Kane County Public Service Committee met March 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
1. Call to Order
Chairman Scheflow called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Don Ishmael Board Member Absent
Michael Kenyon Board Member Present
Philip Lewis Board Member Absent
Myrna Molina Board Member Present
Penny Wegman Board Member Present
Barbara Wojnicki Vice Chair Present
Douglas Scheflow Chairman Present
Also present: Co. Bd. Chairman Lauzen; Co. Bd. members Auger, Barreiro & staff Nagel; Recorder staff Scholes; Supv. of Assessments Armstrong & staff Winter, Doran; County Clk. Cunningham & staff Sandner, Pollock, Esquivel; ROE Supt. DalSanto & staff Morris; Treasurer Rickert & staff Hopp, Brady; Finance staff Waggoner; ITD Exec. Dir. Fahnestock & staff Peters; members of the press and public.
2. Approval of Minutes: February 22, 2018
Result: Approved With Voice Vote [Unanimous]
Mover: Barbara Wojnicki, Vice Chair
Seconder: Penny Wegman, Board Member
Ayes: Michael Kenyon, Myrna Molina, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki, Douglas Scheflow
Absent: Don Ishmael, Philip Lewis
3. Finance
The monthly financial reports were included in the agenda packet. Finance staff Waggoner reported there were no areas of concern to report at this time.
4. Recorder
Monthly reports were included in the agenda packet. Recorder staff Scholes reported revenue and recordings are in line with past years. Chair Scheflow initiated a discussion on improving the public service for the county. He proposed changes to the Government Center’s parking. There will be further discussion on this next month.
5. Treasurer / Collector
The monthly reports were included in the agenda packet. Treasurer Rickert stated they are gearing up for tax season; he expressed ongoing concerns over parking in front of Building A during peak tax season. In response to a question on the property tax prepayments, officially the county has no position on that as they are waiting for a response from the IRS. Once information is provided, it will be available on the website.
6. Supervisor of Assessments
Monthly reports were included in the agenda packet. Staff Winter discussed the submission of the 2018 Projected Equalization Factors report. In response to a question, staff Doran further explained the projected equalization factor. Winter noted the Senior Assessment Freeze forms have gone out.
7. Regional Office of Education
Superintendent DalSanto reminded everyone the Educator of the Year Banquet is coming up on May 4 at the Q Center. They have 41 nominees at this time. Invitations will be going out soon.
8. County Clerk
The monthly reports were included in the agenda packet. Co. Clk. Cunningham stated revenue is down this month but he anticipates still making $1.3M. Aurora voted to abolish their election commission. He plans to run their elections the same as in the past until the county’s equipment has been installed into all of the Aurora precincts. Cunningham stated Pollock and Sandner would be handling the transition. Scheflow asked why the results from Aurora come into the county slower than other precincts. Cunningham explained the process for precincts reporting and the plans to open a third rally location. He discussed the Aurora satellite office and the possibility of a satellite office in Elgin. ITD Exec. Dir. Fahnestock talked over the challenges with changing voting equipment. He felt the newer systems on the market were not necessarily better. Staff Sandner discussed the use of two different types of voting machines. Cunningham shared his concerns over splitting the precincts. They have been monitoring SB2831 that deals with election precinct numbers. Considerable discussion occurred.
9. Other Business
A. Kane County Precincts
See discussion under the County Clerk.
B. Aurora Election Commission Impact
See discussion under the County Clerk.
10. Executive Session
11. Reports Placed On File
Result: Place Written Reports On File [Unanimous]
Mover: Penny Wegman, Board Member
Seconder: Myrna Molina, Board Member
Ayes: Michael Kenyon, Myrna Molina, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki, Douglas Scheflow
Absent: Don Ishmael, Philip Lewis
12. Public Comments
13. Adjournment
Result: Adjourned By Voice Vote [Unanimous]
Mover: Michael Kenyon, Board Member
Seconder: Barbara Wojnicki, Vice Chair
Ayes: Michael Kenyon, Myrna Molina, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki, Douglas Scheflow
Absent: Don Ishmael, Philip Lewis
This meeting was adjourned at 9:59 am.