
Kane County Reporter

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Village of Campton Hills Corporate Authorities met August 2.

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Village of Campton Hills Corporate Authorities met August 2.

Here is the agenda provided by the Authorities:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Public Comments - Sign-up sheets are at the rear of the room. Please limit remarks to 3 minutes per person and please do not repeat topics previously discussed; total time allotted is 30 minutes. Please note, questions will not be answered during this time.

5. Consent Agenda [By a single unanimous vote, called an omnibus vote, the Board may approve a number of unrelated items. There may be no discussion, but any Trustee may remove any one or more items from the Consent Agenda, whereupon that item goes on the agenda below.]

a. Motion to approve the minutes of the July 18, 2017 Regular Meeting

b. Motion to approve the minutes of the July 19,2017 Special Meeting

c. Motion to approve the minutes ofthe July 25,2017 Special Meeting

d. Motion to approve payment of bills per Warrant List #18-07

e. Motion to accept the resignation of Joe Carpenter as Chairman of the Plan Commission

6. Action Items

a. Recognition of Dave Newkirk for his time as a volunteer on the Public Works Committee

b. Motion to reconsider the re-appointment of Sue Windland to the Community Relations Committee for a term to expire August 30, 2018

c. Motion to re-appoint Sue Windland to the Community Relations Committee for a term to expire August 30, 2020 (a 3 year tenn in accordance with section 2-5-1 of the Campton Hills Village Code)

d. Board review of Kane County Petition from James lannantone, 43Wl 85 Burlington Road, Elgin, IL to amend the zoning to F1 for staff direction

e. Motion to approve payment of$1,069.35 to legislative counsel, Montana & Walsh.

f. Motion to approve the retention of Montana & Welch as legislative counsel at an hourly rate of$175.00 subject to the approved fiscal year legal budget

7. Discussion Items

a. Section 319(h) Grant- Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Financial Assistance Program

8. Projects/U~dates {Additional Items}

No. Name Responsible Agenda Due Date

1 Training Report Policy Development Administrator 8/15/2017

2 Strategic Plan Goals- Review Administrator 8/15/2017

3 Committee/Commission Members Administrator 8/15/2017


4 Job Descriptions Administrator 8/15/2017

5 Village Administrator Code Administrator 8/15/2017

6 Written Investment Policy Procedures Treasurer 9/19/2017

7 Social Media Presence Administrator 8/15/2017

8 Food Vendor Truck Permit Administrator TBD

9. Closed Session: Move that the Village Board go into closed session as permitted by the Open Meetings Act to discuss one or more of the following matters:

1. Litigation that is filed and pending, or is probable or imminent. 2( c )(II)

u. Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or officials, including legal counsel. 2(c)(l) & (3)

10. Adjournment
