Kane County Forest Preserve, Planning and Utilization Committee met March 25
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
I. Call to Order
The Forest Preserve District Planning and Utilization Committee meeting was held at 9:30 AM at the Administration Offices located at Kane County Government Center, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. A, Geneva, IL 60134. The meeting was opened by Chairman Barbara Wojnicki at 9:30 AM. Remote=*
Members Present:
Attendee Name: Status:
Chairman Barbara Wojnicki Present
President Chris Kious Present
President Pro Tem Mavis Bates Present*
Commissioner Dave Brown Present
Commissioner Michael Kenyon Present
Commissioner Bill Lenert Present
Secretary Myrna Molina Present*
Commissioner Jarett Sanchez Present
Commissioner Cherryl Strathmann Present*
Others Present:
Commissioners Allan*, Berman*, Davoust*, Ford*, Gumz*, Martin*, Shepro*, Tepe*; Exec. Dir. Meyers; CFO Stanish* & staff Petschke*; Chief of Planning Anderson Jr.*; Dir. of NRM Haberthur* & staff Rodeghero*; Dir. of Ops. Goreth*; Dir. of Comm. Affairs Metanchuk*; Attorney Hodge*; Recording Secretary Figliozzi; KCIT Peters.
II. Approval of Minutes from February 25, 2021
MOVER: Bill Lenert, Commissioner SECONDER: Cherryl Strathmann, Commissioner AYES: Mavis Bates, Dave Brown, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Barbara Wojnicki |
IV. Bids and Proposals
A. Presentation and Approval of a Bid for a Maintenance Building Replacement at Hughes Creek Golf Course
The Commission approved $350,000 in FY 2020/21 for the purchase and construction of the new maintenance facility. The bid was sent to 35 vendors with one responding. The lowest qualified bid was from R.A. Pinno & Sons Construction, Inc. with a base bid price of $206,800 for the construction of the two buildings. As part of this bid, there were two options for lighted cupolas to be installed on the roof of each structure. The bid price for each cupola was $3,990, bringing the total price for this project to $214,780. The remaining funds for this project will be utilized for site preparation, concrete installation and interior construction, which will be completed in-house by District staff.
DISCUSSION: Commissioner Lenert commented that the Forest Preserve had budgeted $350k, although unusual to received 1 bid, the amount was substantially less than allocated. Dir. of Ops. Goreth addressed the concern of 1 bid and noted that the remainder of the improvements would be done in house to cut costs.
RESULT: MOVED FORWARD BY ROLLCALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] Next: 4/1/2021 8:30 AM TO: Forest Preserve District Executive Committee
MOVER: Bill Lenert, Commissioner SECONDER: Mavis Bates, Commissioner AYES: Mavis Bates, Dave Brown, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Barbara Wojnicki |
JEO Consulting Group, Inc. is a new vendor to the Forest Preserve District. They employ several qualified botanists and have conducted a variety of similar projects, as discovered through a thorough vetting process. Funds totaling $77,045 were budgeted in the 2020/21 Fiscal Year for the Vegetation Inventories Update. Sufficient funds totaling $48,705 are available in the Natural Resources Restoration Account for this expense totaling $19,250. Staff recommends the Committee approve the bid from JEO Consulting Group Inc. for the county-wide vegetation inventories update for $19,250.
DISCUSSION: President Kious asked if an audit is conducted. Dir. Haberthur responded that a report is generated, staff was pleased with the inventory.
RESULT: MOVED FORWARD BY ROLLCALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] Next: 4/1/2021 8:30 AM TO: Forest Preserve District Executive Committee
MOVER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner SECONDER: Jarett Sanchez, Commissioner AYES: Mavis Bates, Dave Brown, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Barbara Wojnicki |
A. Presentation and Approval of the Restoration Plan for Deer Valley Golf Course/Big Rock Forest Preserve
Dir. of NRM Haberthur provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding the restoration and closure of Deer Valley Golf course in Big Rock Forest Preserve. He provided a series of maps demonstrating a timeline of vegetation changes including an original survey from the 1840’s. Haberthur discussed the process of the restoration noting a three year plan as a standard timeframe for treatment. The high quality creek will eventually turn into mussel restoration and a wetland system will be implemented to control the nutrients.
Commissioner Bates and various Commissioners commended Dir. Haberthur for the presentation and the ability to show the timeline in growth of vegetation and changes overtime.
MOVER: Mike Kenyon SECONDER: Bill Lenert AYES: Mavis Bates, Dave Brown, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Barbara Wojnicki |
Exec. Dir. Meyers explained that in the past a subcommittee has been established when needed for recommendations of structures that need reviewing. At this time, there are various structures and facilities that need attention and recommendation by Commissioners.
Chair Wojnicki recommended Commissioner Drew Frasz and Commissioner Ron Ford as the subcommittee members due to their past involvement and their knowledge in development. Commissioner Kenyon requested to be a part of this subcommittee as well. The Subcommittee was approved by consensus.
Members: Mike Kenyon, Ron Ford, and Drew Frasz.
VI. Closed Session to Discuss Land Acquisition, Contracts, Litigation and Personnel None.
VII. Communications
A. Natural Resources Management 2021 Annual Maintenance Schedule (AMS) Highlights Dir. Haberthur presented highlights of the Annual Management Schedules (AMS) for 2021. Highlights included various bird species. A rare and state endangered bird species was discovered in the marsh last year, pictures were shared. Haberthur discussed various nesting boxes that staff have created and monitored throughout the county, noting the American kestrel, the smallest native falcon.
DISCUSSION: Brief conversation occurred regarding national bird population.
VIII. Chairman's Comments
IX. Adjournment
This meeting adjourned at 10:12 a.m.
MOVER: Jarett Sanchez, Commissioner SECONDER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner AYES: Mavis Bates, Dave Brown, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Cherryl Strathmann, Barbara Wojnicki |