Village of South Elgin Committee of the Whole met April 16.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Appointments and Presentations
a. Appointments: Planning & Zoning Commission
b. Appointment: Police Pension Board
c. Appointment: Board of Fire & Police Commissioners
d. Appointments: Freedom of Information Officers
e. Appointment: Open Meetings Act Officer
5. Communications and Information Items
a. Proclamation: National Volunteer Week - 4/15-4/21/18
b. Proclamation: Arbor Day - 4/27/18
c. Proclamation: Municipal Clerks Week - 5/6-5/12/18
d. Proclamation: May is Building Safety Month
6. Public Comment (Agenda Items)
7. Consent Agenda
a. Motion to Accept the Consent Agenda of April 16, 2018
b. Approval of the Consent Agenda Items - The following items listed are considered to be routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion:
1. Approval of Minutes: Public Hearings of April 2, 2018
2. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meetings of April 2, 2018
3. Approval of Consolidated Voucher: Warrant #04-02
4. Ordinance: Amending Title III - Chapter 32 Code Hearing Department of the Village Code of Ordinances Declaring Persistent Property Code Violations to be a Public Nuisance and Authorizing Abatement Thereof
5. Resolution: Adopting the FY2019 Operating & Capital Improvements Budget in compliance with 65ILCS 5/8-2-9.1 through 8.2-9.10
6. Resolution: Approving the FY2019 Pay Plan
7. Ordinance: Amending Section 11-1 of the Employee & Official Policy Manual Regarding Vacation
8. Approval: Authorizing Partial Payment No. 1 in the Amount of $96,077.79 – Copenhaver Construction Inc., Gilberts, IL – Otter Creek Streambank Stabilization Project
9. Approval: Authorizing the Execution of an Enterprise Agreement for Volume Licensing – Microsoft Corporation, Reno, NV – Term: May 1, 2018 – April 30, 2021
10. Approval: Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement to Conduct Water Quality Sampling of the Ferson-Otter Creek Watershed – Friends of the Fox River – Term: May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019
8. General Business
a. Approval: Accepting the Concept Plan for a Residential Planned Development – Meridian Pointe Subdivision – 325 Umbdenstock Road
b. Ordinance: Authorizing the Payout of Developer Donations in the Amount of $63,577.55 to the Gail Borden Library District
9. Trustee Reports – Administrative Services; Public Works; Special Events; Community Development; Public Safety and Parks & Recreation
10. Village President Report
11. New Business
12. Addresses from the Audience (Non-Agenda Items)
13. Closed Session
14. Adjournment