
Kane County Reporter

Friday, January 3, 2025

Kane County Executive Committee met April 4.

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Kane County Executive Committee met April 4.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Approval of Minutes: March 7, 2018

5. Monthly Financials (J. Onzick)

A. February Executive Committee Financial Reports (attached)

6. Monthly Community Outreach Report (R. Nagel)

7. Preliminary County Board Agenda – April 10, 2018

--------------------------------------------------- Consent Agenda ----------------------------------------------

County Development-

1. Designating an Authorized Representative for Settlers Hill Landfill and other Landfill Responsibilities

2. Amending the Kane County Code, Chapter 10: Fireworks


1. Authorizing Certain Actions Relative to the Tax Agent


1. Approving February 2018 Payment of Claims

2. Authorizing Contract with Toll Bridget Revenue Bond Underwriter

3. Authorizing Creation of Funds for Compliance with Audit Recommendations

4. Authorizing Personnel Replacement Hiring, Kane County Animal Control Warden

5. Approving of Personnel Hiring and Replacement, Kane County Division of Transportation - Maintenance (1)

6. Approving Personnel Replacement Hiring Administrative Officer

7. Approving the Kane County Per Diem Rates Effective January 1, 2018

8. Approving Personnel Replacement Hiring within the Human Resource Management Department

9. Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with Stephenson County for Juvenile Detention Services

10. Authorizing Approval for Animal Control Vehicle Replacement


1. Authorizing an Agreement with Central States SER – Jobs for Progress, Inc. to deliver WIOA Youth Services 

Judicial Public Safety-

1. Commending Chief Deputy Thomas L. Bumgarner for Thirty-Nine Years of Dedicated Service to the Kane County Sheriff's Office

2. Proclaiming April 8-14, 2018 National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week


1. Appropriating Funding Pursuant to an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Forest Preserve District of Kane County

2. Approving Amendment to the Affidavit to an IDOT Local Agency Agreement for Phase I Engineering for Kirk Road over the Union Pacific Railroad, Kane County Section No. 12- 00192-04-BR

3. Approving Annual Adoption of the Kane County 2040 Transportation Plan and 5-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

4. Approving Amendment No. 4 to a Phase II Engineering Services Agreement with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. for Longmeadow Parkway Bridge Corridor from East of IL 31 to East of IL 25 (Section C), Kane County Section No. 13-00215-20-BR

5. Approving an Agreement with Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. for Professional Land Survey Services, Kane County Section No. 17-00368-05-EG

6. Approving the Vacation of Karen Drive

7. Approving an Agreement with Rubino Engineering, Inc. of Elgin, Illinois for 2018 On-Call Material Testing Services, Kane County Section No. 18-00371-00-EG

8. Approving Contract for Construction with Martam Construction, Inc. of Elgin, Illinois for Ellithorpe Road Culvert Improvements, Kane County Section No. 17-00487-00-DR

8. Executive Session (if needed)

9. Committee Reports

10. Public Comment

11. Adjournment
