
Kane County Reporter

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

City of Aurora GAR Commission met March 21.

City of Aurora GAR Commission met March 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the Commission:

I. Call to order

II. Approval of minutes from meeting of November 15, 2017

III. City Updates and information:

a. Dan Barreiro

i. State of plans for lower level completion

ii. City reporting structure for GAR

b. Jennifer Evans

i. “Museums after Dark” participation—March, June, September dates

ii. Photo booth at events (Chris Olson)

iii. Handling donations from community—Foundation account details

c. John Russell—NEH grant, matching fund-raising

d. Eric Pry

i. Angel statue: new base, moving

e. Shawn Cowger

IV. Commission membership—ideas for new members (3 vacancies currently)

V. Updates on Angel restoration/move

a. Rededication planning

i. Involvement of veterans’ groups, Veterans Advisory Council

ii. Coordination with “Veterans Week” in May

iii. Involvement of those connected with “old” GAR Hall

iv. Ceremony planning

VI. Updates on cannon retrieval process

a. Storage location

b. Schedule for retrieval

VII. Discussion: Mission and direction of the Commission in this phase, role of Commission vis a vis City employees and departments

a. Revision of mission statement for the Hall

VIII. Member reports: Events, activities, projects, needs, issues, etc.

IX. Old business

X. Other business/items for future agendas

a. Retrieval of GAR artifacts from other organizations

b. Resource center/library for GAR, possible public library connections

c. Planning for lower level: meeting space, A/V, exhibit space, architectural resources, etc.

XI. Adjournment
