Kane County Energy and Environmental Committee met Feb. 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes: January 10, 2018
3. Environmental (K. Anderson)
A. Presentation: Proposed Kane Energy Efficiency Program (KEEP)
4. Recycling/Solid Waste (J. Jarland)
A. Presentation: Consumer Electronics Recycling Act Opt-In
B. Resolution: Authorizing the Consumer Electronics Recycling Act Opt-In
5. Sustainability (J. Mino)
A. Presentation: Film Festival (attached)
B. Presentation: SolSmart Designation (attached)
C. Discussion: Upcoming Events (attached)
6. New Business
7. Public Comment
8. Reports Placed on File
9. Executive Session (If Needed)
10. Adjournment