
Kane County Reporter

Thursday, January 9, 2025

City of Batavia Committee of the Whole Met December 1

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City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met Dec. 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

5. Consent Agenda

(The Consent Agenda is made up of items recommended by city staff that requires recommendation to the full City Council by the COW. This agenda is placed as a separate item on the COW agenda. The items on the Consent Agenda are usually minor items, already budgeted, standard non-policy activities or outgrowths of earlier meetings and are voted on as a “package” in the interest of saving time on non-controversial issues. However, any council member may, by simple request, have an item removed and placed on the “regular” agenda.)

a. Ordinance 20-71: Declaring Certain Property to be Surplus and Authorizing Sale Thereof (SH 11/17/20)

Motion: To approve Consent Agenda as presented

Maker: Chanzit

Second: Knopp

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.

6. Public Hearing Amendment to an Annexation Agreement Recorded as Document No. 2009K054749 & Revocation of a Conditional Use Approved by Ordinance 08-2 (DMR 11/13/20)

Chair Wolff opened the Public Hearing at 7:04pm. There were no emailed comments nor meeting attendee comments. Chair Wolff asked for a motion to close the Public Hearing.

Motion: To close the Public Hearing

Maker: Callahan

Second: Uher

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, O’Brien


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.

The Public Hearing was closed at 7:04pm.

7. Ordinance 20-64: An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a First Amendment to an Annexation Agreement Recorded as Document No. 2009K054749, Between the City of Batavia and R Russell Builders Inc., John & Dorothy Pitz, Owen D. Beckley Living Trust Dated 4/4/1996 & Tracey C. B Beckley Living Trust Dated 4/4/1996 (DMR 11/20/20) CD

Motion: To approve Finding 1 and Finding 2 as presented

Maker: Callahan

Second: Knopp

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, O’Brien


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 20-64: An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a First Amendment to an Annexation Agreement Recorded as Document No. 2009K054749, Between the City of Batavia and R Russell Builders Inc., John & Dorothy Pitz, Owen D. Beckley Living Trust Dated 4/4/1996 & Tracey C. B Beckley Living Trust Dated 4/4/1996

Maker: Callahan

Second: Knopp

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, O’Brien


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.

8. Ordinance 20-65: Revocation of a Conditional Use for a Planned Development Granted by Ordinance 08-23 (DMR 11/20/20) CD

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 20-65: Revocation of a Conditional Use for a Planned Development Granted by Ordinance 08-23

Maker: Callahan

Second: Knopp

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, O’Brien


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.


9. Resolution 20-128-R: Accepting Utility and Drainage Easement Agreements (DMR 11/20/20) CD

Motion: To recommend approval of Resolution 20-128-R: Accepting Utility and Drainage Easement Agreements

Maker: Callahan

Second: Knopp

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, O’Brien


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.


10. Resolution 20-130-R: Approving a Variation to the Subdivision Regulations (City Code Title 11) Regarding the Front Building Line at 1111 Newton Court (Corner of Newton Avenue) Michael Blankenship, Property Owner and Applicant (JLS 11/20/20) CD

Motion: To recommend approval of Resolution 20-130-R: Approving a Variation to the Subdivision Regulations (City Code Title 11) Regarding the Front Building Line at 1111 Newton Court (Corner of Newton Avenue) Michael Blankenship, Property Owner and Applicant

Maker: Callahan

Second: Knopp

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, O’Brien


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.


11. Ordinance 20-01: An Ordinance Dissolving Tax Increment Financing District No. 5 (Washington-Wilson Redevelopment District) (SCB 11/24/20) CD

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 20-01: An Ordinance Dissolving Tax Increment Financing District No. 5 (Washington-Wilson Redevelopment District)

Maker: O’Brien

Second: Wolff

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: O’Brien, Cerone, McFadden, Russotto, Beck, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff

Nay: Miller, Knopp, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher

8-5 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.

12. Ordinance 21-02: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 89-90 Eliminating Property from the Riverfront Redevelopment Area Tax Increment Financing District (TIF #1) (SCB 11/24/20) CD

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 21-02: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 89-90 Eliminating Property from the Riverfront Redevelopment Area Tax Increment Financing District (TIF #1)

Maker: O’Brien

Second: Baerren

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: O’Brien, Cerone, McFadden, Russotto, Beck, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff

Nay: Miller, Knopp, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher

8-5 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.

13. Ordinance 21-03: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 04-09 Eliminating Property from the Downtown Redevelopment Area Tax Increment Financing District (TIF #3) (SCB 11/24/20) CD

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 21-03: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 04-09 Eliminating Property from the Downtown Redevelopment Area Tax Increment Financing District (TIF #3)

Maker: O’Brien

Second: Wolff

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: O’Brien, Cerone, McFadden, Russotto, Beck, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff

Nay: Miller, Knopp, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher

8-5 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.

14. Ordinance 21-04: An Ordinance Approving the Near East Downtown Tax Increment Financing District Redevelopment Plan and Program (SCB 11/24/20) CD

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 21-04: An Ordinance Approving the Near East Downtown Tax Increment Financing District Redevelopment Plan and Program

Maker: McFadden

Second: O’Brien

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: McFadden, Russotto, Beck, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, O’Brien, Cerone

Nay: Miller, Knopp, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher

8-5 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.

15. Ordinance 21-05: An Ordinance Designating the Near East Downtown District Redevelopment Project Area of The City of Batavia as a Redevelopment Project Area Pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, as amended (SCB 11/24/20) CD

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 21-05: An Ordinance Designating the Near East Downtown District Redevelopment Project Area of The City of Batavia as a Redevelopment Project Area Pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, as amended

Maker: O’Brien

Second: McFadden

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: O’Brien, Cerone, McFadden, Russotto, Beck, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff

Nay: Miller, Knopp, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher

8-5 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.

16. Ordinance 21-06: An Ordinance Adopting Tax Increment Financing for the Near East Downtown District Redevelopment Project Area (SCB 11/24/20) CD

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 21-06: An Ordinance Adopting Tax Increment Financing for the Near East Downtown District Redevelopment Project Area

Maker: O’Brien

Second: Russotto

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: O’Brien, Cerone, McFadden, Russotto, Beck, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff

Nay: Miller, Knopp, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher

8-5 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.

17. Ordinance 20-66: Amending the Text of the Zoning Code (DMR 11/18/20) CD

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 20-66: Amending the Text of the Zoning Code

Maker: Uher

Second: Callahan

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.


18. Resolution 20-132-R: Authorizing Task Order #5 with Baxter & Woodman For Construction Engineering Services for 2021 Ward 1 – Phase 4 (TG 11/23/20) CS

Motion: To recommend approval of Resolution 20-132-R: Authorizing Task Order #5

with Baxter & Woodman For Construction Engineering Services for 2021 Ward 1 – Phase 4 (TG 11/23/20) CS

Maker: Wolff

Second: Baerren

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Wolff, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried.

*Aldermen O’Brien and Beck exited the meeting at 8:48pm

19. Approval: Class D-1 (Restaurant – All Liquor) Liquor License Application for Windmill Grille and Pizzeria Located at – 90 N. Island Ave, Batavia (DME 11/13/20) GS

Motion: To approve Class D-1 (Restaurant – All Liquor) Liquor License Application for Windmill Grille and Pizzeria Located at – 90 N. Island Ave, Batavia

Maker: Chanzit

Second: Uher

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Knopp


11-0 Vote, 3 Absent. Motion carried.

20. Ordinance 20-72: An Ordinance Amending the 2021 Wage and Salary Ordinance for Non-Collective Bargained Employees (WCB 12/01/20) GS

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 20-72: An Ordinance Amending the 2021 Wage and Salary Ordinance for Non-Collective Bargained Employees

Maker: Wolff

Second: McFadden

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Wolff, Cerone, McFadden, Chanzit

Nay: Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Baerren

4-8 Vote, 2 Absent. Motion failed.

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 20-72: An Ordinance Amending the 2021 Wage and Salary Ordinance for Non-Collective Bargained Employees amended with a 1% increase and revisit mid-year to assess if the remaining 1.5% increase could be awarded retroactively

Maker: Russotto

Second: Baerren

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Russotto, Beck, Chanzit, Baerren, Cerone 

Nay: Miller, Knopp, Wolff, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, McFadden

5-7 Vote, 2 Absent. Motion failed.

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 20-72: An Ordinance Amending the 2021 Wage and Salary Ordinance for Non-Collective Bargained Employees and revisit the budget in six months and assess the status of the budget and the economy at that time

Maker: McFadden

Second: Cerone

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: McFadden, Beck, Chanzit, Wolff, Cerone 

Nay: Miller, Russotto, Knopp, Baerren, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher

5-7 Vote, 2 Absent. Motion failed.

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 20-72: An Ordinance Amending the 2021 Wage and Salary Ordinance for Non-Collective Bargained Employees amended and revisit the budget in six months and assess the

status of the budget and the economy at that time with the addition of the reduction of $150,000 in cost to the 2021 budget identified and said cuts would be reviewed at some point during 2021 to possibly be restored through a budget amendment

Maker: Uher

Second: Callahan

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, Callahan, Meitzler


12-0 Vote, 2 Absent. Motion carried.

21. Ordinance 20-73: An Ordinance Regulating the 2021 Wages and Salaries for the Paid-On-Call Members of the Fire Department (WCB 12/01/20) GS

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 20-73: An Ordinance Regulating the 2021 Wages and Salaries for the Paid-On-Call Members of the Fire Department

Maker: Chanzit

Second: Callahan

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp,


12-0 Vote, 2 Absent. Motion carried.


22. Ordinance 20-74: An Ordinance Regulating the 2021 Payment for ESDA Volunteer Members (WCB 12/01/20) GS

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 20-74: An Ordinance Regulating the 2021 Payment for ESDA Volunteer Members

Maker: Chanzit

Second: Callahan

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp,


12-0 Vote, 2 Absent. Motion carried.


23. Ordinance 20-70: Amending the Municipal Code Relating to Water Usage Rates (GH 11/16/20) PU

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 20-70: Amending the Municipal Code Relating to Water Usage Rates

Maker: Wolff

Second: Knopp

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Wolff, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren


12-0 Vote, 2 Absent. Motion carried.

24. Resolution 20-133-R: Authorizing Execution of the Temporary Construction Easement Agreement with the State Bank of Geneva (Shodeen Group) Related to the Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation Project (JPB 11/23/20) PU

Motion: To recommend approval of Resolution 20-133-R: Authorizing Execution of the Temporary Construction Easement Agreement with the State Bank of Geneva (Shodeen Group) Related to the Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation Project

Maker: Wolff

Second: Russotto

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Wolff, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren


12-0 Vote, 2 Absent. Motion carried.


25. Resolution 20-134-R: Approving a Construction Contract with Electric Conduit Construction to Build a Fiber Hut/Critical Infrastructure Communication Node Shelter at Paramount Substation for an amount not to exceed $266,677, which Includes 10 Percent Contingency Amount (RB 11/23/20) PU

Motion: To recommend approval of Resolution 20-134-R: Approving a Construction Contract with Electric Conduit Construction to Build a Fiber Hut/Critical Infrastructure Communication Node Shelter at Paramount Substation for an amount not to exceed $266,677, which Includes 10 Percent Contingency Amount

Maker: Wolff

Second: Knopp

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Wolff, Callahan, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren


12-0 Vote, 2 Absent. Motion carried.
