City of Aurora Municipal Airport Advisory Board met August 13.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
I. Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Armbruster.
II. Members Present: Mr. Wolf, Mr. Koster, Mr. Armbruster, Mr. Davis, Mr. Lieser, Mr. Baker
Members Excused: Mr. Fank
Members Absent: Mr. Bonifas
Reps Present: Mr. Andras
Others Present: Kyle Peabody
III. A motion was made by Mr. Koster, seconded by Mr. Wolf, to accept the minutes of the April 16, 2018 meeting of the Airport Advisory Board. The motion carried unanimously.
IV. Committee Reports
A. Finance - no report
B. Planning & Ops – no report
V. Old Business
A. Sugar Grove Update – Mr. Wolf reported the Village voted to allow Metronet to provide Sugar Grove residents with cable television and high speed internet. The Village passed an ordinance allowing the use of solar panels and solar farms within the village limits.
B. Draft Airport Rate Study – Mr. Armbruster reported that he and Mr. Koster will be meeting with the Mayor’s office in September to discuss.
C. Airfield Signage Project – Mr. Andras reported the project is complete. Mr. Peabody reported the project was completed ahead of schedule and under budget. To be removed from agenda.
D. Airport Entrance Sign – Mr. Andras reported the City may budget for a new entrance sign at the airport
E. Sugar Grove Park District (Ball Field Sale) – Mr. Andras reported that a conference call was held with the FAA and IDA to discuss how the money from the sale can be used. Discussions are still taking place for complete clarification on restrictions. The restriction may be that money from the sale can only be used for the federal portion of an AIP project.
F. ALCMS – Mr. Peabody reported the ALCMS project and Overlay Southeast Quadrant Roadway Project were both awarded. Both projects will be completed in 2018.
G. Non-Airworthy Aircraft on Ramp – Mr. Andras reported that one of the aircraft has been removed from the ramp. Mr. Andras is working with City legal staff to have additional aircraft removed.
VI. New Business
A. Overnight Parking Fees – Mr. Koster recommended the City should charge an overnight tiedown fee to aircraft parked on the east ramp. To be added to agenda for discussion at the next meeting.
B. Review of Airport Advisory Board By-Laws/Ordinance – Mr. Wolf suggested the board consider changing the by-laws/ordinance for the advisory board to more appropriately represent the current numbers on the board. The board has had multiple vacancies at all times since 2005. To be added to agenda for discussion at the next meeting.
VII. Other Business – No other business was brought before the Board.
A motion was made by Mr. Wolf, seconded by Mr. Koster, to adjourn the August 13, 2018 meeting of the Aurora Municipal Airport Advisory Board at 6:35 p.m. The motion carried unanimously.