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Monday, February 24, 2025

City of Aurora Planning Council met June 26.

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City of Aurora Planning Council met June 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Call To Order:

Mr. Sieben called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

Roll Call:

The following members were present: Mr. Sieben, Mrs. Vacek, Mr. Minnella, Mrs. Morgan, Mr. Broadwell, Mr. Feltman, Mr. Beneke and Mr. Curley.

Others Present:

Others Present: Debbie Van Sickle (Invest Aurora).

Approval Of Minutes:

18-0530 Approval of the Minutes for the Planning Council meeting of June 19, 2018.

A motion was made by Mrs. Vacek, seconded by Mrs. Morgan, that this agenda item be approved and filed. The motion carried by voice vote.


17-00875 Requesting a Public Hearing to Consider the Revisions to Aurora's Comprehensive Plan to Change the Land Use Designation for the Property located at east of Commons Drive, west of Route 59, north of Montgomery Road and south of the Burlington Northern railroad tracks (City of Aurora - 17-00875 / KDWK-17.169-COMP - AM - Wards 8 and 10)

Mrs. Vacek said we are continuing to work on this. We met with Schoppe last week or the week before, so they are continuing to work on it.

18-0400 Requesting approval of a Special Use for a retail/restaurant use with a drive-through facility on Lot 1 of Greenfield Commons Second Resubdivision located at 2340 W. Indian Trail (Mid-America Group - 18-0400 / AU18/1-15.156-Su/Fpn - SB - Ward 5)

Mr. Broadwell said I just spoke with the Project Manager this morning. They are still waiting for the owner of the property to approve the revised site plan.

Mr. Sieben said I think we should make a motion to put this to Pending until they resubmit the revision. Mrs. Vacek said so moved. Mr. Broadwell seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Mrs. Vacek, seconded by Mr. Broadwell, that this agenda item be placed on pending. The motion carried by voice vote.

18-0401 Requesting approval of a Final Plan for Lot 1 of Greenfield Commons Second Resubdivision located at 2340 W. Indian Trail for a retail/restaurant use with a drive-through facility (Mid-America Group - 18-0401 / AU18/1-15.156-Su/Fpn - SB - Ward 5)

Mr. Broadwell said I just spoke with the Project Manager this morning. They are still waiting for the owner of the property to approve the revised site plan.

Mr. Sieben said I think we should make a motion to put this to Pending until they resubmit the revision. Mrs. Vacek said so moved. Mr. Broadwell seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Mrs. Vacek, seconded by Mr. Broadwell, that this agenda item be placed on pending. The motion carried by voice vote.

18-0497 Requesting approval of a Final Plat Revision consolidating Lots 4 & 5 of Meijer Subdivision located at 716 and 724 N. State Route 59, being located along Drexel Avenue, west of State Route 59, east of Station Boulevard and south of Liberty Street, and establishing Lot 1 of Meijer 2nd Resubdivision (Peak Construction Corporation - 18-0497 / NA21/2-18.050-Fsd/Fpn/R - JM - Ward 10)

Mrs. Morgan said Planning sent out comments. Nothing major, just some comments on landscaping and a comment on the location of the entrance.

Mr. Feltman said the far west entrance.

Mrs. Morgan said yes.

Mr. Sieben said the far west entrance will need to move to match what was approved for the Egret Enterprises site.

Mr. Feltman said Engineering is under review, but I don’t think there is anything major.

18-0498 Requesting approval of a Final Plan for Lot 1 of Meijer 2nd Resubdivision located at 716 and 724 N. State Route 59, being along Drexel Avenue, west of State Route 59, east of Station Boulevard and south of Liberty Street, for a Hotel, Select Service (1360) Use (Peak Construction Corporation - 18-0498 / NA21/2-18.050-Fsd/Fpn/R - JM - Ward 10)

Mrs. Morgan said Planning sent out comments. Nothing major, just some comments on landscaping and a comment on the location of the entrance.

Mr. Feltman said the far west entrance.

Mrs. Morgan said yes.

Mr. Sieben said the far west entrance will need to move to match what was approved for the Egret Enterprises site.

Mr. Feltman said Engineering is under review, but I don’t think there is anything major.

18-0519 Requesting approval of a Final Plat Revision re-subdividing Lots 162 and 164 of The Estate Homes of Verona Ridge Subdivision, Unit Three located west of Deerpath Road north of West Indian Trail and establishing Lots 1 and 2 of The Estate Homes of Verona Ridge 2nd Resubdivision of part of Unit Three (Fox Valley Park District and West Aurora School District #129 - 18-0519 / SG12/3-17.190-Fsd/R - TV - Ward 5)

Representative Present: Stu Whitt

I’m Stu Whitt. I represent the both the Park District and the West Aurora School District in this matter. So what has happened is the School District and the Park District years ago, a lot of park sites and schools sites are kind of jointly owned and there are some school sites that have never been used for purposes and never will be used, they’ve always been park purposes, so the School District and Park District decided to kind of get their property lined up and straightened out so that the West Aurora School District owns all of the McCleery site and all of the Jefferson site and the Park District doesn’t own any of it. At the end of the day after everything got balanced out, there was still about a 21⁄2 or 3 acre imbalance and so the Park District owed a couple of acres to the School District. The hash line up there at Verona Ridge, that is the existing property line between the park site, which is on the south and the school site, which is on the north and what we are proposing to do is move that property line to the angle on the left so that the park site is 2 acres and I believe the school site ends up being about 11 acres. The park site is already improved with the park facilities there. It meets the needs of the Park District. It meets the needs of the community. There are not going to be any changes in use. There are not going to be any changes in appearance. It is just a line on a piece of paper so we can get this final conveyance made. We could maybe do it as meets and bounds, but then years from now people would say what the heck are you doing.

Mrs. Vacek said this will be going to the July 18th Planning Commission. Then it would go to our Planning and Development Committee on the 26th. It is an appealable item, so if it is not appealed it will be done by the end of the month.

18-0520 Requesting approval of a Special Use for a Planned Development for Educational Purposes on the property located east of Reimer Drive, between W. Galena Boulevard and Downer Place (West Aurora School District #129 - 18-0520 / AU19/2-15.273-SUPD/Fpn - TV - Ward 5)

Representatives Present: Stu Whitt, Angie Smith, Kelly Schomer and David Burroughs

I’m Stuart Whitt on behalf of the West Aurora School District.

I’m Angie Smith, Assistant Superintendent for Operations for West Aurora School District.

I’m Kelly Schomer, Architect with Cordogan Clark & Associates.

I’m Dave Burroughs with Engineering Enterprises.

Ms. Schomer said so the project is located at the old Dreyer location off of Galena bordering Reimer and W. Downer Place. The Dreyer building is currently under renovation to transform it from a clinic building to an early education center and some other programs that the School District has. We are renovating some of the parking lot to accommodate drop-off, parent drop-off and pickup. The other portion of the project is a new building called the Weisner Family Center for Career Development and it is going to house some vocational labs, vocational classrooms. It has a yard associated with it. It is about 12,000 square feet. We are improving the perimeter of the detention pond, but otherwise not touching the detention area. Pretty much the parking is as is. The layout of the parking lot is as is, except we did add the center median directly south of the main entrance to that old Dreyer building.

Ms. Smith said one thing I’ll just correct real quick, you’ll see on there that it is a future building. We are intending to approve the alternate for that building so it will be roughly 16,000 square feet.

Mr. Sieben said so you are going to build the whole thing?

Ms. Smith said we are going to build the whole thing at one time. It won’t necessarily be used as classroom space, but from a construction standpoint, this is the most reasonable pricing we’re ever going to get so we are going to go ahead and do it all at once.

Ms. Schomer said that’s it in a nutshell.

Mr. Sieben said do you want to touch on the elevations real quick?

Ms. Schomer said the new building elevation we are looking at, the structure itself is a prefab metal building structure. We did have a couple of colors for the metal panel and with some minimal brick. In talking through with you guys, we discussed adding more brick to kind of help transfer a little bit more, so we did increase the height of the brick on the north, east and west sides and then we added brick along the south end as well and we went to kind of change the colors a little bit to be a little bit more in tune with the surrounding buildings in the area.

Mrs. Vacek said so I did send comments out. I know that you got those. The one thing, obviously, we did send comments out on the elevation. We were looking to maybe change out or do an alternative to the metal panels to do some kind of like either concrete panels or there’s that product called Nichiha. I don’t know if you guys have taken a look at that.

Ms. Schomer said we did receive the comments. We also reviewed the landscape comments that you had as well, so we are just going through those right now.

Mrs. Vacek said if you need anything from me, just let me know about landscaping comments.

Ms. Smith said I will say that this project barely came in at budget. In making some of the changes with the brick, we’ve already had to go over budget, so we’ll need to look carefully at some of the suggestions and see what the budgetary impacts might be.

Mr. Feltman said Engineering is in review. We talked about the water main and the water service. I think we are pretty squared away. It should be pretty straightforward from our standpoint.

Mr. Burroughs said as was mentioned, the Dreyer building is under construction so they’ve got the main part of the parking lot, the asphalt has been removed, so they are trying to get that done this summer because they are anticipating occupying the early learning center in January. One of the key things to that is for the Weisner building we’ve got a sanitary sewer service that is running north out of there up to Galena Boulevard, so we need to get that in before the middle of July, so I’m trying to look for approval to put that sanitary service line in there. We’re under the 1,500 gallons per day, so we don’t need a sanitary sewer permit. I’ve talked to Fox Metro about that as well. The submittal has been made to them, so we are looking for them to respond as well. That’s really only the key thing for this summer to get that sanitary in there so we can get the parking lot paved.

Mr. Feltman said we’ll take a look at it.

Mrs. Vacek said this is set for the July 18th Planning Commission. It will go to the Planning Commission on the 18th, P&D on the 26th and in August it will go to Committee of the Whole and City Council.

18-0521 Requesting approval of a Final Plan for property located east of Reimer Drive, between W. Galena Boulevard and Downer Place (West Aurora School District #129 - 18-0521 / AU19/2-15.273-SUPD/Fpn- TV- Ward 5)

Representatives Present: Stu Whitt, Angie Smith, Kelly Schomer and David Burroughs

I’m Stuart Whitt on behalf of the West Aurora School District.

I’m Angie Smith, Assistant Superintendent for Operations for West Aurora School District.

I’m Kelly Schomer, Architect with Cordogan Clark & Associates.

I’m Dave Burroughs with Engineering Enterprises.

Ms. Schomer said so the project is located at the old Dreyer location off of Galena bordering Reimer and W. Downer Place. The Dreyer building is currently under renovation to transform it from a clinic building to an early education center and some other programs that the School District has. We are renovating some of the parking lot to accommodate drop-off, parent drop-off and pickup. The other portion of the project is a new building called the Weisner Family Center for Career Development and it is going to house some vocational labs, vocational classrooms. It has a yard associated with it. It is about 12,000 square feet. We are improving the perimeter of the detention pond, but otherwise not touching the detention area. Pretty much the parking is as is. The layout of the parking lot is as is, except we did add the center median directly south of the main entrance to that old Dreyer building.

Ms. Smith said one thing I’ll just correct real quick, you’ll see on there that it is a future building. We are intending to approve the alternate for that building so it will be roughly 16,000 square feet.

Mr. Sieben said so you are going to build the whole thing?

Ms. Smith said we are going to build the whole thing at one time. It won’t necessarily be used as classroom space, but from a construction standpoint, this is the most reasonable pricing we’re ever going to get so we are going to go ahead and do it all at once.

Ms. Schomer said that’s it in a nutshell.

Mr. Sieben said do you want to touch on the elevations real quick?

Ms. Schomer said the new building elevation we are looking at, the structure itself is a prefab metal building structure. We did have a couple of colors for the metal panel and with some minimal brick. In talking through with you guys, we discussed adding more brick to kind of help transfer a little bit more, so we did increase the height of the brick on the north, east and west sides and then we added brick along the south end as well and we went to kind of change the colors a little bit to be a little bit more in tune with the surrounding buildings in the area.

Mrs. Vacek said so I did send comments out. I know that you got those. The one thing, obviously, we did send comments out on the elevation. We were looking to maybe change out or do an alternative to the metal panels to do some kind of like either concrete panels or there’s that product called Nichiha. I don’t know if you guys have taken a look at that.

Ms. Schomer said we did receive the comments. We also reviewed the landscape comments that you had as well, so we are just going through those right now.

Mrs. Vacek said if you need anything from me, just let me know about landscaping comments.

Ms. Smith said I will say that this project barely came in at budget. In making some of the changes with the brick, we’ve already had to go over budget, so we’ll need to look carefully at some of the suggestions and see what the budgetary impacts might be.

Mr. Feltman said Engineering is in review. We talked about the water main and the water service. I think we are pretty squared away. It should be pretty straightforward from our standpoint.

Mr. Burroughs said as was mentioned, the Dreyer building is under construction so they’ve got the main part of the parking lot, the asphalt has been removed, so they are trying to get that done this summer because they are anticipating occupying the early learning center in January. One of the key things to that is for the Weisner building we’ve got a sanitary sewer service that is running north out of there up to Galena Boulevard, so we need to get that in before the middle of July, so I’m trying to look for approval to put that sanitary service line in there. We’re under the 1,500 gallons per day, so we don’t need a sanitary sewer permit. I’ve talked to Fox Metro about that as well. The submittal has been made to them, so we are looking for them to respond as well. That’s really only the key thing for this summer to get that sanitary in there so we can get the parking lot paved.

Mr. Feltman said we’ll take a look at it.

Mrs. Vacek said this is set for the July 18th Planning Commission. It will go to the Planning Commission on the 18th, P&D on the 26th and in August it will go to Committee of the Whole and City Council.

18-0524 Requesting the Annexation, pursuant to an Intergovernmental Agreement, of 1.93 acres for a portion of Duke Parkway (City of Aurora - 18-0524 / WI33/4-18.129-A - TV - Ward 10)

Mrs. Vacek said last year we did to an IGA Revision for this area. We do need to annex this in. Due to Amazon going in, they actually bumped up the construction of the roadway and everything. This is dedicated right-of-way now, so we will be taking jurisdiction of this. I do make a motion to vote this out. This would go to the Planning and Development Committee this Thursday on the 28th. Mr. Minnella seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Mrs. Vacek, seconded by Mr. Minnella, that this agenda item be Forwarded to the Planning & Development Committee, on the agenda for 6/28/2018. The motion carried by voice vote.


17-00639 Requesting approval of a Final Plan Revision for Hometown Farnsworth Subdivision, Phase One and Two located north of Montgomery Road, between Hill Avenue and Farnsworth Avenue for new building elevations and footprint change (Bigelow Farnsworth, LLC - 17-00639 / AU35/2-17.024-Fpn/R - SB - Ward 3)






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