Batavia City Council will meet May 7.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
1. Meeting Called To Order
2. Invocation Followed By Pledge Of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Items Removed/Added/Changed
5. Reappointment: Robert J. Knanishu – Batavia Police Pension Board (CAS 4/27/18) GS
Reappointment Robert Knanishu.pdf
6. Appointment: Paid-On-Call Recruit Maxwell Hively ( Randy Deicke 5/1/18) GS
Appoint Fire Dept Recruit Max Hively.pdf
7. Consent Agenda
(The consent agenda is made up of items recommended by city staff or council subcommittees which require approval. This agenda is placed as a separate item on the overall City Council agenda. The items on the consent agenda usually have unanimous committee support and are voted on as a "package" in the interest of saving time on non-controversial issues. However, the Mayor or any council member may, by simple request, remove an item from the consent agenda to have it voted upon separately.)
Accept and Place on File:
A. Committee of the Whole Minutes for March 20, March 27, April 3 and April 10, 2018
B. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes for April 19, 2018
C. Plan Commission Minutes for March 21, April 4 and April 18, 2018
D. January, February and March City Council Financials (Liz Perez) GS
E. April 20, 2018 Payroll is $813,484.61 and May 4, 2018 Payroll is $825,226.05
F. Accounts Payable Check Register $3,477,156.05
G. Resolution 18-49-R: Requesting a permit from IDOT for closure of various roadways for 2018 Triathlon (Gary Holm 4/6/18 COW 4/17/18 9/0) CS
H. Resolution 18-50-R: Requesting a permit from IDOT for closure of various roadways for 2018 Farmer’s Market (Gary Holm 4/6/18 COW 4/17/18 9/0) CS
I. Ordinance 18-25: Declaring Surplus Property (Scott Haines 4/10/18 COW 4/17/18 9/0) CS
J. Approval: Reject bids #18-008 for 2018 Electric Tree Trimming Project (Brian Bettin 4/12/18 COW 4/17/18 9/0) PU
K. Approval: Class F Special Event Liquor License - Windmill City Fest - Batavia Park District (DME 4/18/18) GS
L. Ordinance 18-22: Variances for Tower Signs for Windmill Creek Shopping Center, 2030-2150 Main and 271-351 South Randall, Crash Champions, LLC/My properties, LLC, applicant (JLS 4/18/18 COW 4/24/18 11/0) CD
M. Ordinance 18-24: Variances for a building addition at 1141 Morton Street, Spillane and Sons, applicant (DMR 4/17/18 COW 4/24/18 12/0) CD
N. Resolution 18-53-R: Adopting City of Batavia Debt Management Policy (Peggy Colby 4/18/18 COW 4/24/18 12/0) GS
O. Ordinance 18-27: Vacation of old Island Avenue right-of-way (SCB 4/18/18 COW 4/24/18 12/0) CD
P. Resolution 18-52-R: Approval of Employment Agreement for Jeanette Armbrust (WB 4/24/18 GS COW 4/24/18 12/0) GS
Q. Ordinance 18-26: Annexing Part of 908 Bernadette Lane (SCB 4/16/18 COW 5/1/18 12/0) CD
COW 3-20-18M.pdf
COW 3-27-18M.pdf
COW 18-04-03M.pdf
COW 18-04-10M.pdf
HPC 4-9-18 Final Minutes.pdf
PC 3-21-18M.pdf
PC 4-4-18M.pdf
PC 4-18-18M.pdf
January City Council Report.pdf
February City Council Report.pdf
March City Council Report.pdf
18-04-20 PR 808.pdf
18-05-04 PR 809.pdf
RES 18-49-R IDOT Permit Triathlon Road Closures.pdf
ORD 18-25 Declaring Surplus Property.pdf
2018 Tree Trimming Bid Reject.pdf
Class F Liquor License Windmill City Fest 2018.pdf
ORD 18-22 Windmill Creek Signs.pdf
ORD 18-24 Variance 1141 Morton.pdf
RES 18-53-R Adopting The COB Debt Management Policy.pdf
ORD 18-27 Vacation of Old Island Right of Way.pdf
ORD 18-26 908 Bernadette Annex.pdf
RES 18-52-R Approval Employment Agrmnt for Jeanette Armbrust.pdf
18-05-07 AP Totals.pdf
RES 18-50-R IDOT Permit Farmers Market Road Closures.pdf
8. Matters From The Public: (For Items NOT On The Agenda)
9. Chamber Of Commerce
10. Presentation: Tri-City Health Partnership Medical And Dental Clinic
11. Presentation: Tri-City Family Services
12. Proclamation: Tri-City Family Services May 2018 Mental Health Month - Mayor Schielke
13. Approval: Department Head Reappointments (JDS 5/1/18)
Annual Department Head Appointments.pdf
14. Resolution 18-51-R: Budget Amendment For Household Hazardous Waste Program (Scott Haines 4/10/18 COW 4/17/18 9/1) CS
RES 18-51-R Budget Amendment for Household Hazardous Waste.pdf
15. Ordinance 18-23: Amendments To The Text Of The Zoning Code, City Of Batavia, Applicant (JLS 4/18/18 COW 4/24/18 10/2) CD
ORD 18-23 Zoning Text Amend.pdf
16. Resolution 18-56-R: Authorizing Pennsylvania Transformer Technology To Furnish And Install Transformer At Northeast Distribution Substation For An Amount Not To Exceed $487,022.00 Plus 5% Contingency Amount (RB 4/27/18 COW 5/1/18 12/0) PU
RES 18-56-R Authorizing Pennsylvania Transformer Tech to furnish and install transformer at Northeast distribution substation.pdf
17. Resolution 18-57-R: Authorizing Siemens Industry To Design, Manufacture, Furnish And Delivery Of 2 (Two) 34.5kV Power Circuit Breakers For Northeast Distribution Substation For An Amount Not To Exceed $58,722.00 Plus 5% Contingency Amount (RB 4/27/18 COW 5/1/18 12/0) PU
RES 18-57-R Authorize Siemens to design, manufacture, furnish and deliver 2 circuit breakers for Northeast distribution substation.pdf
18. Resoultion 18-62-R: Approving The Purchase Of Three Windmills From Francine Popeck For $11,375 (LMN 4/27/18 COW 5/1/18 12/0) GS
RES 18-62-R Approving the Purchase of Three Windmills from Francine Popeck.pdf
19. Resolution 18-58-R: Approving The Location Of The Flag Day Memorial On City-Owned Property (LMN 4/27/18 COW 5/1/18 12/0) GS
RES 18-58-R Approving the Granting of a Perpetual Easement to the Fox Valley Patriotic Organization for the site of a Flag Day Monument.pdf
20. Administrator's Report
21. Committee Reports
22. Other Business
23. Mayor's Report
24. Adjournment