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City of Batavia residents | City of Batavia, Illinois - Government Offices/Facebook
City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met Oct. 29
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chair Wolff called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
1. Roll Call
Present: Lanci, Beck, Pieper, Solfa, Wolff, Malone, Baerren, Leman, Uher
Absent: Barrazza, Ajazi, Malay, Cerone, Vogelsinger.
Also Present: Mayor Schielke; Chief Craig Hanson, Batavia Fire Department; Laura Newman, City Administrator; Gary Holm, Director of Public Works; Drew Rackow, Planning and Zoning Officer; Zach Ewoldt, Planner; Rahat Bari, City Engineer; Scott Buening, Director of Community & Economic Development; and Peter Gerardi, Recording Secretary.
2. Reminder: Please Speak Directly into Microphone for BATV Recording
3. Items Removed/Added/Changed
4. Matters from the public (not on the agenda)
5. Consent Agenda:
(The consent agenda is made up of items recommended by city staff that require recommendation to the full City Council by the Cow. This agenda is placed as a separate item of the COW agenda. The items on the consent agenda are usually minor items, already budgeted, standard non-policy activities or outgrowths of earlier meetings and are voted on as a “package” in the interest of saving time on non-controversial issues. However, any council member may, by simple request, have an item removed and placed on the “regular” agenda).
a. Resolution 2024-138-R: Approving IGA with Batavia Park District for Fiber to Callahan Community Center (SA 10/21/24)
b. Resolution 2024-125-R: Authorizing execution of Task Order 46 with Engineering Enterprises for Design Engineering Services of the South Mallory Avenue water system improvements (JB 10/29/24)
c. Resolution 2024-141-R: Approving Purchase of a Sanitary Sewer Lateral Launch CCTV System with Standard Equipment Company in the amount of $139,374.61 (JB 10/29/24) PU
d. Approval: COW Executive Session Minutes for February 14, 2023 - Purchase of Real Estate; March 28, 2023 - Collective Bargaining; April 11, 2023 - Purchase of Real Estate; May 9, 2023 - a. Land Acquisition b. Setting the Price of Land for Sale; September 12, 2023 - a. Litigation b. Purchase of Real Estate and December 12, 2023 - Litigation
Motion: To approve the Consent Agenda
Maker: Beck
Second: Uher
Voice Vote: 9-0, motion carried.
6. Ordinance 2024-071: Conditional Use for an Entertainment and Recreation, Indoor Facility- Large Scale (ZE 10/24/24) CD
Zach Ewoldt gave the staff report indicating a business named Pickled! proposes a pickleball facility in approximately 34,000 square feet of space at 301 North Randall Road for 12 pickleball courts, 4 golf simulators and up to 6 table tennis tables. He said this business currently operates three (3) similar facilities in the area. Ewoldt noted that this would be the only non-retail use in the mix at this particular shopping center but meets the Zoning Code.
Nathan Patrick Taylor, the President of Pickled! Inc., gave a presentation with PowerPoint slides starting with a history of pickleball, court size and how the game is played. He passed around a sample of the equipment used in the game. Taylor said the vast majority of players are over the age of 55 and over but trending younger. Taylor noted they will have leagues, lessons and tournaments. Ald. Solfa asked about food options. Taylor said they will serve pop, gatorade, beer and wine but they don’t want to become a bar.
Ald.Vogelsinger arrived at 7:24 p.m.
Ald. Malone asked about how far people will travel to play pickleball. Taylor said the vast majority of players would be within 5 or 6 miles but people would travel as far as 40 minutes away for a good game. He said his business model is family/community focused. Mayor Schielke asked about a sales area for supplies and equipment. Taylor said they do sell a variety of paddles at different price points in a small footprint. Ald. Beck asked if memberships can be shared with the different locations and what the timeline is. Taylor indicated memberships could be used at the other facilities without an additional cost and added they want to be open by early December.
Motion: Recommend approval of Ordinance 2024-071 to City Council
Maker: Wolff
Second: Solfa
Voice Vote: 10-0, motion carried.
7. Ordinance 2024-062: Proposing the Establishment of an Amendment to Special Service Area Number 17 (Hazelwood Pointe Subdivision Phase I and II) in the City of Batavia and Providing for a Public Hearing and Other Procedures (DMR 10/23/24) CD
Drew Rackow gave the staff report indicating the proposed Ordinance would initiate the process to vacate an amendment to and modify a Special Service Area (SSA) which is primarily a backup SSA for stormwater maintenance. He noted that it is not an actively levied SSA with no change to the rate.
Motion: Recommend approval of Ordinance 2024-062 to City Council
Maker: Wolff
Second: Solfa
Voice Vote: 10-0, motion carried
8. Ordinance 2024-072: Amendments to Text of the Zoning Code (Miscellaneous Amendments Chapter 5.1, Chapter 5.2, Section 5.606.B, and Chapter 6) (ZE 10/24/24) CD
Zach Ewoldt gave the staff report saying there are changes proposed in Chapter 5.1 in titles and terminology to reflect the Zoning Code. He noted that Chapter 5.2 adds a requirement for written disclosure of beneficiaries with any zoning application. The second change he noted is to specify and define what qualifies as application activity for an open application adding this avoids extended periods of time without any communication with staff. Another proposed change would be to allow the Director of Community & Economic Development to inquire with an applicant after 90 days of inactivity to request a status update to be provided by the applicant within 15 days after which the application can be closed out. The last recommendation Ewoldt mentioned is to reduce the automatic expiration of the design review timeline from two years to one year.
Motion: Recommend approval of Ordinance 2024-072 to City Council
Maker: Wolff
Second: Solfa
Voice Vote: 10-0, motion carried
9. Resolution 2024-134-R: Approving Task Order #7 with V3 Companies, Ltd. for construction engineering services for the Safe Routes to School Project for an amount not to exceed $84,614.00. (CB 10/15/24) CS
The City Engineer, Rahat Bari, gave the staff report noting that in 2021 the City received a grant of $250,000. He noted that the City has been working on this project for a while and it’s now moving into the design phase with IDOT for final review. He noted this phase involves hiring a construction engineer to oversee the project, complete any paperwork and close out. Ald. Wolff noted that there were many discussions on this project including routing options for the sidewalk.
Bari recalled that based on the preliminary plans, the City marked out proposed sidewalk locations on Republic Road and on Maple Lane. Ald. Malone asked if the residents were notified. Bari said the residents were notified multiple times.
Motion: Recommend approval of Ordinance 2024-134-R to City Council
Maker: Wolff
Second: Malone
Voice Vote: 10-0, motion carried
10. Resolution 2024-135-R: Approving a Joint Funding Agreement for Federally Funded Construction for the Safe Routes to School Project. (CB 10/15/24) CS
Bari gave the staff report saying this resolution looks at the data provided and gives the breakdown of how much the various parties are paying towards the project. With the construction portion, IDOT lets out the project and contracts with the contractor. He said IDOT then pays the contractor and invoices the City.
Bari noted that the City contracts with the construction engineer and then gets reimbursed by IDOT.
Motion: Recommend approval of Ordinance 2024-135-R to City Council
Maker: Wolff
Second: Malone
Voice Vote: 10-0, motion carried
11. Resolution 2024-136-R: Approving a Master Services Agreement with Strand Assoc., Inc. (CB10/29/24) CS
Bari gave the background of this project located at Main Street and Randall Road noting discussions about a feasibility study regarding connecting the west side and east side of Randall Road for pedestrians and bicycle traffic. He said the study would develop options available to make the connection. He noted some discussions with KDOT and they agreed the City should move forward with a feasibility study that would look at underpass, overpass and at-grade crossings.
Laura Newman added that multiple jurisdictions working on a project increases chances of getting other grant funding. Bari noted there are 9 possible options on how to get across the road.
Motion: Recommend approval of Ordinance 2024-136-R to City Council
Maker: Wolff
Second: Solfa
Voice Vote: 10-0, motion carried
12. Resolution 2024-137-R: Approving Task Order #1 with Strand Associates, Inc. for a Feasibility Study for a Pedestrian Crossing at the Intersection of Randall Rd and Main St (CB 10/22/24) CS
Bari noted the federal process was followed in hiring Strand Associates and some of the money spent on this project will be budgeted in 2025 in addition to 2024.
Motion: Recommend approval of Ordinance 2024-137-R to City Council
Maker: Wolff
Second: Solfa
Voice Vote: 10-0, motion carried
13. Project status:
Newman noted that on November 2nd and 3rd Wilson Street will be closed from Van Nortwick to Western McKee for a storm sewer connection and detours will be available. She noted revisions are being made to the liquor code to make it more understandable. Newman noted the open house for the South River Street plan was held on October 24th and the consultant is compiling inputs from the meeting and from online to develop a summary. She noted that a full site development permit has been issued for Ashton Ridge. Newman added that Public Works has deployed an in-vehicle camera and diagnostic system that will allow a greater level of detail when tracking vehicles as well as the mechanical performance of certain equipment. Ald. Wolff asked if dispensary applications are being processed. Scott Buening said there are two dispensary applications filed and being reviewed.
14. Other:
15. Executive Session: Discussion of contracts related to the purchase, sale or delivery of electricity
Motion: To enter Executive Session
Maker: Solfa
Second: Beck
Voice Vote: 10-0, motion carried
Council entered Executive Session at 8:16 p.m. and exited at 8:27 p.m.
Gary Holm spoke and fielded questions about topics related to Batavia’s membership in NIMPA
While in Executive Session, Ald. Wolff asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
There was a first by Solfa and a second by Uher. By voice vote the motion was carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.