom host recruiting events at Community Colleges to get qualified candidates. President Miller asked Trustee Kunze to keep the Board informed on any developments or requests of support of the Village Board.


Village Administrator: Johnsen thanked everyone involved in the IT transition for their efforts. She also thanked Trustee Lynam for all his work on the Depot building. She stated that Clerk Diehl will be reaching out to the Board members to see if there is interest in purchasing shirts with the new Village logo. Next she advised that the Uncommon Palate will be appearing before the Historic Commission next month with a request for a new awning with their new name of East Side Café Coffee and Wine Bar. She also advised that the owners of 1 E. Main Street will appear as well for a request for a proposed second story addition. Assistant Village Administrator: None

Village Attorney: None

Village Engineer: None

Police Chief: Carpenter reported that Sergeant Ritter is celebrating the end of his 11th year of employment with the East Dundee Police Department, with seven of those year in his role as Sergeant. Carpenter stated that Ritter will be receiving a department commendation tomorrow. He reported that on June 5, 2020 at 11 p.m. Ritter was observing conditions at Bandito Barney’s bar as there was a long line outside to enter as other patrons were exiting. He observed a man that appeared to be loitering and later saw the same individual running with an armload of clothing. He chased and arrested the man for felony burglary to the building next to Bandito’s bar. He stated that the commendation recognizes Ritter’s alert patrol, self-initiated action, and safe arrest of a fleeing burglar.

Public Works Director: None

Building Official: In response to Trustee Wood’s question on the status of DC Cobbs, Ranieri reported that he did an inspection today at the building and they are approximately 30-40 days away from opening. He also reported that the Caterpillar project is moving along. The curb and gutter are in and the outside concrete is being poured. He said they also received IDOT approval for their intersection which will be a 4-way interchange.

Finance Director: None

PUBLIC COMMENT (Items not on the Agenda): None


Motion to adjourn the Regular Village Board Meeting at 7:05 p.m. by Andresen/Selep.

Roll: Ayes – 7 – Trustees Lynam, Wood, Selep, Mahony, Andresen, Kunze and President Miller. Nays – 0. Motion carries, meeting adjourns.




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