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City of Aurora Planning and Zoning Commission met March 16

City of Aurora Planning and Zoning Commission met March 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairman Pilmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 


The following Commission members were present: Chairman Pilmer, Mrs. Anderson,  

Mr. Chambers, Mr. Gonzales and Mrs. Owusu-Safo. Mr. Choudhury, Mr. Elsbree and  

Mr. Kahn called in and excused themselves from the meeting. 


The following staff members were present: Mr. Sieben, Mrs. Morgan, Mr. Broadwell  

and Mrs. Jackson. 

Others Present: Rich Johnson (1950 Richard Street) and Shelly Tucciarelli (Visionary  

Ventures Not For Profit Organization). 


22-0186 Approval of the Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting  on March 2, 2022. 

A motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Gonzales, that the  

minutes be approved and filed. The motion carried. 


Chairman Pilmer said if you are here for an item that does not appear on the agenda  

as a public hearing and you wish to speak to the Commission, we can give you 3  

minutes to do so. 

No one came forward. 


22-0107 Requesting approval of a Major Variance pursuant to Section 34-406 of  Chapter 34 of the City of Aurora Code of Ordinances for the property  

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Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes March 16, 2022 

located at 1950 Richard Street, to allow for a trailer to be parked  

between the primary structure and the front lot line (Richard Johnson -  

22-0107 / AU18/2-22.031-V - SB - Ward 5) (PUBLIC HEARING) 

Mr. Broadwell said as you just heard, this is the major variance for 1950 Richard  

Street. We do have the Petitioner here, who we’ll bring up in a minute to give us some  

background. A little bit more information here. I’ll pull up the Plat of Survey for the  

property, which will give you some context here. The provision in the Zoning Ordinance  

that’s actually being varied here is 105.13-3.8.D.ii.a, which essentially allows for a  

vehicle to be parked in front of the primary structure on a residential property basically  

between the front of the primary structure and the lot line. Kind of moving back from  

that, the Petitioner owns one trailer that is used essentially for work that’s about 14  

feet in length that has been parked in front of the garage on the drive for a number of  

years now. The trailer itself is, based on the qualifying statement, is 7 feet wide, about  

14 feet long. This 14 feet length does not include the, I guess we’re calling it, the  

tongue, or what hitches the trailer to the vehicle, but it sounds like that’s between 1½  

feet to 2 feet. Then the trailer is 7 feet, 9 inches tall. So that’s the nature of the  

variance and kind of, I guess, the characteristics of the trailer itself. One thing that I  

wanted to point out, that’s included in the staff report, is that there are additional  

provisions in the Zoning Ordinance that kind of tie into parking vehicles on residential  

property. So for example, those other vehicles might be a boat or recreational vehicle,  

but as far as this variance is concerned, the Petitioner is parking one trailer, which is  

allowed on this lot, on the residential property, so that’s not being varied. The trailer is  

not exceeding the maximum length of 20 feet per the Zoning Ordinance, so that’s not  

included in the variance, and then he is also parking it on the driveway and not in the  

public right-of-way. The variance is very specific to this vehicle being parked between  

the primary structure and the front lot line. The Petitioner did write a qualifying  

statement, which was in your packet, which you can see and he can talk more about  

that in a minute, but one thing I wanted to point out about the property itself in regard  

to the hardship is that you can see the house here. It is kind of “L” shaped and when  

we refer to the primary structure in the staff report, we’re talking about the entire  

structure. In the staff report, I referred to the front of the house, which is, I guess, the  

livable area and then the front of the driveway, the front of the garage, which is the  

garage itself. But as you can see, the front of the house is about 30 feet, a little under  

30 feet, about 29½ feet setback from the front property line and then the front of the  

garage is about 45 feet based on the Plat of Survey, and then there’s like a 15 foot  

gap kind of between the face of the garage where you can see it says 20.4 feet, the  

width there, measuring back to the front of the house. So there’s this 15 foot gap  

where the Petitioner has been parking his trailer to this point. The “L” shape of the  

home does kind of provide kind of an area where the trailer can be parked out of the  

30 foot setback, mostly parked out of the 30 foot setback and screened from the  

neighboring properties and from the street. What I’m pulling up right now, the property  

research sheet, you can see the house, the Petitioner’s home, and it is highlighted  

right there. Then you can actually see the trailer right there, the white box there on the  

bottom left. The house itself, you can see, is one of only a few of these similarly “L”  

shaped houses on the block. You can see the neighbor’s house there to the west.  

The trailer is basically flush with the neighbor’s house. There is, I guess, some natural  

screening on the property. I think that’s everything. Any questions for staff at this  


Chairman Pilmer said any questions of staff? Hearing none, I would ask the Petitioner  

if they would like to come forward. 

The Petitioner was sworn in. 

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Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes March 16, 2022 

I’m Richard Johnson. I’m the owner at 1950 Richard. I tell everybody we’ve lived here  

28 years and they named the street after me when we moved in, but they don’t believe  

that. My wife Carrie of almost 38 years is here. Like I mentioned, we’ve been there for  

28 years. First of all, good evening to the Commission and the Zoning people. Steve  

kind of laid out a lot of the issues with this. I’ve had a trailer in front of there since  

2005. I originally got a citation from somebody in the city in 2011, I believe, and we  

kind of talked about it and then with the setback, I had permission to leave it there.  

So I had not heard anything for such a long time and then I’m not sure when the date  

was, maybe 2018, I had another citation on that. I explained that in 2011 I was allowed  

to have it. They looked it up and said yes, I see that, I’ll void my case. Then a  

decision was made to say well you can have that trailer there, but if you get a new one,  

that won’t be allowed. I’m was a little confused by that, but we’re here now to explain  

that. When I got the new trailer, which was a little over a year ago, I got another  

citation and they said you got a new trailer, that wasn’t allowed, even though I never  

agreed to that. Just to go a little in reverse, the reason I got that trailer, and I had the  

other one for like 15 years, was because it got rear-ended, so it no longer safe to drive,  

stuff falling off the back, and it was not secure, so I had to get another one. I do  

handyman work. I try to stay busy doing that. I also have a DJ business where I do  

weddings and stuff. Before COVID I was doing anywhere from 90 to 100 events a year.  

That helps me pay for kids in college and a little added income. If I can interject the  

fact that I was an Aurora police officer for 14 years. I ended up going out on disability  

in what was called a Line of Duty disability where I had blew my legs out and had some  

surgeries and ended up having a knee replacement and I was awarded what they call a  

Line of Duty disability. So I get a pension on that, but because of state law, because  

state law has statutes on police, fire, and I believe correction pensions, that I don’t get  

any increase until I turn 60. I may look 60, but I’m not quite there yet. I’ve got a  

couple more years, so honestly, I have not had zero increase since then. My wife  

works at a veterinary hospital and was working mainly just 3 days a week. Just started  

back almost full time now. Now that our kids are grown, we have older kids, but I’m  

putting one in college through the University of Illinois-Chicago. If you guys have kids,  

you know what the cost of college is. One, I try to stay busy and I work. In that trailer  

is literally a working, rolling workshop. I have tools in there, there’s electric in there. I  

even have shore power in there to where I can charge batteries for inverter to have  

power remotely if I need it, mainly for lighting is what I mainly use it for. Then on  

weekends I pull some of that stuff out and roll in the sound equipment and do my  

music stuff on the weekends. I’ll leave that where that’s at. The big reason why I can’t  

have it stored anywhere; one, the cost of it would be offsetting what I do, not all of it,  

but a good portion of it. Plus I have a lot of fears of security with the thousands of  

dollars compiled over the year of tools and things like that, music, the sound  

equipment. That is a big issue. Plus I have cameras all around my house that watch  

this thing. I have Ring plus a security system. That’s a big portion of why I can’t have  

it there. I can’t have it in the garage because a normal garage has a 7 foot header and  

most trailers won’t fit in there unless you have, and it would be major to try and do that,  

so it won’t fit in the garage. It would have to be in almost an outdoor storage, so  

security is a big issue for me and the amount of equipment that’s at risk. If I have it  

stored somewhere, then the insurance goes up as well. We’ve talked about the  

citations I’ve received, and I was instructed that I could do this zoning variance and I’ve  

kind of followed through with great instructions with Steve and Ed and we’ve come to  

this point. I can mention too that I personally have not heard anything from my  

neighbors. My neighbor that’s directly to the west of me which, I think, Steve had  

mentioned, it was kind of like was a physical barrier, if you will. When I originally had  

that citation in 2011, they asked for a letter from her that it was okay with her and she  

doesn’t oppose of that. She did that and I assume that’s on record here in the city as  

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Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes March 16, 2022 

well. Like I said, we’ve been there a long time. I would ask for your consideration in  

this. It is pretty much my whole work life. I don’t like to sit around. With all the  

injuries and stuff I’ve got, even my kids say Dad you’ve got to quit doing that.  

Honestly, if I sit around, I get worse, so I like to stay busy. I think that’s about all I  

have to offer. I hope that kind of explained everything and I’m happy to answer any  

questions that anybody has. 

The public input portion of the public hearing was opened. No witnesses came  

forward. The public input portion of the public hearing was closed. 

Chairman Pilmer said staff won’t have a recommendation, but if you want to read the  

Findings of Fact. 

Mr. Broadwell said I’ll read the Findings of Fact. As you just said, we don’t do the  

recommendation, but we do kind of provide our thoughts. I can do that as well.  

1. The major variance request is based on the particular physical surroundings of the  

subject property, as the Petitioner is able to park his trailer in front of the primary  

structure while keeping it mostly out of the minimum front yard setback 

2. The major variance request is based on conditions that are unique to the subject  

property, as the trailer is parked in one of the few “L” shaped homes on this block, or  

within the impact area, which provides additional parking area and screening for the  

trailer to be parked outdoors on the subject property.  

3. The major variance request is based on a hardship caused by the Zoning  

Ordinance, as the trailer is not otherwise allowed to be parked between the primary  

structure and the front lot line, despite having an additional, approximately 15 feet, of  

driveway leading to the face of the garage, which extends past the face of the home  

that is closest to the public right-of-way.  

4. The major variance request is in all other respects in conformance to the  

applicable regulations of the district in which it is located, as indicated in the staff  


Mr. Sieben said and if I could just follow up what Steve said. Like he said, we don’t do  

a recommendation on variances, but as the Findings of Fact state, this is kind of a  

unique shaped house and even though this doesn’t meet the letter of the law because  

it is in front of the structure because that portion of the home is basically at a 45 foot  

setback versus the rest of the house, which is at the 29 or 30 foot setback. This is  

tucked away back there behind the typical 30 foot setback, so staff felt this was kind  

of a unique situation with the shape of the house. 



AYES: Chairman Pilmer, Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Gonzales, Mrs.  


NAYS: None 

Chairman Pilmer said we are to evaluate the proposal with respect to 4 questions for  

our Findings of Fact and I would ask, unless there’s any additional discussion on these  

4 points, we incorporate what was in the staff’s report into our Findings of Fact. 


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Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes March 16, 2022 


AYES: Chairman Pilmer, Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Gonzales, Mrs.  


NAYS: None 

Mr. Sieben said actually with variances, Planning and Zoning Commission is the final  

vote, so it is approved. 

A motion was made by Mrs. Owusu-Safo, seconded by Mr. Chambers, that this  

agenda item be approved. The motion carried. 

22-0111 A Major Variance for Minimum Floor Area Ratio pursuant to Sec. 34-403  and 34-406 of Chapter 34 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Aurora,  

Illinois for property located at 631 and 641 S. Lake Street to vary Sec.  

III.A.1.4 of the Fox Valley Apartments-Lincoln School Plan Description to  

remove the minimum floor area requirement within the historic Lincoln  

School building (Fox Valley Apartments, LP / Lincoln School - 22-0111 /  

AU28/1-22.032-V - JM - Ward 4) (PUBLIC HEARING) 

Mrs. Morgan said so if you recall, this project came before the Planning and Zoning  

Commission back in November for the Rezoning and Conditional Use Planned  

Development and Final Plan and Plat. With that Plan Description, we had originally  

required a minimum of 420 square feet for the floor area. That’s what the plans at the  

time had showed, so that’s what we put in the Plan Description. When the Petitioners  

took the project, if you recall, the project is using Historic Preservation Tax Credits as  

part of their finance, as well as some city funds being part of the project, part of those  

tax credits required them to be reviewed, the interior and exterior, by the National Park  

Service. The National Park Service came back and said that some of the interior  

partition walls needed to be preserved in order to get the tax credits. The Petitioner  

was able to go back and reconfigure the floor plan to preserve those partition walls,  

but in doing so, they had to reduce 2 of the units down to 300 square feet. All of the  

rest of the units meet that minimum 420 square feet. It is just 2 units that are being  

affected in order to be able to get the Historic Preservation Tax Credits. Here is the  

floor plan. Are there any questions for me? 

Mrs. Owusu-Safe said I have one. So was the 420, was that an ordinance or was it  

just because their original floor plan description showed 420? It is not anywhere that  

we require a minimum of 420? 

Mrs. Morgan said no. We do have minimum requirements for most of our residential  

portions, so that 420 was altered from what’s traditionally included in the Zoning  

Ordinance because they were showing 420. What is the Zoning Ordinance, do you  

remember Ed? Is it 450? 

Mr. Sieben said is it is typically 450, but we went down to 420 because, I think, their  

smallest unit was a little over 420, so we put that in there. We could have put a  

condition in there that per the National Park Service standards and then we wouldn’t be  

back here. So this is purely because they had to save certain portions. 

Mrs. Morgan said in the future we are thinking maybe to make sure we have a little  

more flexibility in these National Park Service… 

Mr. Sieben said so this is kind of like a city imposed thing because that’s what they  

were showing. 

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Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes March 16, 2022 

Mrs. Morgan said and this is only for the historic school. The new construction has to  

meet our standards. 

Mr. Sieben said new construction would be different. 

Mrs. Morgan said so it is unique because of the historic existing school. 

Mrs. Owusu-Safo said the existing constraints of the building is causing this. 

Mrs. Morgan said yes. 

Chairman Pilmer said the space was there that they could move, but they can’t  

because of the designation. 

Mrs. Morgan said correct. 

The Petitioner was sworn in. 

I’m Shelly Tucciarelli, 232 S. Oak Street, Itasca, Illinois. Just thank you so much for  

this opportunity to extend this variance to the Commission. Again, like we said, we  

worked really hard with this adaptive reuse and once it was submitted to NPS, the  

National Park Service, those were the comments that we received back, to keep those  

walls. Our architect did go in and reconfigured everything and this was our best  


The public input portion of the public hearing was opened. No witnesses came  

forward. The public input portion of the public hearing was closed. 

Mrs. Morgan said staff has the following comments regarding the Findings of Fact: 

1. Staff believes the variance is based on a particular physical surrounding, shape or  

topographical condition that will result in a hardship due to the site containing a historic  

school and that the reuse of the historic building is not feasible without the assistance  

of the Historic Preservation Tax Credits. 

2. Staff believes the request is unique to the property due to the site containing one  

of the few remaining historic progressive era schools that the city is supportive of  


3. Staff believes the Plan Description’s minimum floor area requirement is causing  

the hardship as it will not allow the floor area plan to be altered in a manner that would  

preserve the interior spaces and that the hardship was not created by the developer. 

4. Staff believes that the major variance conforms in all other ways to the Fox Valley  

Apartments – Lincoln School Plan Description and to Chapter 49 of the Code of  

Ordinances, City of Aurora. 

Mrs. Morgan said and as mentioned, we do not provide recommendations for a  

variance, so the staff would note that the staff believes the request is based on the  

physical hardship of adaptively reusing the historic building and the adaptive reuse will  

benefit the City of Aurora. 


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Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes March 16, 2022 


AYES: Chairman Pilmer, Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Gonzales, Mrs.  


NAYS: None 

Chairman Pilmer said we do have our Findings of Fact. We have 4 questions to ask  

regarding this case and, again, would add that unless there are specific additions or  

changes that we incorporate what was in the staff’s report. 



AYES: Chairman Pilmer, Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Gonzales, Mrs.  


NAYS: None 

Chairman Pilmer said then, again, I think that is the final, so that is approved. 

A motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Gonzales, that this  

agenda item be approved. The motion carried. 



Mr. Sieben said our next meeting will be the regular meeting on April 6th and we will  

have a full 9 member Commission then. We have a new member, I think, next week,  

but she will be available April 6th. 


A motion was made by Mr. Chambers, seconded by Mrs. Owusu-Safo, that the  

agenda be adjourned. The motion carried by voice vote. Chairman Pilmer  

adjourned the meeting at 7:28 p.m. 




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