
Kane County Reporter

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Kane County Transportation Committee met May 15.

Meeting 05

Kane County Transportation Committee met May 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1. Call to Order

Chairman Frasz called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Attendee Name Title Status Arrived

Margaret Auger Board Member Present

Ron Ford Board Member Late 9:03 am

Rebecca Gillam Vice Chair Present

Kurt R. Kojzarek Ex-Officio (County Development Chairman) Present

Bill Lenert Board Member Present

Jarett Sanchez Board Member Present

Thomas Smith Board Member Present

Drew Frasz Chairman Present

Also present: Co. Bd. members Hoscheit, Kenyon, Martin & staff Nagel, Figliozzi; KDOT staff T. Rickert, Hopkinson, Edwards, Coffinbargar, Benda; Asst. State’s Atty. Jaeger; Finance staff Waggoner; ITD staff Peters; members of the press & public.

2. Approval of Minutes: April 17, 2018

Result: Approved With Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Bill Lenert, Board Member

Seconder: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Ex-Officio (County Development Chairman)

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

Absent: Ron Ford

3. Public Comment (Agenda Items)


4. Finance

Monthly financial reports were included in the agenda packet. Finance staff Waggoner reported there were no FY18 budget concerns at this time. Overages are due to multi projects or encumbrances.

A. April Transportation Committee Finance Reports

Monthly reports were included in the agenda packet. Staff Rickert reported they are in the process of putting together their FY19 budget. (Ford arrives @ 9:03 a.m.) The next two resolutions were presented together.

B. Resolution: Approving of Personnel Hiring and Replacement, Kane County Division of

Transportation - Planning & Programming (1)

This authorizes the Kane County Department of Transportation to hire and fill 1 existing vacant planning position in its Planning & Programming Department.

C. Resolution: Approving of Personnel Hiring and Replacement, Kane County Division of Transportation - Traffic Operations & Permitting (1)

This authorizes Kane County Department of Transportation to hire and fill 1 existing vacant traffic/permit engineer position in its Traffic Operations & Permitting Department.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/30/2018 9:00 am

To: Finance And Budget Committee

Mover: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Ex-Officio (County Development Chairman)

Seconder: Rebecca Gillam, Vice Chair

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

5. Maintenance

Referencing a written report included in the agenda packet, staff Rickert noted they have started their mowing operations. They typically mow twice a year, at the beginning and end of the season. He presented the following resolution:

A. Resolution: Approving Adopt-A-Highway Program Applicants

This authorizes Geneva Neighbors and Friends, Top Gun Football, the Kropidlowski Family, Pheasants Forever, Leggett & Platt, John B. Sanfilippo, Engineering Enterprises, John A. Beach for participation in the Kane County Adopt-A-Highway Program are hereby approved.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 6/6/2018 9:00 am

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Bill Lenert, Board Member

Seconder: Margaret Auger, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

6. Planning & Programming

The monthly report was included in the agenda packet, staff Rickert announced CMAP has scheduled open houses on June 26 and 27 to view a draft of the ONTO2050 plan. He shared an overview of information included in the plan. A copy of the plan has been made available on CMAP's website. Rickert discussed proposed resurfacing improvements to Autumn Trail due to utility work. Chair Frasz asked if there was consent for Rickert to move forward with property owner agreements for the pavement overlay. No objections were voiced.

Rickert shared information on the RTA Access to Transit program, IDOT's long-range transportation plan, and the State of Illinois' planning and research call for projects. They are looking to submit projects for each program. Brief discussion followed.

7. Traffic Operations & Permitting

The monthly report was included in the agenda packet.

A. Small Wireless Facilities Legislative Update

Referencing documents included in the agenda packet, staff Rickert noted the county recently passed an ordinance that changed their fees to $200 monthly for small cells. That ordinance has now been overwritten with the Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act the Governor signed into law. As a result, the county may need to update its ordinance. Brief discussion followed. Rickert discussed the following ordinance:

B. Ordinance: Approving Alteration of Statutory Speed Limit, Sugar Grove Township

This authorizes a speed limit alteration for Star Lane along the.25 miles that does not have sidewalks between Route 47 to the end of the lane. KDOT recommends a speed limit of 25 mph based on the KDOT Speed Limit Policy. The roadway is currently un-posted with a statutory speed limit of 30 mph.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 6/6/2018 9:00 am

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Ex-Officio (County Development Chairman)

Seconder: Bill Lenert, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

8. Project Implementation

Staff Coffinbargar reviewed the monthly report included in the agenda packet. He shared project photos.

The next three resolutions were presented and moved forward together.

A.Resolution: Approving a Phase II Engineering Services Agreement (Start-up Agreement) with TranSystems of Schaumburg, Illinois for Dauberman Road from US Route 30 to Granart Road, Kane County Section No. 15-00277-01-BR

This authorizes an execution of the Phase II Engineering services agreement with Transystems for the extension of Dauberman Road, which will be split into two separate contracts - a Start-up locally funded Agreement contract and, while not required of the project, includes a drainage study of an area outside of the project limits to determine if reasonable cost effective improvements could be made within the project limits to assist with a much larger regional flooding issue. Project funding is not to exceed sum of $735,220.00 from Southwest Impact Fees Fund #554, Line Item #50140 (Engineering).

B. Resolution: Approving a Phase II Engineering Services Agreement (Federal Participation) with TranSystems of Schaumburg, Illinois for Dauberman Road from US Route 30 to Granart Road, Kane County Section No. 15-00277-01-BR

This authorizes Phase II Design Engineering services for the extension of Dauberman Road will be split into two separate contracts - a Start-up Agreement contract and a Federal Participation contract for a total amount not to exceed $1,473,064.00. This appropriates funds not to exceed sum of $737,844.00 from Transportation Capital Fund #540, Line Item #50140 (Engineering) to pay for said Phase II Engineering services for the Improvement.

C. Resolution: Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for Phase II Engineering Services for Dauberman Road from U.S. Route 30 to Granart Road, Kane County Section No. 15-00277-01-BR.

This authorizes an IGA with IDOT, which will provide for Federal reimbursement towards a portion of the Phase II Engineering Services for Dauberman Road improvements. Surface Transportation Block Grant Program - County (STP R) funds will provide an estimated $590,275 (80%) of the estimated $737,844 total amount. The local (County) match is estimated to be $147,569 (20%).

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 6/6/2018 9:00 am

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Ex-Officio (County Development Chairman)

Seconder: Bill Lenert, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

D. Resolution: Approving a Phase II Engineering Services Agreement with Baxter & Woodman Inc. of Crystal Lake, Illinois for Bliss Road-Fabyan Parkway-Main Street Intersection Realignment, Kane County Section No. 14-00288-01-PV

This authorizes an execution of the Phase II Engineering services agreement with Baxter & Woodman Inc., for the Bliss Road-Fabyan Parkway-Main Street Intersection Realignment. It appropriates funds not to exceed sum of $796,871.08 from Transportation Sales Tax Fund #305, Line Item #50140 (Engineering Services) to pay for the Improvement.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 6/6/2018 9:00 am

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Bill Lenert, Board Member

Seconder: Margaret Auger, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

E. Resolution: Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Phase I/II Engineering Services Agreement with RS&H Inc. of St. Charles, Illinois for 2014 Structural Services, Kane County Section No. 14-00437- 00-BR

This approves Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with RS & H Inc. of Illinois for 2014 Structural Services #1 project. It appropriates the sum of $33,500.00 from the Transportation Sales Tax Fund #305, Line Item #50140 (Engineering) for a total appropriation for the Agreement and Amendment No. 1 thereto not to exceed $385,746.61.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 6/6/2018 9:00 am

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Thomas Smith, Board Member

Seconder: Ron Ford, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

F. Resolution: Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the County of Kane and the City of Batavia for Phase III Construction and Construction Engineering for the Main Street Road at Deerpath Road Intersection Improvement This authorizes an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the County of Kane and the City of Batavia for Phase III Construction and Construction Engineering for the Main Street Road at Deerpath Road Intersection Improvement.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 6/6/2018 9:00 am

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Margaret Auger, Board Member

Seconder: Ron Ford, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

G. Resolution: Approving Contract for Construction with Plote Construction Inc. of Hoffman Estates, Illinois for Huntley Road at Galligan Road Intersection Improvement, Kane County Section No. 08- 00112-00-CH

This authorizes a contract with Plote Construction Inc. for the intersection improvement at Huntley Road at Galligan Road, Kane County Section No. 08-00112-00-CH. It appropriates the sum of $480,055.30 from Greater Elgin Impact Fee Fund #552, Line Item #73000 (Road Construction) to pay for the Project.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 6/6/2018 9:00 am

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Margaret Auger, Board Member

Seconder: Rebecca Gillam, Vice Chair

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

H. Resolution: Approving Supplemental Appropriation for Orchard Road from Jericho Road to US Route 30, Kane County Section No. 99-00232-01-WR

This approves an appropriation of the additional sum of $68,571.56 from Transportation Capital Fund #540, Line Item #73000 (Road Construction), for a total appropriation not to exceed $5,382,067.56 for the widening and reconstruction of Orchard Road from Jericho Road to US 30 under the IDOT construction contract from 2013.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 6/6/2018 9:00 am

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Bill Lenert, Board Member

Seconder: Ron Ford, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

The next 6 resolutions were moved forward together.

I. Resolution: Approving Contract for Construction with Builders Paving LLC of Hillside, Illinois for Aurora Township Road District, Section No. 18-01000-02-GM

This authorizes a contract to resurface portions of 5 roads within the Aurora Township Road District, Section No. 18-01000-02-GM, that total 1.36 miles. The low qualified bid of $255,100.00 by Builders Paving, LLC Co. of Hillside was 5.67% below the engineer’s estimate of $270,435.50.

J. Resolution: Approving Contract for Construction with Lorig Construction Company of Des Plaines, Illinois for Dundee Township Road District, Section No. 18-07000-01-GM

This authorizes a contract to resurface portions of 11 roads within the Dundee Township Road District, Section No. 18-7000-01-GM, that total 2.58 miles. The low qualified bid of $252,016.10 by Lorig Construction Co. of Des Plaines was 15.49% below the engineer’s estimate of $298,206.00.

K. Resolution: Approving Contract for Construction with Builders Paving LLC of Hillside, Illinois for Kaneville Township Road District, Section No. 18-11000-01-GM

This authorizes a contract to resurface portions of 3 roads that total 1.77 miles within the Kaneville Township Road District, Section No. 18-11000-01-GM. The low qualified bid of $209,800.00 by Builders Paving, LLC Co. of Hillside was 15.45% below the engineer’s estimate of $248,129.50.

L. Resolution: Approving Contract for Construction with Plote Construction Inc. of Hoffman Estates, Illinois for Rutland Township Road District, Section No. 18-13000-01-GM

This authorizes a contract to resurface portions of 13 roads that total 3.94 miles within the Rutland Township Road District, Section No. 18-13000-01-GM. The low qualified bid of $408,792.40 by Plote Construction Inc. of Hoffman Estates was 7.59% below the engineer’s estimate of $442,383.00.

M. Resolution: Approving Contract for Construction with A.C. Pavement Striping Co. of Elgin, Illinois for Virgil Township Road District, Section No. 18-16000-03-GM

This authorizes a contract to cape seal portions of Winters Road from Virgil Drainage Ditch to West County Line Road within the Virgil Township Road District, Section No. 18-16000-03-GM. The low qualified bid of $73,314.50 by A.C. Pavement Striping Co., of Elgin, was 3.22% below the engineer’s estimate of $75,750.00.

N. Resolution: Approving Contract for Construction with Builders Asphalt, LLC of Hillside, Illinois for Virgil Township Road District, Section No. 18-16000-02-GM

This authorizes a contract to furnish approximately 7,500 tons of asphalt grindings to be spread on roads, as identified by the Engineer, within Virgil Township Road District, Section No. 18-16000-02- GM. The low qualified bid of $75,001.00 by Builders Asphalt, LLC, of Hillside, was 3.84% below the engineer’s estimate of $78,000.00.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 6/6/2018 9:00 am

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Bill Lenert, Board Member

Seconder: Jarett Sanchez, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

9. Reports Placed On File

Result: Place Written Reports On File [Unanimous]

Mover: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Ex-Officio (County Development Chairman)

Seconder: Ron Ford, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

A change in the agenda order followed.

10. Resolution: Authorizing Acquisition of Highway Right of Way, Longmeadow Parkway - Kane County Section No. 94-00215-01-BR, Peplow Road - Kane County Section No. 08-00383-00-BR and Burlington Road - Kane County Section No. 14-00437-00-BR

This authorizes the acquisition of highway right of way for the parcels described in the attached resolution and exhibit. The parcels legally described are for three (3) projects - Longmeadow Parkway - Kane County Section No. 94-00215-01-BR, Peplow Road - Kane County Section No. 08-00383-00-BR, and Burlington Road - Kane County Section No. 14-00437-00-BR.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [7 To 1] Next: 6/6/2018 9:00 am

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Bill Lenert, Board Member

Seconder: Margaret Auger, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

Nays: Jarett Sanchez

11. Executive Session

The committee moved into Closed Session at 9:44 a.m. to discuss Release of Closed Session Minutes.

Result: Approved By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Bill Lenert, Board Member

Seconder: Thomas Smith, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

The committee returned to Open Session at 9:50 a.m.

12. Release of Closed Session Minutes

Result: Approved With Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Rebecca Gillam, Vice Chair

Seconder: Margaret Auger, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

13. Public Comment (Non-Agenda Items)


14. Adjournment

Result: Adjourned By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Thomas Smith, Board Member

Seconder: Jarett Sanchez, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Ron Ford, Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas Smith, Drew Frasz

This meeting was adjourned at 9:51 am.




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