City of Batavia Bicycle Commission met Dec. 13.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
1. John Gamble, Joanne Spitz, John Burnham, Randy Deicke, Jared Heck, Amy Moore, Steve Ericksen, Brett Garrett, Jen Ress, Evan Thomas
Absent: Troy Simpson
2. Approve Minutes
3. Bikes for Batavia: Big month! Gave away 32 bikes- 15 to Mutual Ground (20 total), 6 to 360 Youth Services, 10 to Lazarus House. 1 bike got stolen, Evan replaced it, and recipient came back for help to repair, and it was a different bike!
Amazing work night!! At least 8-10 got repaired on each night. Evan will plan another one. Evan bought 5 sets of shifters for $25. Person from LaGrange came for 9 kids bikes. Lots of adult bikes. Evan started a new google sheet. And could use donations of locks and bells.
4. RMS Bike Racks: Rack is installed and it is very cool!!! Joanne sent a report to the Kane County Health Department for the Fit for Kids grant we received in 2019 for scooter and bike racks and reported that the grant led to this great donation of the Barco bike rack.
5. On-Line Classes from Ride IL: They are doing online classes. Would like to promote them on city website, but we were denied access to put safety info on city/police website. We hope to find another police volunteer to replace the wonderful Emil Jensen. By the end of spring, 2 officers will be trained for bike patrol! We hope to meet with an officer to talk about a relationship with BBC. We need police support!
6. Social Media: Consider planned posts done a regular schedule…a lot of work, and we need to continue discussion.
7. Road Safety: Drivers much more aggressive; fewer police available to patrol by schools during drop off and pick up. We need to nurture relationship with the police and principals. Should talk to Fermi Lab and see how they initiated their strict cycling rules. It would be great if a few officers could move around to schools on inconsistent schedule so parents are aware they could be around and will be more careful. Randy will ask staff at next meeting for a new police regularly with the BPD, quarterly perhaps, to make it as easy as possible for BPD.
8. Connectivity of bike routes: Britta McKenna is the new Batavia Parks Foundation President, and wants to restart conversation on Lucy’s Yellow Brick Road/Cross Town Bike Route idea to connect path, road routes from E to W. She suggested a city council ride in Spring, May. Britta wants the BBC to take it over; was on our to do list!
9. Roads and Sidewalk concerns: Jen brought up walking around town in winter after snowfalls. Amy said it is up to property owners to keep sideways/driveways clear. Brett said it is hard to keep up/monitor. Jen is often forced to walk in the street when sidewalks are not cleared. Crosswalk on the N side of Wilson and Rt. 31 continues to be dangerous. Snow issue should be brought up as part of the Active Trans plan. Downtown Batavia used to not shovel sidewalks.
10.Joanne asked John to share what a great job the Forest Preserve did cleaning up fallen trees behind Funway…in an hour after contacting the city, B Park District and the Forest Preserve. Was in a very dangerous spot for a fast cyclist coming over the bridge. Great Job!
11.Regular Agenda Items: Members agreed we should keep regular communication with the BPD as a regular agenda item. We were very lucky to have Emil as our liaison, as he could see things from a cyclist’s point of view. Randy will ask for a liaison for the BBC and as a backup, regular communication.
Road Diet could also be brought up monthly, but right now, it is not a priority with city council.