Village of Campton Hills Village Board met June 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
I. CALL TO ORDER- President Tyrrell called the meeting to order at 7:09p.m.
2. ROLL CALL - Clerk Baez called the Roll:
Trustee Bakk
Trustee George (arrived at 7:10pm)
Trustee Girka
Trustee Millette (arrived at 7:20pm)
Trustee Wendy K. White Eagle
President Mike Tyrrel
Also Present
Attorney Julie Tappendorf
Treasurer Flakus
Village Clerk Lynn Baez
B&Z Officer Quail
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE- President Tyrrell led the Pledge ofAllegiance.
4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE- President Tyrrell led the Pledge ofAllegiance.
PUBLIC COMMENTS- Sign-up sheets are at the rear of the room. Please limit remarks to 3 minutes per person and please do not repeat topics previously discussed; total time allotted is 30 minutes. Please note, questions will not be answered during this time.
• Harry Blecker -Inquired as to if anything is being done regarding the huge bump on McDonald road west ofCloverdale. There is signage indicating BUMP but it is off the road and is not easily visible. Mr. Blecker also indicated that there have been several near misses by drivers maneuvering around the bump in order to avoid hitting it therefore, increasing risk ofan accidents and or head on collisions.
a. Motion to approve the minutes of the May 7th, 2019 Regular Meeting
b. Motion to approve the minutes of the May 21,2019 Regular Meeting
c. Motion to approve payment ofbill per Warrant List #19-27
d. Motion to approve payment of bills per Warrant List #20-02
MOTION TO APPROVE ITEMS "A", "C", & "D" made by Trustee White Eagle; and seconded by Trustee Bakk.
Roll Call Vote:
[AYES:4] White Eagle, Bakk, George, Girka
[NAYES: 0]
[ABSENT: 1] Millette
MOTION TO APPROVE ITEM "B," minutes of the May 21,2019 Regular Meeting, made by Trustee Bakk; and seconded by Trustee Girka.
Trustee White Eagle asked that Item B be pulled in order to update the verbiage on Pg 4 Item h. Remove; Conflict o f Interest and have it read; Ron Searl explained due to the covenant required in her fiduciary roll with her employer.
MOTION TO APPROVE ITEM "B," minutes of the May 21,2019 Regular Meeting, as amended, made by Trustee Bakk; and seconded by Trustee Girka.
Roll Call Vote:
[AYES:5] Bakk, Girka, George, Millette, White Eagle
[NAYES: 0]
6. Action Items
a. Motion to approve Ordinance #19-11 granting a variance requested by Bryan Dalzell, for the property at 42w271 Burlington Road, Campton Hills, IL; pin 08-04-452-002; to increase the combined total area under roof, of a maximum total of two accessory structures from the allowable maximum area of 900 square feet to 1,248 square feet, made by Trustee Girka, and second by Trustee White Eagle
1. Building and Zoning Officer Quail requested to have Attorney Tappendorf explain the procedure and standards
I. Attorney Tappendorf explained an Application was filed to demolish old garage and put up a larger structure.
2. Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing.
3. New accessory structure is over the maximum allowable sq. footage; there also is no presence of a hardship. Planning and Zoning Commission denied the variance.
u. Trustee Girka expressed concern as to how he heard the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting was handled regarding the vote as to be bias rather than based off the ordinances facts.
111. President Tyrrell stated he attended the meeting on the May 20th and Mr. Johnson read the zoning ordinances facts and did not give an opinion
IV. Trustee White Eagle asked if the existing garage could be built onto.
I. Mr. Dalzell replied that the existing structure is poorly constructed, I'3" out of square and on a bad slab.
v. Trustee White Eagle also asked if there was going to be any type of business run out of the garage.
1. Mr. Dalzell responded no. it will be used for storing his boat, lawn equipment and other miscellaneous items.
VI. Trustee George was concerned that granting variances is opening up problems in the future. She stated a lot of time, effort and researching went into creating these ordinances and granting variances should be looked at seriously.
Roll Call Vote:
[AYES: 4] Girka, White Eagle, Bakk, Millette
[NAYES: 1] George
b. Motion to approve Ordinance #19-10 Amending Chapter 5 of Title 7 of the
Village Code Regarding Vehicle Size, Weight and Load, made by Trustee Girka, and seconded by Trustee George
Roll Call Vote:
[AYES: 5] Girka, George, Bakk, Millette, White Eagle
[NAYES: 0]
c. Motion to approve Resolution #19-15 Approving a Services Agreement with Oxcart Permit Systems, LLC to Administer the Village's Overweight and Oversize Vehicle Permit Program, made by Trustee White Eagle, and seconded by Bakk
Roll Call Vote:
[AYES: 5] White Eagle, Bakk, George, Girka, Millette
[NAYES: 0]
7. Discussion Items
a. Highway Life 2019 Presentation- Matthew Janecek
Mr. Janecek showed the Board his Highway Life 2019 Presentation and explained the history of how it began. The concept and idea began in 2017. It was a way to bring all communities together and celebrate all the good things we as a community do. It started with Lily Lake, and then have added on more surrounding communities and partner with local businesses. Mr. Janecek was born and raised in St. Charles and has a passion for bringing communities together to celebrate. Partner with a local charity. Started out as LLC then transition into 501 (c) The benefit gives 50% of proceeds to a charity that is in the community.
Trustee Bakk asked how many have been in attendance
Mr. Janecek advised there was 250 people the first year and 500 the second year.
Attorney: Tappendorf informed the board that any use of village residents money, spent for public purposes needs to have a tie to the community.
Trustee White Eagle suggested other soft ways to support this possibly by putting in Community Counts Newsletter.
b. Repeal Ordinance #15-20 prohibiting insert windows in sleeping rooms
There was much discussion back and forth on whether or not to repeal
Ordinance #15-20.
Seth Sommer, B&F, stated that based on the feedback from the residents, it has been causing issues with in regards to maintaining the same style of windows throughout the house when installing replacement windows, and the cost is more. Mr. Sommer stated that the Ordinance it is not necessary as he referred to the International Property Maintenance Code, Section 702 Means of Egress requirement. Mr. Sommer also stated that Campton Hills is the only municipality that has this Ordinance.
Trustee Girka, along with other members, expressed concern with regards to safety and having contractors come in and install windows without looking into what the Ordinance states therefore becoming in violation. How are we protecting the residents?
There was a suggestion that maybe a document needs to go along with a permit educating the installation requirements of replacement windows.
c. Renewal of Kane County Animal Control Agreement
President Tyrrell informed the Board that Contract is coming up. This item will be on next agenda
d. Full Managed Complete Care IT services agreement with Helping Hand IT
• Tabled at the 5/2Jmeeting. Waiting on revised agreement.
8. Additional Items, Updates and Follow-up Reports from the Village President, Trustees, Village Administrator, Village Attorney or Staff
President Tyrrell shared his thoughts and vision with the Board to ensure a smooth transition and identify a path to our future. Some of the bullet points were:
• First, we need to build upon the great people that we have. Staff, Police, Committee Volunteers to name a few. We have 8 Committee seats that have expired or about to expire. It is important that we recognize talent and commitment and retain those with that dedication. Where there are vacancies, we should be careful not to be in a rush to fill seats but rather select talent that will complement and strengthen those teams that add value to the Village.
• Continue to build on a solid foundation using the tools and resources that we have at our disposal. We Jive in a great community with tremendous assets and outstanding volunteers.
• Roll up our sleeves and build a community unlike any other that a generation or two from now we and those that follow us can reflect back and say we were all good stewards.
• Financially, we are in a good place.
• Keep our focus on our Vision and Mission statement. That the decisions we make are grounded there.
• A void last minute decisions
• "There is much to be done. together we will get there with your help and support."- President Tyrrell
9. CLOSED SESSION- No closed session
I 0. MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING at 9:00pm, made by Trustee George; and seconded by Trustee White Eagle.
Voice Vote: (AYES: 5]
[NAYES: 0]