
Kane County Reporter

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Kane County Executive Committee met Feb. 2

Kane County Executive Committee met Feb. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

Chairman Pierog called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m.

2. Roll Call

Attendee Name





Corinne M. Pierog

Kane County



Mavis Bates

Kane County

Board Member


Dale Berman

Kane County

Board Member


Mark Davoust

Kane County

Board Member


Ron Ford

Kane County

Board Member


Drew Frasz

Kane County

Board Member


Michelle Gumz

Kane County

Board Member


Michael Kenyon

Kane County

Board Member


Chris Kious

Kane County

Board Member


John Martin

Kane County

Board Member


Myrna Molina

Kane County

Board Member


Jarett Sanchez

Kane County

Board Member


Cherryl Strathmann

Kane County

Board Member


Clifford Surges

Kane County

Board Member


Vern Tepe

Kane County

Board Member


Kenneth C. Shepro

Kane County

Ex-Officio County Board Vice Chair


Also present: Co. Bd. member Allan, Brown, Iqbal; Fin. Dir. Onzick*; Environmental/Water Res. Dir. Wollnik; KDOT Exec. Dir. Schoedel & staff Rickert*; Sheriff Hain;*; ASA Troost, Niermann* & Brady*; Animal Control Admin. Youngsteadt*; Interim Health Dept. Exec. Dir. Fosser* & staff Snowden*; Development Exec. Dir. VanKerkhoff*; HRM Exec Dir. Lobrillo*; ITD Exec. Dir. Fahnestock* & staff Lasky*, Peters; members of the press and public. (Remote=*)

3. Pledge of Allegiance

Madam Chairman asked Board Member Kenyon to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Approval of Minutes: January 5, 2022


MOVER: Drew Frasz, Board Member

SECONDER: Dale Berman, Board Member

AYES: Corinne M. Pierog, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Kenneth C. Shepro

5. Public Comment


6. Monthly Financials (J. Onzick)

A. January Executive Committee Financial Reports

Fin. Dir. Onzick stated that the Financial Reports were attached to the agenda packet. He confirmed that the 1099’s and W-2’s were issued by the deadline of January 31, 2022. Onzick explained that the 1099’s had been mailed out and the W-2’s were available online.

7. Old Business

A. Update on Revision of County Code 2-48

Madam Chairman Pierog called on members Iqbal, Kious, and Shepro to provide a brief update on the revision of County Code 2-48. Iqbal stated the importance of modifications to the code pertaining to the County Board and the standing committees. He explained that there were several unclear areas in the code regarding the standing committees such as the responsibilities of the committee Chair. Iqbal stated that changes were made and a draft was presented to the Board Members before going to the State’s Attorney’s Office for review. He acknowledged the Board Members have a short time left in their terms and the hope is to leave a legacy that provides a clear platform for the next Board Members. He requested feedback and stated this is the time for revisions. Madam Chairman encouraged all department heads to review the draft and provide feedback. Iqbal noted that Dev. Dir. VanKerkhoff was working on an amendment regarding jurisdictions for some committees. He spoke on the importance of the relationship between Department Directors and the Committee Members. Shepro stated several concerns. He noted the mischaracterization of this group being called a committee. He explained that there was one discussion and no meetings. Shepro discussed the purpose of the Code revision, which was the proliferation of AD HOC Committees and recommended the ARP Committee become a standing committee. He detailed several complications that have arisen, which included major changes to definitions of how committees work and their powers. Shepro recommended that the revision process be restarted. Madam Chairman Pierog requested that the State’s Attorney address the definitions of an AD HOC Committee and Standing Committee. Member Surges stated concern that work should be done within existing committees in order to limit additional AD HOC Committees. Madam Chair discussed the revision process as an informal group who had volunteered to make updates to the code. Much discussion on AD HOC Committees, their workflow, reporting, and purpose ensued.

Shepro reiterated his concern that this project had gone way beyond its intention. Kious requested that the group clearly define the goals in order to move forward. Pierog suggested that the group define the steps going forward and that one member provide a report to the County Board. Martin discussed his concerns and the belief that the project should be restarted. Pierog stated reasons that the Code needed to be revised. She thanked Iqbal for the draft, which was a great start. She recommended that ASA Niermann attend the next meeting to assist with development of an AD HOC Committee with the purpose of revising the Code. Pierog stated the importance of defining the rules and operating procedures. She affirmed that the Open Meetings Act had not been broken. She acknowledged Iqbal, Shepro and Kious for volunteering to lead this discussion.

8. New Business


9. Preliminary County Board Agenda:



1. Resolution: Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Aurora and the City of Elgin for the Execution of the 2021 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award

Sheriff Hain explained this resolution, which is an annual grant and would allow the acceptance of $18K for training.


MOVER: Myrna Molina, Board Member

SECONDER: John Martin, Board Member

AYES: Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Kenneth C. Shepro


1. Resolution: Authorizing Correction of FY20 ARP Revenue Recoupment and Related Transfers and Miscellaneous Account Number Corrections

2. Resolution: Amending the FY21 Budget Roll Over Funds for GASB 84 Implementation Services

3. Resolution: Authorizing Roll Over of Funds and Amending 2022 Fiscal Year Budget - State's Attorney's Office

4. Resolution: Authorizing Transfer of FY22 Extradition Budget from the State's Attorney's Office to the Sheriff's Office

5. Resolution: Authorizing Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Adjustments

6. Ordinance: Increasing Certain Sheriff's User Fees

7. Resolution: Authorizing Participation in the Appellate Prosecutor Program

8. Resolution: Authorizing an Emergency Food Service Contract for the Kane County Juvenile Justice Center

9. Resolution: Authorizing Contract Extension for Kane County Snow Plowing Services

10. Resolution: Authorizing a Change Order with Integral Construction, Inc. for the Construction of the Ogden Gardens Water Trust Water Storage Tank and Building

Martin discussed an addition that was made to the Change Order. He explained that the IL EPA revised the standards and that specific language needed to be added. Martin read the additional ‘Whereas’ and recommended that it was added.

11. Ordinance: Repealing Sec. 2-196(A) of the Kane County Code and Replacing it with a New Sec. 2-196(A) (Depositories for Funds of County Treasurer/Collector)

12. Resolution: Authorizing Renaming of Fund 252 and Creation of Fund 265 in Compliance with Department of Treasury Equitable Sharing Program Requirements

13. Resolution: Rescinding Authorization of Creation of Toll Bridge Sales Tax Reserve Fund (Fund 306)

14. Resolution: Amending Kane County Financial Policies to Clarify Use of Budgetary Savings Resulting From Vacancies

15. Resolution: Amending Kane County Financial Policies to Add Policy Regarding Educational Assistance

16. Resolution: Approving December 2021 Claims Paid

RESULT: 1-16 MOVED FORWARD WITH ROLLCALL VOTE Next: 2/08/2022 9:45 AM TO: County Board

MOVER: John Martin, Board Member

SECONDER: Dale Berman, Board Member

AYES: Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Kenneth C. Shepro

Ex-Officio Shepro announced that he would request item #15 to be pulled off consent at the County Board meeting. Madam Chair received a message from Payroll that all W-2’s were mailed to all employees.

Human Services

1. Resolution: Adjusting of Salary of Executive Director of Human Resources Management Department

2. Resolution: Amending the Tuition Reimbursement Policy in the Personnel Policy Handbook

RESULT: 1-2 MOVED FORWARD WITH ROLLCALL VOTE Next: 2/08/2022 9:45 AM TO: County Board

MOVER: Dale Berman, Board Member

SECONDER: Michael Kenyon, Board Member

AYES: Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Kenneth C. Shepro

Ex-Officio Shepro announced that he would request item #2 be pulled off consent at the County Board meeting. Madam Chairman commended Surges and the Committee for hiring an exceptional Executive Director and for working through the Tuition Reimbursement Policy.

Judicial/Public Safety

1. Resolution: Amending Resolution 21-543 for the Third Extension to the Intergovernmental Agreement Between Kendall County, Illinois and Kane County, Illinois for the Housing of Detainees


MOVER: Myrna Molina, Board Member

SECONDER: Michael Kenyon, Board Member

AYES: Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Kenneth C. Shepro

Public Health

1. Resolution: Authorizing Adoption of 2021-2024 Community Health Improvement Plan by Kane County Board

Interim Exec. Dir. Fosser answered questions from the Committee on the start date of this three-year plan. Member Allan discussed a brief history of the Health Improvement Plan and benefits of the Ink Board.


MOVER: Jarett Sanchez, Board Member

SECONDER: Michael Kenyon, Board Member

AYES: Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe

ABSTAIN: Kenneth C. Shepro


1. Resolution: Approving FY 2022 County Maintenance MFT Appropriation Kane County Section No. 22-00000-00-GM

2. Resolution: Approving FY 2022 County Maintenance MFT Appropriation Kane County Section No. 22-00000-00-RF

3. Resolution: Approving Appropriation of the County Engineer's Salary and Authorizing the Transfer of Funds Therefor - Section No. 22-CS089-00-AC and 22-00000-00-CS

4. Resolution: Approving Adopt-A-Highway Program Applicants

5. Ordinance: Approving Establishment of Speed Limit, Kane County - Longmeadow Parkway

6. Resolution: Approving Contract for Construction with D. Construction, Inc. of Coal City, Illinois for Orchard Road at U.S. Route 30 Intersection Improvements, Kane County Section No. 17-00488-00-CH

7. Resolution: Approving a Pre-Phase I Engineering Services Agreement with Peralte Clark, LLC of Arlington Heights, Illinois for Fabyan Parkway at Settlers Hill Drive and Kingsland Drive Intersection Improvements, Kane County Section No. 21-00373-01-CH

8. Resolution: Approving an Engineering Concept Study Services Contract with Alfred Benesch & Company of Chicago, Illinois for North Randall Road Multi Modal Improvements, Kane County Section No. 21-00539-00-TD

9. Resolution: Approving a Contract for Construction with Builders Paving, LLC of Hillside, Illinois for Swan Road Resurfacing, Kane County Section No. 20-00527-01-RS

RESULT: 1-9 MOVED FORWARD WITH ROLLCALL VOTE Next: 2/08/2022 9:45 AM TO: County Board

MOVER: Drew Frasz, Board Member

SECONDER: Michael Kenyon, Board Member

AYES: Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Kenneth C. Shepro

10. Executive Session (If Needed)

Gumz motioned to move into Executive Session for a review of Closed Session Minutes. Berman seconded. The Committee went into Executive Session at 10:04 a.m.


MOVER: Michelle Gumz, Board Member

SECONDER: Dale Berman, Board Member

AYES: Corinne M. Pierog, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Kenneth C. Shepro

11. Return to Open Session

The Committee returned to Open Session at 10:10 a.m. on a motion made by Shepro. Seconded by Davoust.


MOVER: Kenneth C. Shepro, Ex-Officio County Board Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Mark Davoust, Board Member

AYES: Corinne M. Pierog, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Kenneth C. Shepro

12. Release of Closed Session Minutes


MOVER: Kenneth C. Shepro, Ex-Officio County Board Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Dale Berman, Board Member

AYES: Corinne M. Pierog, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Kenneth C. Shepro

13. Committee Reports

Member Allan and remote Board Members thanked Madam Chairman, Brown, Berman, Frasz, Kenyon, and staff for braving the snow.

14. Adjournment


MOVER: Michael Kenyon, Board Member

SECONDER: Dale Berman, Board Member

AYES: Corinne M. Pierog, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Kenneth C. Shepro

This meeting was adjourned at 10:14 AM.




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