
Kane County Reporter

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Village of Sugar Grove Board met September 19.

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Village of Sugar Grove Board met September 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

President Michels opened the meeting at 6:00 pm and asked that Trustee Montalto lead the pledge lead the Pledge. The roll was then called.

Present: President Michels, Trustee Herron, Trustee Koch, Trustee Montalto, Trustee Johnson, and Trustee Paluch

Quorum Established.

Also Present:

Administrator Eichelberger, Clerk Galbreath, Finance Director Anastasia, Community Development Director Magdziarz, Attorney Andersson, Streets Supervisor Payton, Director of Public Works Speciale, Chief of Police Rollins.

Public Hearings:

Establishing SSA #22 – Sugar Grove Center

President Michels opened the Public Hearing for the purpose of gathering public input on the establishment of SSA #22 for the Sugar Grove Center at 6:01 p.m. and called for any public input.

Mr. S. Pjesky of Sugar Grove stated that while he has been trying to be positive in his actions to beatify Sugar Grove it was obvious that it wasn’t working so he has had to resort to negative posting. He is brining attention to the crooked signs, paving, crooked signs and lack of receptacles in the area.

Mr. Mertens, previous owner of a portion of the Center stated that he tried. He under the SSA but it would not be fair as will make some pay more as they already do maintenance and they will to have pay for the vacant lots.

Tim, MDS Property owners stated that he does keep his property clean It is the properties on the North side that have the trash. No SSA is desired it too expensive.

Mark, Ace Hardware stated he had met with Jewel regarding maintenance and that he does keep his properties up.

Glen, Jewel, stated that they understand that parking lots needs resurfacings that is scheduled to be completed in the next 2 years.

Ari, MRD, stated he would talk to the Managers and the landscapers and make sure they cleanup. The parking lot is still up in the air.

The Board discussed their disappointment in the center and how it is unattractive it is at this time. The Business owners stated that the Village should cite and highly fine all violators. All business owners agreed to let Mark set up a meeting ND to discuss and CAM.

The public hearing was closed at 6:30 p.m.

Appointments and Presentations:


Public Comments on Items Scheduled for Action:

President Michels called for any public comment. No member of the stepped forward and this item was closed.

Consent Agenda:

a. Approval: Minutes

b. Approval: Vouchers

c. Approval: Treasurer’s Report

d. Approval: FY18 Sidewalk Program

e. Proclamation: Declaring Constitution Week

Trustee Johnson moved to Approve the Consent Agenda removing item e presented. Trustee Herron seconded the motion. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Aye: Koch





Nay: None Absent: None

Motion Carried

Ordinance Amending Code Title 8 Chapter 1, Section 9(h)– Billing Estimates Trustee Johnson moved to Adopt an Ordinance Amending Code Title 8 Chapter 1, Section 9(h) – Billing Estimates. Trustee Koch seconded the motion. There was discussion regarding the need to increase estimates more than a user’s average. The need to capture a user’s attention was explained and President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Aye: Koch





Nay: None Absent: None

Motion Carried

General Business:

Ordinance Declaring Surplus Trustee Johnson moved to adopt an Ordinance Declaring Surplus. Trustee Herron seconded the motion. Chief Rollins explained that the car would be donated to Fox Valley Career Center. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Aye: Koch





Nay: None Absent: None

Motion Carried

Discussion Items:

Railroad Street Storage Building Repairs

Streets and Properties Supervisor Payton stated that while completing a condition inspection of the Streets Barn, Staff discovered that the roof of the building was in poor condition. Removal of the existing roof, replacement of any damaged perlins and new roof panels are needed. In addition, new gutters and downspouts are recommended. Staff reached out to two local roofing contractors to get costs for these repairs. MAC Construction was the lowest quote at $13,500. STA Enterprises also submitted a quote at $18,230.

In addition, the current wall panels have numerous penetrations and would need to be reconditioned. Staff would repair the holes and recommend painting the exterior walls. The estimated costs to paint the building is $3,100.

The total cost of the repairs to the Streets Barn is estimated at $16,600. This I unbudgeted for FYE 18, but the building is earmarked to be used for storage of impounded cars and other items as necessary. Therefore, Staff is recommending proceeding with the repairs. Staff is requesting the $16,600 be allocated from the General Fund Reserves. The transfer of the funds will not bring the Reserve balance below the required 25%, but, along with other unanticipated expenses, will likely result in the FY 17-18 General Fund operating at a deficit.

The Board agreed with staff’s recommendations.

Subdivision Code Update-

At its July 18, 2017 meeting the Village Board authorized an expenditure to prepare an update of the Subdivision Ordinance. Village staff undertook the process to update construction and material specifications that are provided in the Subdivision Ordinance for all manner of public improvements associated with subdivision of property in Sugar Grove.

Village staff and EEI have collaborated on updating specifications and standards and are nearing the end of the effort. One last remaining area to update, and a key one, is street lighting. This has turned out to be extremely complicated given the rapid changes in technology. Staff expects to resolve this last area of interest in short order.

Another change the update brings to the Subdivision Ordinance is the addition of an “Official Map” for the Village’s planning area. The Official Map is another planning tool. It is to the Subdivision Ordinance as the Zoning map is to the Zoning Ordinance. The Official Map identified existing and future transportation, water and sewer, and other municipal improvements. To this end, the exisitng trnasportation Plan, Water System Master Plan, and other adopted Village infrastructure plans have been merged into one map.

In addition to construction materials and specifications, the update also updated and corrected standard plat certificates and easement provisions. The Subdivision Code update was promulgated by the Settlers Ridge Annexation Agreement Amendment with Coast Oak and adoption of the update will satisfy one of the Village’s obligations.

The Board asked about LED’s and staff said they were working great. Presidnet Michels aksed as technolog is changing so quicly if satff could find a way to not lock the village into stadards.

Public Comments:

Mr. Pjesky asked about the real estate signs that have gone up in Sugar Grove Center and if they were erected correctly.


Reports from all liaisons were given. Trustee Koch asked about Metronet and Administrator Eichelberger stated that they were in discusses ion and that the Board should urge resident to go to Metronet’s website and let them know they would like to have them here. Trustee Koch also asked about considering another digital sign, perhaps near Denny and Bliss. Staff was directed to check on the feasibility.

Airport Report:

Mr. Wolf reported that the FAA is expected to sign off next year on the sale of the park to the Park District..


Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
