City of Aurora Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Commission will meet Jan. 17.
Here is the agenda provided by the Commission:
I. Call to order
II. Approval of minutes from meeting of November 15, 2017
III. City Updates and information:
a. Dan Barreiro
b. Jennifer Evans
c. John Russell
d. Eric Pry
e. Shawn Cowger
IV. Commission membership
V. Updates on Angel restoration/move
a. Rededication planning
VI. Updates on cannon retrieval process
VII. Discussion: Mission and direction of the Commission in this phase, role of Commission vis a vis City employees and departments
a. Revision of mission statement for the Hall
VIII. Member reports: Events, activities, projects, needs, issues, etc.
IX. Old business
X. Other business/items for future agendas
XI. Adjournment