Kane County Finance and Budget Committee met April 27.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
1. Call to Order
Chairman Hoscheit called the meeting to order at 11:00 am.
Attendee Name; Title; Status; Arrived:
Deborah Allan Board Member Late 11:14 am
Kurt R. Kojzarek Board Member Present
Bill Lenert Board Member Present
Douglas Scheflow Board Member Late 11:04 am
Susan Starrett Vice Chair Present
Penny Wegman Board Member Absent
John Hoscheit Chairman Present
Also Present: Co. Bd. Chairman Lauzen & staff Nagel, Figliozzi; Co. Bd. members Auger, Barreiro, Frasz, Gillam, Martin, Molina, Sanchez, Thomas; Finance Exec. Dir. Onzick & staff Dobersztyn, Calamia, Keovongsak, Gaber, Ramer-Holmes; ITD Exec. Dir. Fahnestock & staff Peters, Garza; Court Svcs. Dir. Aust & staff Johnson; Auditor Hunt & staff Oscarson; Asst. State's Atty. Watson, Niermann; Treasurer's Office staff Brady; Health Dept. Exec. Dir. Jeffers & staff Snowden; KDOT staff Hopkinson; Public Defender Childress; Treasurer Ricker; HR Exec. Dir. Wetzel; Sheriff Kramer; Circuit Clk. staff Johnson; and members of the press & public including Michael Baker from Group Alternatives.
2. Minutes Approval: March 28, 2018
Result: Approved With Voice Vote [Unanimous]
Mover: Susan Starrett, Vice Chair
Seconder: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member
Ayes: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Deborah Allan, Douglas Scheflow, Penny Wegman
3. Public Comment
4. Treasurer's Report (D. Rickert)
The monthly report is included in the agenda packet. Treasurer Rickert reported the yield on all county investments for March was 1.52%. After a discussion with Finance, interest projections for 2019 should be around 1.3%. That will result in a significant increase in the county’s interest rates.
5. Finance Director's Report (J. Onzick)
The monthly reports were included in the agenda packet. Dir. Onzick noted aside from the general variances typically seen at this time of the year, there were several related to personnel expense. He has provided a detailed explanation for each. The external auditors have submitted their preliminary draft of the financial statements. Finance has been reviewing the statements and has been working on preparing the management discussion and analysis. The CAFER should be ready to present to the County Board at the May Committee of the Whole meeting.
Referencing the report on (Scheflow arrives @ 11:04 a.m.) the history of differences between a budget, forecast, and the actual performance for the FY17 General Fund, Onzick stated it shows how the county moved from the forecasted deficit of $2.8M to a positive variance of $2.1M. The total savings achieved was $4.4M. Of those funds, $1.8M was used to offset the deficit, $482,000 was transferred to the health insurance reserve, and the remainder $2.1M has been set aside for the Board to allocate.
Onzick reviewed revenue collections noting direct tax revenue totals are over the prior year and the shared tax revenue has fallen below the prior year. Court security fees are 4.1% below budget. The General Fund Contingency balance has remained unchanged. The reserve of $50,000 for the adult prisoner room and board will be allocated at the end of the year. In the Capital Fund, 13% of the budgeted amount has been expended. Onzick reviewed the 5-year General Fund revenue forecast for 2018-2022 noting Finance has forecasted an increase of $658,000 in 2018 more than budgeted. The county will need more than that amount to absorb the step increases for the Sheriff’s Office and the 5% increase in health and dental.
Chairman Lauzen stated the study on the history of differences between the budget forecast and actual reflects the important work being done by everyone. In the revenue study, it should be noted that the county went from $85.5M in revenues to $83.9M, which is $1.5M less. He said if anyone had information that would change those figures, they should speak up. (Allan arrives @ 11:14 a.m.) Most budgets start from the projected revenue.
Onzick noted the preliminary rates for the 2019 IMRF employer contributions are available. The IMRF regular plan employer contribution has decreased by almost 23% and the SLEP plan was reduced by 4.6%. That should result in a General Fund savings of about $856,000. The county will see that savings next year.
Onzick reminded everyone that as the budget process begins, budget input would start on May 7 with a target completion date of June 15. Finance will then review each budget. They should be ready to present to the committees by July.
Onzick announced that Maria Gonzalez, Fiscal Manager for Workforce Development, gave her notice. He acknowledged Gonzalez for the work she has done, she will be difficult to replace. In the interim, Finance staff will take over the work and plans to seek a replacement as soon as possible.
Purchasing Dir. Dobersztyn provided a review of her reports included in the agenda packet.
A. FY19 Budget
Referencing documents sent via email, Exec. Dir. Onzick stated, assuming the health carrier changes, each office/department will need factor in an increase of 5.75% for FY19 health insurance rates. That would include the cost of the rate increase plus the amount the county subsidizes. The county will need to eliminate the subsidy because it is getting to a point where we can no longer count on there being savings available at the end of the year. In payroll, each department/office will need to factor in increases to the IMRF, insurance liability, worker's compensation, and unemployment rates. Onzick reviewed the general budget guidelines for union and non-union wages, payroll accrual, and non- payroll budget expenditures.
6. New Business
A. Resolution: Authorizing the Creation a Veterans Court Budget within Court Services
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Susan Starrett, Vice Chair
Seconder: Bill Lenert, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
B. Resolution: Approving Adjustment of Court Services Budget to Reflect Budget Cuts
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Douglas Scheflow, Board Member
Seconder: Bill Lenert, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
C. Resolution: Amending the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget for Development Fee Study
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member
Seconder: Susan Starrett, Vice Chair
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
D. Resolution: Authorizing Expenditure of Funds with Insight Public Sector Inc.
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Seconder: Bill Lenert, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
E. Resolution: Authorizing a Contract Extension for Mill Creek SSA Landscaping Maintenance Services
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Seconder: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
F. Resolution: Approving Contract Amendments with Tyler Technologies New World
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Susan Starrett, Vice Chair
Seconder: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
G. Resolution: Authorizing a Contract Renewal for Kane County Judicial Center Invasive Plants Management
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Seconder: Susan Starrett, Vice Chair
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
H. Resolution: Authorizing Renewal of a Support Services Contract for the Homeless Management Information System
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member
Seconder: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
I. Resolution: Amending Resolution No. 16-235: Enacting a User Fee for the Third Street Courthouse Electric Vehicle Charging Station
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Seconder: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
J. Resolution: Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Kane County State's Attorney
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Susan Starrett, Vice Chair
Seconder: Bill Lenert, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
K. Resolution: Authorizing the Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Batavia and the County of Kane for Household Hazardous Waste Collection Services and the Rider to the Offer to Contract (RFP 20-017) with US Ecology
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Susan Starrett, Vice Chair
Seconder: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
L. Resolution: Reclassifying Collector Publication Fees
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Seconder: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
M. Resolution: Authorizing Approval for the Health Department Vehicle Replacement
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member
Seconder: Susan Starrett, Vice Chair
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
A change in the agenda order followed.
N. Resolution: Approving the Hiring of a GIS Intern for GIS Technologies
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member
Seconder: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
O. Resolution: Approving of Personnel Hiring and Replacement, Kane County Division of Transportation - Interns (3)
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Bill Lenert, Board Member
Seconder: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
P. Resolution: Authorizing Exception to the County Financial Policies Regarding Personnel Hiring and Replacements
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Bill Lenert, Board Member
Seconder: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
Q. Resolution: Authorizing Replacement of Workforce Development Fiscal Manager
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Bill Lenert, Board Member
Seconder: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
R. Resolution: Approving March 2018 Payment of Claims
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Seconder: Susan Starrett, Vice Chair
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
S. Resolution: Approving County Board Travel/Meal/Lodging Reimbursement Request
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Susan Starrett, Vice Chair
Seconder: Bill Lenert, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
T. Resolution: Approving Kane County's Group Health Benefit Provider
Referencing a presentation sent to the Board members on April 25, Human Services Chair Lenert reviewed a timeline from requesting the initial audit of healthcare costs to the process of looking for a new insurance provider. He compared network information and shared benefit enhancements. Considerable discussion followed with Lenert and Group Alternatives Consultant, Michael Baker, responding to questions.
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [5 To 1] Next: 5/2/2018 9:00 am
To: Executive Committee
Mover: Bill Lenert, Board Member
Seconder: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, John Hoscheit
Nays: Susan Starrett
Absent: Penny Wegman
7. Old Business
8. Auditor's Report (T. Hunt)
The monthly report was included in the agenda packet. Auditor Hunt noted the audit of the detainee telephone and visitation system along with the auditor’s quarterly report were sent to the Board members then posted on his website. Referencing the quarterly financial report overview, Hunt reported in the Countywide Funds the year started with $248M and ended the quarter at $222M. The Governmental Funds started the year with $227.6M and ended the quarter with $203.4M. Since there are typically no property tax collections in the first quarter, $37.5M was left in unassigned funds to cover those expenditures. Hunt reviewed a graph showing the levies extended by tax year. The General Fund started FY18 with $62.8M and ended the quarter at $47.8M. There are three issues still outstanding in the General Obligation Bonds. The total indebtedness went from $114.8M in 2009 to $31.09M in 2018.
9. Reports Placed On File
Result: Place Written Reports On File [Unanimous]
Mover: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member
Seconder: Bill Lenert, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
10. Executive Session
The committee moved into Executive Session at 12:51 p.m. to discuss Release of Closed Session Minutes.
Result: Approved By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]
Mover: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member
Seconder: Bill Lenert, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
The committee returned to Open Session at 12:53 p.m.
11. Release of Closed Session Minutes
Result: Approved With Voice Vote [Unanimous]
Mover: Susan Starrett, Vice Chair
Seconder: Bill Lenert, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
12. Adjournment
Result: Adjourned By Voice Vote [Unanimous]
Mover: Susan Starrett, Vice Chair
Seconder: Douglas Scheflow, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, John Hoscheit
Absent: Penny Wegman
This meeting was adjourned at 12:53 pm.