Kane County Human Services Committee met March 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
1. Call to Order
Chairman Lenert called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Deborah Allan Board Member Late 9:11 AM
Brian Dahl Vice Chair Present
Rebecca Gillam Board Member Present
John Martin Board Member Present
Douglas Scheflow Board Member Present
Thomas Smith Board Member Present
Bill Lenert Chairman Present
Also present: Co. Bd. Chairman Lauzen; Co. Bd. members Lewis, Molina, HRM Exec. Dir. Wetzel & staff Brown; Finance staff Waggoner, Dobersztyn; VAC Supt. Zimmerman; ITD Dir. Fahnestock & staff Peters, Tedder, Neuenkirchen; Development Dir. VanKerkhoff; Auditor Hunt; and members of the press and public.
2. Approval of Minutes: February 23, 2018
Result: Approved With Voice Vote [Unanimous]
Mover: Brian Dahl, Vice Chair
Seconder: John Martin, Board Member
Ayes: Brian Dahl, Rebecca Gillam, John Martin, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Bill Lenert
Absent: Deborah Allan
3. Public Comment
4. Monthly Financial Reports
Monthly financial reports were included in the agenda packet. Finance staff Waggoner reported there were no FY18 General Fund concerns to report at this time. In the Special Revenue Funds, Insurance Liability is trending higher. They expect the fund to come more in line with the budget at midyear when they do the special revenue transfers for Worker's Liability Unemployment. They will continue to monitor the fund.
5. Veteran's Assistance Commission
VAC Supt. Zimmerman reviewed statistics from the monthly reports included in the agenda packet. Claims filed through his office continue to be processed more quickly than the average Illinois VA claim. The total Illinois VA claims pending for last month were 7,200 with 116 from our county office. In February, Kane County claimants received $547,000 in new benefits which brings the FYTD total to almost $2M. They assisted two veterans with shelter payments for a total of $800. Zimmerman noted the remains of a sailor from Aurora serving in Pearl Harbor was recently identified. They will be bringing him back to be buried in Batavia on Memorial Day. Brief discussion occurred.
6. Department of Human Resource Management
A. Monthly EEO Reports
The monthly report was included in the agenda packet. HR Exec. Dir. Wetzel noted there were 11 terminations and 22 new hires. She reported 13 of the new hires were election workers. They received 51 job applications for open positions.
B. Monthly IPBC Funding
Referencing the IPBC funding sheet, Chair Lenert reported a monthly payment of just under $1.25M; which puts the county right on track for the $16M annual cost for the health insurance plan. He discussed a recent audit and changes within the county’s plan with the IPBC. (Allan arrives @ 9:11 a.m.) A notice was sent out last week to the IPBC terminating their services as of July 1. Chairman Lauzen shared his concerns over the IPBC and BlueCross BlueShield not making claim information available to the county. He felt since the county paid out $15-$17M per year the type of claims information should be made available in order to help manage them. He noted he was not referring to personal information on people’s health, just claims costs and how the county could do a better job to improve employee’s health. Lauzen said he attended a Blue Cross Blue Shield shareholders meeting and met with the CEO and President to discuss this issue. The company has refused to provide the claim information. Lauzen stated that was not consistent with all companies. Lenert further explained that claims analytics could be used to come up with wellness solutions that will help reduce employee’s costs and improve their health. Human Resources has been looking into a health wellness program that would also incorporate financial wellness. He explained the next steps. If they decide to make the change, it will be voted on by the full Board.
C. 2018 January NACo report
Referencing a report included in the agenda packet, Lenert noted the number fluctuates every month. In December, there were eight people and January had six people use this program.
D. Monthly MERP Report
Referencing documents included in the agenda packet, Lenert reported enrollment is up to 24 people. He hopes to double that enrollment in 2018. Seven offices have not had the presentation yet.
7. Compliance
8. Old Business
A. County Appointments - Information Technologies Department (ITD)
Referencing handouts, ITD staff Tedder discussed a spreadsheet on Expired and Expiring Appointments. Starting 90 days prior to a term expiration, a notification will go out monthly to the person responsible for that appointment. He noted a draft document of the appointment process has been uploaded to the website. Dev. Dir. VanKerkhoff thanked Wetzel and IT staff for their work on this process. Prior to Chairman Lauzen being in office, there was no master list of commissions available to the County Board. The information will be helpful for the public who are interested in serving. Tedder outlined the next steps needed to publish the sub site. Lenert asked the committee to review the documents and provide any changes within the next two weeks. Brief discussion occurred.
9. New Business
Lenert presented the following resolutions:
A. Resolution: Approving the Kane County Per Diem Rates Effective January 1, 2018
This approves the daily meal per diem rate of $59 per day, allocated to breakfast, lunch and dinner at the rate of $13, $15 and $31, effective January 1, 2018.
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 3/28/2018 9:00 am
To: Finance And Budget Committee
Mover: John Martin, Board Member
Seconder: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Brian Dahl, Rebecca Gillam, John Martin, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Bill Lenert
B. Resolution: Approving Personnel Replacement Hiring within the Human Resource Management Department
This authorizes the Department of Human Resource Management to hire and fill the vacant position(s) of Human Resource Coordinator and Senior Human Resource Generalist.
Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 3/28/2018 9:00 am
To: Finance And Budget Committee
Mover: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Seconder: Thomas Smith, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Brian Dahl, Rebecca Gillam, John Martin, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Bill Lenert
10. Reports Placed On File
Result: Place Written Reports On File [Unanimous]
Mover: Deborah Allan, Board Member
Seconder: Brian Dahl, Vice Chair
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Brian Dahl, Rebecca Gillam, John Martin, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Bill Lenert
11. Executive Session (if needed)
12. Adjournment
Result: Adjourned By Voice Vote [Unanimous]
Mover: Thomas Smith, Board Member
Seconder: John Martin, Board Member
Ayes: Deborah Allan, Brian Dahl, Rebecca Gillam, John Martin, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Bill Lenert
This meeting was adjourned at 9:35 am.