Kane County Legislative Committee met March 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
1. Call to Order
Co-Chair Starrett called the meeting to order at 10:03 am.
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Deborah Allan Board Member Present
Philip Lewis Board Member Absent
Monica Silva Board Member Absent
Angela C Thomas Board Member Present
Barbara Wojnicki Board Member Present
Barbara Hernandez Co-Chair Present
Susan Starrett Co-Chair Present
Also present: Co. Bd. member Smith & staff Nagel; Health Dept. staff Heaton; and ITD staff Peters.
2. Approval of Minutes: February 21, 2018
Result: Approved With Voice Vote [Unanimous]
Mover: Barbara Wojnicki, Board Member
Seconder: Angela C Thomas, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Angela C Thomas, Barbara Wojnicki, Barbara Hernandez, Susan Starrett
Absent: Philip Lewis, Monica Silva
3. Public Comment
4. Old Business
A. Legislative Breakfast
Co-Chair Starrett provided an update from the Legislative Breakfast held on March 12 noting there was a great turnout and thanked each person involved. She shared background information on Smith and thanked him for his years of service. Eight legislators attended the event along with staff from various Congressional Offices. Starrett highlighted topics discussed. She asked that any pertinent information presented at other committee meetings be brought to Legislative for discussion.
Thomas discussed McHenry County’s recent vote to combine their County Clerk and Recorder’s Offices. Starrett acknowledged the topic, but felt it was too large of an issue for this committee.
Starrett reviewed the bills discussed at the breakfast, which included the Grant Management for Federal and State (not yet numbered), HB5244, SB2486, HB4573, HB4321, SB2581, HB0278 (LGDF), HB4101, SB851, HB156, SB2600, and HB4581. HB531, HB4191, SB681, HB4287, SB2818, HB4594, SB3503, HB5745, and HB4711.
B. Legislative Update
Health staff Heaton stated the role of the Health Department is to recognize the health impact of various legislation. She discussed SB2572, which addresses the importance of physical education for a child’s development both mentally and physically. Heaton explained SB2332, which raises the age a person can purchase tobacco products from 18 to 21. She noted the negative effects of tobacco use amongst young people. She reported research has shown that 90% of adult smokers started before they were 18 years old. SB2446 refers to the Telepsychiatry method; this would expand mental health care services to Medicaid recipients.
Starrett thanked ITD staff Peters for his work on the Legislative Breakfast. She also thanked KCC Nagel for his support in writing articles and getting the information circulated. She noted 10 Board members attended the breakfast. (Hernandez leaves @ 11:09 a.m.)
5. New Business
6. Executive Session (If needed)
7. Adjournment
Result: Adjourned By Voice Vote [Unanimous]
Mover: Barbara Wojnicki, Board Member
Seconder: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Angela C Thomas, Barbara Wojnicki, Susan Starrett
Absent: Philip Lewis, Monica Silva, Barbara Hernandez
This meeting was adjourned at 11:05 am.