City of Geneva Committee of the Whole met May 29.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
1. Call To Order
Chairman Bruno called the meeting to order at 7:00pm noting that Ald. Burghart, Radecki and Swanson were absent.
2. Approve Minutes From April 30, 2018 And May 14, 2018.
Moved by Ald. McGowan, seconded by Ald. Marks V/V: 7-0 Motion carried.
3. Items Of Business
a. Recommend Suspending the Rules to Permit Alderman Bruno to be the COW Chairman and to Vote on All Action Items on This Agenda. (Requires a 2/3 majority vote)
Moved by Ald. Kilburg, seconded by Ald. Hruby Roll Call: Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 (Bruno abstained) Motion carried.
b. Recommend Approval of Special Event Application for Geneva Library Ice Cream Social Including Road Closure and Police Services July 11, 2018.
Moved by Ald. McGowan, seconded by Ald. Marks
Library Communications Manager Paula Kraft was present to review the event with the committee.
V/V: 7-0 Motion carried.
c. Recommend Approval of Special Event Application for Summer Sunset 5K and Your Races Including Road Closures and City Services July 25, 2018.
Moved by Ald. Kilburg, seconded by Ald. Marks V/V: 7-0 Motion carried.
d. Recommend Approval of Special Event Application for Illinois Special Olympics Torch Run Including Road Closures and City Services June 9, 2018.
Moved by Ald. Marks, seconded by Ald. McGowan V/V: 7-0 Motion carried.
e. Recommend Draft Resolution Authorizing State Route 25 Road Closure for Illinois Special Olympics Torch Run June 9, 2018.
Moved by Ald. Marks, seconded by Ald. Hruby V/V: 7-0 Motion carried.
f. Recommend Draft Ordinance Amending Title 4 (Business & License Regulations), Chapter 2 (Liquor Control), Section 4-2-13 (License Fees and Number) Adding One (1) Class A-3 Liquor License for Alpaca to Apparel at 426 S. 3rd Street.
Moved by Ald. Marks, seconded by Ald. Maladra
Owner Ben Kornowski was present to provide information on their store and what they intend to offer for sale including mead and honey varieties.
V/V: 7-0 Motion carried.
g. Recommend Draft Ordinance Amending Title 4 (Business & License Regulations), Chapter 2 (Liquor Control), Section 4-2-13 (License Fees and Number) Adding One (1) Class B-3 Liquor License for The Walrus Room at 415 W. State Street.
Moved by Ald. Maladra, seconded by Ald. Kilburg
Owner Marshall McCarty was present to provide information on his restaurant opening soon at the former Chez Moi location.
V/V: 7-0 Motion carried.
h. Recommend Approval of a Class E-3 Special Event Liquor License for American Legion Post 75 and Class E-4 Special Event Liquor License for Chianti’s - June 19 through June 24, 2018 (Swedish Days).
Moved by Ald. Maladra, seconded by Ald. Marks V/V: 7-0 Motion carried.
i. Recommend Draft Resolution Declaring Three (3) Police Squad Cars as Surplus and Authorize Purchase of Three (3) 2018 Ford Interceptor Police Vehicles in an Amount Not to Exceed $112,450.00 from Morrow Brothers Ford.
On a question from Ald. Kilburg, Sgt. Eli Rivera provided information on the benefits to officers of utilizing an SUV versus a sedan.
Moved by Ald. Marks, seconded by Ald. McGowan V/V: 7-0 Motion carried.
j. Recommend Draft Resolution Authorizing Purchase of a Replacement 2018 Ford Interceptor in An Estimated Amount of $40,000.00 from Morrow Brothers Ford.
Moved by Ald. McGowan, seconded by Ald. Maladra V/V: 7-0 Motion carried.
k. Recommend Approval of Certificate of Acceptance for 2123 South Randall Road Home Depot Outlot.
Moved by Ald. Marks, seconded by Ald. Hruby V/V: 7-0 Motion carried.
l. Recommend Draft Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Contract with Copenhaver Construction in an Amount Not to Exceed $838,012.99 for Dunstan/Sunset Water Main Improvements.
Moved by Ald. Maladra, seconded by Ald. Hruby
On a question from Ald. McGowan, Dir. Babica provided information on the scope and timing of the project.
V/V: 7-0 Motion carried.
m. Recommend Draft Resolution Granting a Utility Easement at 730 Meadows Avenue.
Moved by Ald. Maladra, seconded by Ald. Marks V/V: 7-0 Motion carried.
n. Recommend Draft Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick LLC for 2018 and 2019 Wetlands Management Services for Eagle Brook and On Brentwood’s Pond Subdivision.
Moved by Ald. Marks, seconded by Ald. Cummings
Discussion on the scope of the project and how wildlife would be handled was heard.
V/V: 7-0 Motion carried.
4. New Business/Public Comment
Ald. Kilburg wanted to recognize American Legion Post 75 Commander Daniel Clark as he will be stepping down from his position at the Legion soon and thanked him for his service to the country and to the community.
5. Adjournment
On a motion by Ald. Marks, seconded by Ald. Hruby, the meeting was adjourned by unanimous voice vote at 7:27 pm.