At a recent meeting, the Batavia Historic Preservation Commission reviewed site-inspection reports.
Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the commission.
July 25, 2016
Historic Preservation Commission
City of Batavia
Please NOTE: These minutes are not a word-for-word transcription of the statements made at the
meeting, nor intended to be a comprehensive review of all discussions. They are intended to make an
official record of the actions taken by the Committee/City Council, and to include some description of
discussion points as understood by the minute-taker. They may not reference some of the individual
attendee’s comments, nor the complete comments if referenced.
1. Meeting Called to Order
Chair Bus called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Chair Bus; Vice-Chair Hagemann; Commissioners Sherer, Roller and
Members Absent: None
Also Present: Mayor Schielke; Laura Newman, City Administrator; Jeff Albertson,
Building Commissioner; Scott Buening, Director of Community
Development; Gary Holm, Director of Public Works; Chris Aiston,
Economic Development Consultant; and Jennifer Austin-Smith,
Recording Secretary
3. Items to be Removed, Added or Changed
There were no items to be removed, added or changed.
4. Matters From the Public (for items not on the agenda)
Chair Bus asked if there were matters from the public for items not on the agenda. There were no
members from the public.
5. COA Review Continuation: 111, 133 East Wilson Street and 20 North River Street -
Demolition (City of Batavia, applicant)
Chair Bus stated that this is a continuation to the meeting held two weeks ago regarding this
demolition COA. Albertson stated that in the packet there is the amended application that was
requested at the last meeting. All three buildings that are being considered are now part of this
Buening stated that the application now has more detailed justification as to why the COA was
appropriate in this case to demolish the structures. The church structure is significant and the
other two buildings are not significant. Primary factors and secondary factors are listed in the
application as well. Buening continued that the Commission has asked staff to consider how to
save or preserve the bell tower. David Patzelt, representative of Shodeen, distributed an
illustration of the bell tower incorporated into the building titled “One North Washington Place,
Batavia Illinois.”
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July 25, 2016
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Bus requested that the review of the requirements be held prior to the discussion on the bell
tower. Buening discussed the memo titled “Certificate of Appropriateness, 111 & 133 East
Wilson Street, 20 N. River Street” section 12-6-3-D-1 regarding significant structure properties.
Hagemann stated that he believes all four have been met. Roller agreed and liked the reasons
staff provided. Sherer, Sullivan, and Bus agreed. Section 12-6-3-D-2 secondary factors were
overviewed. Aiston reported that NIU would be conducting an Economic Impact Analysis for
this project. Staff thinks it will be ready in thirty days. Bus asked staff to distribute the Economic
Impact Analysis study to the HPC once it is completed.
Motion: The HPC finds that the documentation is complete and that all alternatives to
demolition have been considered. The HPC accepts the application and will
schedule the application for review at the next HPC meeting
Maker: Roller
Second: Hagemann
Roll Call Vote: Aye: Hagemann, Sherer, Roller, Sullivan, Bus
Nay: None
5-0 Vote, 0 Absent, Motion carried.
David Patzelt, 77 North First Street, shared after the inspection it was considered that some items
of the bell tower could be incorporated into the proposed structure. The drawing with architect
incorporated the design and replicated the design throughout the building. The bell tower was not
high enough so the limestone was increased on the bottom and the windows were implemented
into the tower to increase the height of the tower. The residential units would have the dining
rooms in the bell tower structure. He believes that they can reuse the limestone but they are not
sure if the bricks could be reused. The question then comes to the cost to do all this. If the
materials come down easily and are cleaned easily the same materials could be reused. Brick
suppliers have been contacted to try to match the color of the red brick of the bell tower.
Through this process, we have a great architectural statement for this whole building while
saving the bell tower.
Sherer stated that she is pleased with what the architect drew up and that it is unique to Batavia.
She likes hearing that you are trying to save as much of the brick as possible. She likes the
design and asked if the round finial would be saved. Patzelt would like to take the existing one
off and reuse it. The pitch of the roof would be the same but the same roofing materials would
not be used. Roller commented that she is happy with what was presented and the reuse of the
finial was her first thought. Even if the brick cannot be saved it does have a part of the design.
She stated it is well done. Sullivan stated he would hate to impose extra cost when it is not
saving anything in reality. This is making the new building look like the old building. He asked
if replicating the bell tower is negative to the project. Patzelt answered that he likes the idea but
the cost could be a negative. He sees the tower as a positive although there is an issue with the
cost and trying to reuse the brick and the limestone. The tower is the driver of the architecture of
the entire building. The City is in charge of the cost of the demolition as part of the
redevelopment agreement for this project and that could be a negative. All in all, he thinks that
the positives outweigh the negatives. Sullivan asked if the City is concerned about the cost that
we are imposing onto the City that you may not be able to afford here. Buening stated that staff
is concerned and no cost estimates have been created as of yet. We love the concept so far and
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the idea behind memorializing the church. It depends on the cost and how we could pull it off.
We are hopeful that we would be able to salvage costs with the material. Bus sated that the
recycling of bricks is much more environmentally friendly. Aiston stated that not only are the
green issues there but if anyone sees this on Wilson street and sees this they will know that this is
a tribute to the former church and that speaks volumes in terms of preservation. Patzelt hopes
that we could get enough brick from the bell tower and from the other parts of the church to
complete the bell tower replication structure.
Bus asked about the pipe organ salvation. Patzelt stated that some pieces could be utilized as
artwork and they are willing to try that. It would be rather interesting but we don’t want to
commit at this time. He noted that several of the pipes were in a crate and there was some pvc
piping incorporated to the organ pipes, so it is not in the best condition as a whole. Bus asked
that staff fully document the building, as listed in the ordinance. Buening stated that they would
document the building by taking more photographs. Bus explained that he would like to see more
documentation so that there is a record of this building for people in the future. For example, the
Baptist Church building has a unique notching system framing technique, which has contributed
to the building being structurally unsound. Sherer stated that when the population of Batavia was
2,000 people they had six churches. To her, that shows how important churches were.
Albertson stated that two of the properties that we are considering tonight, 111 E Wilson and 20
North River Street, are non-contributing and it would be possible to take actions on those
buildings tonight if you so desire. The consensus of the Commission was to process this as the
same application.
6. Updates:
1. 7 East Wilson Street – Historic Inspection
2. Anderson Block Building – Masonry Maintenance
3. Significant Historic Building Inspection Program
4. 10/12 North River Street – Historic Inspection
5. 227 West Wilson Street – Historic Inspection
6. 109 South Batavia Avenue – Historic Inspection
7. 8 North River Street – Historic Inspection
8. 16 East Wilson Street – Historic Inspection
There were no updates at this time.
7. Other Business
There was no other business at this time.
8. Adjournment
There being no other business to discuss, Chair Bus asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting at
6:23pm; Made by Sherer; Seconded by Roller. Motion carried.
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July 25, 2016
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Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer Austin-Smith