City of Batavia Historic Preservation Commission will meet on Monday, April 8.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
1. Call To Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval Of Minutes
March 11, 2019
4. Items Removed/Added/Changed
5. Matters From The Public (For Items Not On The Agenda)
6. COA Review: 1 East Wilson Street
Siding Replacement (Scharnweber/Wicklund, applicant)
7. COA Review: 129 South Batavia Avenue
Rear Porch Reconstruction (John Happel, applicant)
8. Updates
7 East Wilson Street—Historic Inspection
Anderson Block Building—Masonry Maintenance
Significant Historic Building Inspection Program
10/12 North River Street—Historic Inspection
227 West Wilson Street—Historic Inspection
129 South Batavia Avenue—Historic Inspection
8 North River Street—Historic Inspection
16 East Wilson Street—Historic Inspection
Certified Local Government
9. Other Business
10. Adjournment