
Kane County Reporter

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

City of Aurora Grand Army Of The Republic Memorial Commission met March 20

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City of Aurora Grand Army Of The Republic Memorial Commission met March 20.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

I. Call to order

II. Approval of minutes from meeting of November 21, 2018

III. Staff updates (Eric, Dan, John, as appropriate):

a. Final 2018 visitor count

b. Exhibit schedule for 2019

c. 2019 schedule of open hours and events

d. Memorial Day event update and discussion

e. Current situation with the sentry statue

f. Mural restoration

g. Basement construction

h. Upcoming outreach activities

i. Programming activities

j. Board appointments/re-appointments

k. IDNR grant status?

l. Other informational items and updates

IV. Discussion items:

a. Board composition: Resident/non-resident, veterans’ representation, other criteria

b. Hall use policy: priorities, criteria, procedures

c. Priorities for programming and activities in the Hall

d. Attendance goals

e. Vietnam exhibit, Smithsonian component, veterans’ component, etc.

f. Artifact acquisition policies: priorities, funding issues, etc.

V. Member reports: Events, activities, projects, needs, issues, etc.

VI. Old business

VII. Other business/items for future agendas

VIII. Adjournment
