
Kane County Reporter

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Village of Sugar Grove Board of Trustees met December 3

Webp meetingroom04

Village of Sugar Grove Board of Trustees met Dec. 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President Michels opened the meeting at 6:00 PM and asked that Trustee Montalto lead the Pledge. The roll was then called.

Physically Present: President Michels, Trustee Walter, Trustee Lendi, Trustee Herron, Trustee Konen, Trustee Koch, Trustee Montalto

Quorum Established. Remote Attendance: None. Also Present:

Administrator Eichelberger, Attorney Julien, Clerk Galbreath, Community Development Director Magdziarz, Public Works Deputy Director Merkel, PW Director Speciale, Finance Director Anastasia, Management Analysts Murphy, Chief of Police Rollins, Engineer Ott




GFOA Budget Award

President Michels presented to the Finance Director Matt Anastasia the GFOA Budget Award. He thanked Director Anastasia and his staff for their hard work and dedication to detail.


President Michels read the agenda items and the called for comments on those items on the agenda. An audience member commented on short falls that are in the budget and about future cuts and the need for revenues. He spoke specifically about the proposed developer contributions. Finance Director Anastasia stated that developer contribution are offsetting expense and if there was development they are expenses that the developer would pay. These are projections only.

A resident suggested that the Village consider using sand in the salt mix. IPW Director stated that sand is not a viable solution in an urban area.

Hearing no further comments President Michels closed this portion of the agenda.


a. Approval: Minutes of the November 19, 2019 Meeting

b. Approval: Vouchers

c. Ordinance: Repealing Vehicle Weight Regulations

d. Ordinance: Adopting Vehicle Weight/Size Regulations

e. Resolution: Review of Closed Session Minutes

f. Proclamation: National Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month

g. Ordinance: Levying Taxes for the Fiscal Year May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021

h. Ordinance: Abating 2019 Taxes related to Debt Service on the $2,930,000 2009 General Obligation Alternate Revenue Bonds

i. Ordinance: Abating 2019 Taxes related to Debt Service on the $5,460,000 2013A General Obligation Refunding Alternate Revenue Bonds

j. Ordinance: Abating 2019 Taxes related to Debt Service on the $3,100,000 2017 General Obligation Alternate Revenue Bonds

k. Resolution: Declaring Notice of Eighth Installment, Accrual of Interest and Adoption of Special Assessment Supplemental Bond and Procedures Act

l. Ordinance: 2019-1203MPRO, an Ordinance for Tax Levy of the Mallard Point Special Assessment for the Fiscal Year May 1, 2020, to April 30, 2021

Trustee Montalto moved to Approve the Consent Agenda with the removal of items g and l. Trustee Herron seconded the motion. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.












Motion Carried.

Ordinance 2019-1203MPRO, an Ordinance for Tax Levy of the Mallard Point Special Assessment for the Fiscal Year May 1, 2020, to April 30, 2021

Trustee Montalto moved Adopt an Ordinance 2019-1203MPRO, an Ordinance for Tax Levy of the Mallard Point Special Assessment for the Fiscal Year May 1, 2020, to April 30, 2021. Trustee Heron seconded the motion. It was questioned what year of the special assessment was be assessed. It was answered the 8th. President Michels then called for roll call.












Motion Carried

Ordinance Levying Taxes for the Fiscal Year May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021

Trustee Montalto moved Adopt an Ordinance Levying Taxes for the Fiscal Year May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021. Trustee Heron seconded the motion. The Board discussed the need for the levy and the increase in the levy. It was noted that the Village is facing price increases to provide core services. It should also be noted that there is a desire to keep taxes down and that the Village has been working toward diversifying the tax base. President Michels then called for roll call.













Ordinance Approving a Boundary Agreement with the Village of Kaneville

Trustee Montalto moved Adopt an Ordinance Approving a Boundary Agreement with the Village of Kaneville. Trustee Herron seconded the motion. President Michels and the Board commented on the agreement and that they are glad to have it completed. President Michels then called for roll call.












Motion Carried


2020 Road Program

Engineer Chris Ott of EEI gave a presentation of on the road program and the condtions of various streets. He explained that in an effort to best utilize the available MFT and Village funds, Staff and EEI reviewed the condition of Village roads to assist in determining the best use to focus on for the 2020 Road Program. Staff and EEI developed the following Program for the Boards consideration:

Option #1, based on standard funding, includes microsurfacing in the Windsor West subdivision for an estimated $409,100. Resurfacing McCannon Street and Yolane Drive for $238,300. In addition, Cracksealing would take place on various streets including Calkins Drive, Dugan Road, Gordon Road, Grove Street, Heartland Drive, Monna Drive, Snow Street and Waubonsee Drive for approximately $47,100. The total cost including engineering for this Program is estimated at $694,500.

Option #2, based on standard and additional funding includes everything in Option #1 plus Resurfacing the remaining areas of Strafford Woods for an estimated $170,500. In addition, an overlay on Mallard Lane, Brookhaven Circle, Edgewater Court, Edgewater Lane, Essex Court Linden Court, Pebblebrook Court and Saddlebrook Lane for $685,000. The total cost including engineering for this Program is $1,496,000. This program cost estimate is based on one large program and cannot be separated without a possible cost increase.

If the enhanced program is approval and the additional funding is not received, the 2020 Program will be paid for with a combination of 2020 and 2021 funds resulting in no Program in 2021. Staff believes the economies of scale of the larger program justify it regardless of whether it is paid for solely in 2020 due to the additional revenues or if it takes two years of standard funding.

The Board discussed the Options and concurred that Option 2 was in the best interest of the Village.

Small Cell Wireless Regulations

The following information was presented to the Village Board.

The current ordinance regulating micro antennas provides for the regulation and application for small wireless facilities in order to regulate the permitting and deployment of small wireless facility installations consistent with the requirements of the Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act The Act provides the regulations and process for permitting and deploying small wireless facilities within rights-of-way and on private property throughout Illinois (excluding Chicago). Per the Act, the Village can impose collocation requirements to ensure compliance with certain design standards. However all else is out of the Village’s hands for regulation.

The proposed General Guidelines and Small Wireless Facility Design, Stealth and Concealment Standards would assist applicants with understanding the Village's objectives to preserve the character of the neighborhoods in which facilities are installed and prevent visual blight. A document such as this is particularly important for the Village, and helpful for applicants because all municipalities are spatially unique and have different regulations. Telecommunication companies and its third-party subcontractors install equipment nationwide and would benefit to understand guidelines prior to designing and applying for a permit in each municipality.

The Board discussed small cell wireless regulations and their desire to continue to build a desirable Village that is ascetically pleasing. They directed staff to work with the Village Attorney to draft an ordinance for their consideration.

Mid-Year Budget Update

As of October 31, 2019, the Village was through the first half of the fiscal year. Staff has projected revenues and expenditures for the General Fund, the Capital Projects Fund, Infrastructure Capital Projects Fund, the two TIFs, Debt Service, Sugar Grove Center, the Waterworks and Sewerage Fund, the Waterworks & Sewerage Capital Fund and Refuse Fund through the end of fiscal year 2019 – 2020.

The General Fund revenues are expected to be higher than budget by approximately $127,873 and expenditures are expected to be higher than budget by approximately $158,149. This is projected to result in a decrease to the fund balance by about $5,131, as compared to the budget increase of $25,145. Notable variances to budget include:

1. Property Taxes are expected to be about $23,000 over budget due to collection rate and prior year collections on unpaid taxes.

2. Utility Taxes are anticipated to be below budget by a total of $36,837, mainly due to reduced telecommunication tax.

3. Building Permits are estimated to be below budget by $26,240, this is due to Pulte building out all the lots they have purchased without any future plans of more homes at this time.

4. State Income tax receipts are projected to be $102,836 higher than budget based on the October 2019 Illinois Municipal League revenue sharing estimates. With the uncertainty at the State level, the budget was not adjusted from the previous years received amount.

5. State Sales Tax receipts are expected to be $24,429 higher than budget, however, the State Sales Tax Rebate is also going to exceed their budget by $6,587 due to the success of the new gas station, Culvers and Dunkin Donuts that opened within the Village.

6. Budgetwide–

a. Medical/Dental expenses for the year were budgeted at an anticipated 10%

increase, but actual increase was only 3.8% overall.

b. IMRF Rate increase due to the change in rate of return was anticipated to go to 7.75% within the budget, the actual rate for 2020 is 7.36%.

c. The Equipment Replacement Fund was funded at 50% throughout the General Fund. The FYE Projections includes funding the Equipment Replacement Fund at 100% for fiscal year end April 30, 2020 which was an additional $128,301.

7. Total expenses for the Public Works–Street Division are anticipated to be higher than budget by $176,659 due to the State bid contract for salt coming in over 40% higher for the year in price.

8. The Community Development department expenses will be over budget by $32,391 due to the increase costs of engineering for an inordinate amount of drainage concerns and unreimbursed expenses due to the potential data center.

The General Capital Projects Fund revenues will be $218,903 higher than budgeted due to increasing the Equipment Replacement transfers to 100%, from the previously budget 50% in each department. There was also unbudgeted revenue for the Improvement Donations for the Settlers Ridge prepayment expiring.

In the Tax Increment Financing District #1, property tax revenues are above budget by $175,000. Expenses in the fund are due to the road project of resurfacing Bucktail Dr.

In the Tax Increment Financing District #2, property tax revenues are above budget by $4,463 due to an increase in EAV within the TIF boundaries causing a higher increment to the Village. Expenses are projected to be under budget by $6,000 due to the no additional work being done within the TIF.

The Capital Infrastructure Fund is projecting a surplus for the fiscal year due to the Sugar Grove Parkway and Bliss Rd. Intersection Improvement project not being completed within the fiscal year. This will continue to be budget in the next fiscal year.

The Sugar Grove Center Fund budgeted $6,500 for weed control and grass cutting. The Village did not levy for taxes again in fiscal year 2019-2020 for the SSA, using the fund reserve to fund the necessary maintenance.

The Waterworks and Sewerage Fund operating revenue are expected to be $154,749 below than budget due to a decrease in water usage average Village wide. Water conservation is relayed to residents when they call the Village for utility bill questions.

Within the Water Operations department of Water & Sewer, Electricity will be over budget by $70,000 as the Village went back to ComEd rates, even though high, were still lower than the electrical aggregation program of a 3rd party provider. However, we will be under budget by $59,810 in Specialized Supplies as the amount of remaining water meters to be replaced was over estimated. The total department will be over budget by $22,390. Water Capital department will be under budget by $187,062 due to the cost of the Annette’s Lane and Annette’s Circle water main replacement project coming in under budget than the engineers estimate.

In total, the Waterworks & Sewerage Fund is projecting a deficit of $285,177, which is roughly $62,000 better than the budgeted deficit of $347,578.

The Waterworks & Sewerage Capital Fund currently only has revenues as this was a newly created fund in fiscal year 2018-19. This Fund will be treated identical as the General Capital Project fund is for Equipment Replacement, but will be for Water & Sewer equipment only.

The Refuse Fund expenses are projected relatively close to the budgeted amounts, with a deficit of only $6,999.

The Board discussed the budget to date and explained the fund balances to the audience.



The need to be vigilant this holiday season with package deliveries was highlighted.


Holiday in the Grove and Coffee with the Mayor this Saturday December 7. The Board invited the public to attend.


No Report




Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Herron and seconded by Trustee Montalto. Meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
