
Kane County Reporter

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Barrington Hills Village Board updated on Tree Ordinance revisions

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At a recent meeting, the Barrington Hills Village Board was updated on work being done to revise the Tree Ordinance.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.

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Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Monday, July 21, 2016 ~ 6:30 pm

MacArthur Room

President McLaughlin called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm


? President Martin J. McLaughlin

? Trustee Fritz Gohl

? Trustee Michael Harrington

? Trustee Bryan Croll

? Trustee Michelle Nagy Maison

? Trustee Brian Cecola

? Chief Richard Semelsberger

? Village Attorney Patrick Bond

? Village Administrator Robert Kosin

? Village Treasurer Margaret Hirsch

? Village Clerk Anna Paul

? Village Engineer Dan Strahan


? Trustee Colleen Konicek Hannigan


? John Rosene

? Pauline Boyle

? John Pappas

? Barry LeCompte

? A. Robert Abboud

Pledge of Allegiance

Presentation of Awards

JoAnne Gumprecht for 20 Years of Service

JoAnne Gumprecht began her career as a part time dispatcher on August 1, 1994. On November 1 1995

JoAnne became a full time employee and was moved into the Records Division after demonstrating an

exceptional ability to organize and streamline the operation of the unit.

JoAnne’s work ethic and dedication to the Department lead to her to being promoted to Supervisor of

Records and Communications in November of 1998. During the dispatch consolidation project, JoAnne

was an extremely valuable member of the team as she was able to identify and follow through on several

critical tasks that needed to be completed. Without JoAnne’s leadership this project could not have been

completed in such a seamless manner.

Thank you JoAnne, for your 20 years of service to the citizens of Barrington Hills and the Police


Dominic Caputo for 30 Years of Service

Dominic Caputo began his career at BHPD on June 30 1986 as a police officer. During his 30 year

career, Dom has served the Department as a Detective, Corporal, Field Training Officer, Range Officer,

Surplus Property Manager, Fleet Manager, and Motor Officer. Dom has the unique distinction of being

one of the very few officers who was able to complete the extremely difficult Northwestern University /

Harley Davison Police Motorcycle Course.

Dom has always been known for his strong work ethic and he is consistently one of our most productive

officers. It is well known that if you have a question about the Illinois Vehicle Code, you go to Dom.

Village of Barrington Hills

Board of Trustees Meeting

July 21, 2016

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As you know, Dom suffered a very serious leg injury while working an overnight shift about a month ago.

Dom’s injury serves as a reminder to all officers of how dangerous police work can be. We are lucky that

Dom is able to be with us tonight.

Thank you Dominic for 30 years of service to the citizens of Barrington Hills and the Police Department.

Public Comments

? Chet Perry

? John Pappas

? Barry LeCompte (continuing for Chet Perry)

? A. Robert Abboud

? Pauline Boyle

Approve Minutes May 23, 2016

Motion Maison 2nd Croll

The Board discussed that they still do not believe that the ZBA discussion portion accurately reflects

what happened at the meeting. Harrington volunteered to submit in writing a revision to the section for

inclusion in the next board packet for review. Gohl also asked that the Heritage & Environs Committee

(HEC) voting section is reviewed as he believes he did not abstain, but voted no in regards to Liz Olsen.

Table Minutes May 23, 2016

Motion Maison 2nd Croll

Voice Vote: Ayes 6 (Cecola, Maison, Croll, Harrington, Gohl, McLaughlin)

Nays 0

Absent 1 (Konicek)


Approve Minutes June 27, 2016 with changes

Motion Cecola 2nd Maison

Harrington discussed that he felt the language in the ZBA section was not correct when it stated there

was an agreement. The Board agreed to change it to "general consensus."

Roll Call: Ayes 6 (Cecola, Maison, Croll, Harrington, Gohl, , McLaughlin)

Nays 0

Absent 1 (Konicek)


Accept Fiscal Year 2015 Audit

Motion Maison 2nd Cecola

Treasurer introduced Tim Gavin a Principal at Klien Hall CPAs who undertook the 2015 audit.

He stated that he enjoyed the process, and that the staff was very cooperative.

Gavin reviewed the Annual Financial Report.(AFR), and discussed the clean audit opinion on pages 1

and 2. He reviewed various parts of the report, highlights include pages 3-12 which are prepared by the

Village management and are an overview of the financials.

The differences for 2014 and 2015 audits are largely because of the GASB 68 requirement. The change

has to do with reporting for the 2 pension funds that the village participates in. On page 13 you’ll find a

net position figure that is now in the negative. Not unique, most local governments are in that position.

Village of Barrington Hills

Board of Trustees Meeting

July 21, 2016

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Pages 35 - 46 include a lot more information and

describe each pension plan. Actuaries determine the liability.

Only the police pension plan is in a negative position.

Page 46 is the restatement to beginning net position required by GASB 68 and is required to put

everyone on same playing field.

The restatement is only reported on a government wide basis. The Statement of Net Position

incorporates all noncash items, as these do not effect individual fund levels. The liability has always

been present, just not reported.

The management letter had one comment noting that the posting of manual journal entries should be

reviewed by someone other than the person making the entry.

Harrington asked if he saw anything red flags. The response was that minor items have been

communicated verbally with management.

Roll Call: Ayes 6 (Cecola, Maison, Croll, Harrington, Gohl, McLaughlin)

Nays 0

Absent 1 (Konicek)


Accept Village Treasurer’s Report for June 2016

Motion Croll 2nd Maison

Treasurer reviewed that we are midway through the year and funds are on target for midyear. The only

fund over is facilities health services with pays for potable water. Finance committee met July 18 and

covered a lot of topics including a 6 months review and everything seems to be on track for 2016.

Roll Call: Ayes 6 (Cecola, Maison, Croll, Harrington, Gohl, McLaughlin)

Nays 0

Absent 1 (Konicek)


Approve Police Pension Board’s Report for May 2016

Motion Cecola 2nd Maison

Treasurer reported that the fund has made 2.4% YTD in 2016 and their assets are about $8.7 million.

The annual targeted return is 6.5%, generating concern for the Board as to if and when there will be

evaluation of the investment manager for below median performance.

Roll Call: Ayes 6 (Cecola, Maison, Croll, Harrington, Gohl, McLaughlin)

Nays 0

Absent 1 (Konicek)


Approve Overtime Report for June 2016 $12,041.46

Village of Barrington Hills

Board of Trustees Meeting

July 21, 2016

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Motion Croll 2nd Gohl

Chief reviewed that ~52 hours are due to injury coverage, 30 hours for holiday coverage and 26 hours to

sick coverage. The remaining portion is detail that the department will be reimbursed for.

Roll Call: Ayes 6 (Cecola, Maison Croll, Harrington, Gohl, , McLaughlin)

Nays 0

Absent 1 (Konicek)


Approve Bills for July 2016 Totaling $244,055.85

Motion Croll 2nd Cecola

Treasurer reviewed that there was a payment to IDOT for the Bridge this month.

Roll Call: Ayes 6 (Cecola, Maison, Croll, Harrington, Gohl, McLaughlin)

Nays 0

Absent 1 (Konicek)


Approve Financial Program Update

Motion Croll 2nd Maison

Treasurer reviewed that the Finance committee met with Lauterbach and Amen (L&A) to review the

work that had already been done for the Village and to receive a proposal for additional and continuing

work. To date L&A has caught the Village up on cash reconciliations and has made comments of how to

improve going forward.

Croll reviewed that we received a proposal to provide the Village with various accounting services. Their

proposal would eliminate some costs and increase efficiency, as well as do other tasks that we are

currently unable to do. Journal entries and month end need a second set of eyes and this would do that.

It also included payroll services, financial reporting, more efficient journal entries processing and help

with the levy. It would also eliminate the current need to enter invoices into 2 different systems.

The board reviewed that with the limited staff at the Village it would be beneficial to have a large firm

like L&A as a backup.

Croll reviewed a basic breakdown of costs and reviewed that we would have better financial controls in

place with this system. A few items still being explored. Look for a vote to approve at next's months


Table Financial Program Update

Motion Harrington 2nd Maison

VOICE VOTE: Ayes 6 (Cecola, Maison, Croll, Harrington, Gohl, McLaughlin)

Nays 0

Absent 1 (Konicek)


Village of Barrington Hills

Board of Trustees Meeting

July 21, 2016

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Roads & Bridges Reports

Nothing to report.

Veteran's Crossing/Cuba Road Bridge Update

Engineer Strahan reported that the potential IDOT shutdown reported at the last meeting did not

happen. IDOT is paying for those demobilization and remobilization costs. Currently the tentative

opening is set for August 13 or 12th. Strahan reminds the Board that per the contract, the contractors

have 15 working days after opening of the bridge to complete remaining work items like landscaping.

Barrington Hills Farm - McHenry County Driveway Access

At R&B meeting they reviewed to the request for access to Church Road by Barrington Hills Farm (BHF),

they also attended the meeting. The Site Development and Building Permit will not be issued by

McHenry County until Village signs off. As the property is located in unincorporated McHenry County it

will need to comply with the Uniform Development Ordinance and facilities management act for

proprieties with over 25 horses.

Accept Public Safety Monthly Report

As submitted.

Approve Ordinance Authorizing Disposal of Personal Property Owned by the Village of

Barrington Hills

Motion Cecola 2nd Harrington

Old technology is being disposed of.

Roll Call: Ayes 6 (Cecola, Maison, Croll, Harrington, Gohl, McLaughlin)

Nays 0

Absent 1 (Konicek)

MOTION APPROVED as Ordinance 16 - 15

Honor Ride 2016

Chief reviewed that Honor Ride requested and received a permit for a special event. They will be rolling

through Barrington Hills on August 14th.

Approve Village Hall Maintenance Updates

Motion Gohl 2nd Maison

It is reviewed that the project started 8 or 9 months ago. There has been a lot of work to determine what

should be done to the Village Hall. The Board would be approving a capital expenditure, not approving

specific venders or colors etc.

Dan Cantalupo spoke to the project and reviewed what approximately he believes it will cost:

Paint $27,683

Take up the tile and replace it $26,000.

Paint not to exceed $30,000

He clarified that it needed to be fine tuned as there has been variation in estimated square footage.

Gohl reviewed that the budgeted amount is $45,000, we've already spent $28,000. McLaughlin

reviewed that the appropriation is the limiting number, not the budget. Trustees concur that a refresh is


Village of Barrington Hills

Board of Trustees Meeting

July 21, 2016

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The Board is asked to consider what items they believe are the highest priority, they are welcome to

review the packet provided by Dan Cantalupo and Linda Cools in the Clerks office.

The Treasurer reported there actually would be closer to $125,000 is available after reviewing the

appropriations. Harrington stated that he would like it to be done all at once if we can afford it.

Table Village Hall Maintenance Updates

Motion Gohl 2nd Maison

Roll Call: Ayes 6 (Cecola, Croll, Harrington, Gohl, Maison, McLaughlin)

Nays 0

Absent 1 (Konicek)


Permit Report

As submitted.

Enforcement Report

Nothing to report

ZBA Monthly Report

The ZBA hearing was continued since the meeting room was not large enough to allow all in attendance

to participate. The hearing has been continued to August 1, 2016 at Countryside Elementary School.

Planning Monthly Report

Plan Commission met to continue work on the revision of the Tree Ordinance.

Revised Heritage Tree Ordinance Draft

Maison reviewed that the PC is in process of reviewing a draft of the Tree Ordinance that they will be

submitting to the Board for approval. The draft has been posted and the PC has requested that any

comments from the public be brought to their next meeting, or submitted to the clerk prior. Bob covers

some of the various changes including the addition of an escrow.

Insurance Monthly Report

There will be a report in executive session under open litigation.

Health, Environment, Building & Grounds Monthly Report

HEC Committee upgrades were reviewed earlier. Gohl thanks Linda and Dan for all they have done.

Board of Health Report

Board of Health did not meet.

Pending Litigation Report

Items for executive sessions.

Personnel Report

Nothing to report.

Recess to Executive Session at 8:37 pm

Pursuant to Open Meetings Act;

5 ILCS 120/2(C)11 for Pending Litigation Issues

Village of Barrington Hills

Board of Trustees Meeting

July 21, 2016

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5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (21) for Minutes of Closed Meetings

Motion Gohl 2nd Cecola

Voice Vote: Ayes 6 (Cecola, Croll, Harrington, Gohl, Maison, McLaughlin)

Nays 0

Absent 1 (Konicek)



Public session reopened at 9:19 pm

Roll Call

Present: Cecola, Croll, Harrington, Gohl, Maison, McLaughlin

Absent: Konicek

Approve Executive Session Minutes June 27, 2016

Motion Gohl 2nd Cecola

Roll Call: Ayes 5 (Cecola, Croll, Harrington, Gohl, McLaughlin)

Nays 0

Abstain 1 (Maison)

Absent 1 (Konicek)

MOTION Approved

Motion to adjourn meeting made by Gohl, Seconded by Cecola. Upon all present Trustees voting

Aye. The Motion to adjourn carried and the meeting adjourned at 9:23 pm.