City of Elgin Cultural Arts Commission met May 14.
Here is the agenda as provided by the commission:
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Citizen’s Forum:
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
b. Art Showcase:
c. Hemmens:
d. Approval of April Minutes:
E. Old Business
a. Marketing
i. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, June.
1. Written by an Margarita and Enrique Mendoza.
b. 2018 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
c. 2018 Call for Art Applications
d. New Public Art Programs
i. Utility Box Wrapping Program
ii. Spontaneous Art Wall
iii. Neighborhood Public Art Grant
F. Other Old Business:
a. Elgin Poet Laureate Project
b. Grant Workshop: August 2 @6:30pm at the Gail Borden Library’s Elgin Room. AV will be set up
for PowerPoint usage with their computer.
G. New Business:
a. Retired Work Request
H. Adjournment: