
Kane County Reporter

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Kane County Forest Preserve District Commission authorizes bond referendum to be put on April ballot

Webp city

Kane County Forest Preserve District Commission met Tuesday, Jan. 10.

Kane County Forest Preserve District is located at 719 S. Batavia Ave., Geneva, IL.

Here are the minutes as provided by Kane County:



I. Call to Order

The Forest Preserve Commission meeting was held Tuesday January 10, 2017 at 9:00 AM at the County Board Room located at Kane County Government Center, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. A, Geneva, IL 60134. The meeting was opened by President Michael Kenyon at 9:00 AM.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

Lead by Commissioner Ishmael.

III. Roll Call

Members Present:

Attendee Name Title Status Deborah Allan Commissioner Present Margaret Auger Commissioner Present Theresa Barreiro Commissioner Present Brian Dahl Commissioner Present Mark Davoust President Pro Tem Present Drew Frasz Commissioner Present Rebecca Gillam Commissioner Present Barbara Hernandez Commissioner Present John Hoscheit Commissioner Present Don Ishmael Commissioner Present Michael Kenyon President Present Kurt R. Kojzarek Commissioner Present Bill Lenert Commissioner Present Philip Lewis Secretary Present John Martin Commissioner Present Myrna Molina Commissioner Present Jarett Sanchez Commissioner Present Douglas Scheflow Commissioner Present Monica Silva Commissioner Present Thomas Smith Commissioner Present Susan Starrett Commissioner Absent Angela C Thomas Commissioner Present Penny Wegman Commissioner Present Barbara Wojnicki Commissioner Present

Others Present: Mr. Brook McDonald, President and CEO; The Conservation Foundation Staff: Monica Meyers, Executive Director Ken Stanish, Director of Finance Ben Haberthur, Director of Natural Resources Jerry Culp, Director of Planning and Development Laurie Metanchuk, Director of Community Affairs John Goreth, Director of Operations Tracey Smith, Director of Human Resources Mike Gilloffo, Director of Public Safety Jerry Hodge, Attorney Patrick Kinnally, Attorney Ellen J. Maglio, Recording Secretary

IV. Public Comment (Each Speaker is limited to three minutes)

Ms. Janis Jasper, from Algonquin. Ms. Jasper expressed her concerns about the referendum vote. Chairman Lauzen, County Board Chairman. Chairman Lauzen professed his support for the referendum and presented data which reflected the outlook long term with regards to the County Government.

V. Presentation and Approval of the Minutes from December 13, 2016

RESULT: APPROVED BY VOICE VOTE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Brian Dahl, Commissioner SECONDER: Drew Frasz, Commissioner AYES: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz,

Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki ABSENT: Susan Starrett

VI. Presentation and Approval of the Bills

RESULT: APPROVED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: John Hoscheit, Commissioner SECONDER: Deborah Allan, Commissioner AYES: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz,

Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki ABSENT: Susan Starrett

VII. Business

FP-R-17-01-2511 Presentation and Approval of an Extension of a Tolling Agreement with the Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund (IMET)

Attorney Hodge explained that this is a tolling agreement with the Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund (IMET) from February of 2015. The current agreement, will terminate on January 31, 2017. This would extend this agreement until January 31, 2018. IMET is the handler of the District’s convenience fund investments. Some of these funds were compromised and this agreement states that the District will continue to pursue the claims by the offending parties.

RESULT: ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Drew Frasz, Commissioner SECONDER: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Commissioner AYES: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz,

Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki ABSENT: Susan Starrett

FP-R-17-01-2512 Presentation and Approval of Resolution Providing for and Requiring the Submission of the Proposition of Issuing $50,000,000 General Obligation Bonds to the Voters of the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, Illinois, at the Consolidated Election to be held the 4th day of April, 2017.

Brook McDonald, President/CEO of The Conservation Foundation, spoke to the Commission regarding the proposed resolution. McDonald stated that to allow the voters of Kane County to decide whether the Forest Preserve District will receive funds to improve the preserves and acquire additional lands is the purest form of democracy. The Referendum Committee directed The Conservation Foundation to commission a poll on likely voters to see if there is support for another referendum for the District. 58% of those polled stated they would approve a $50-million referendum. The District’s portion of the tax bill is reducing with the recent bond refinancing and overall debt retirement schedule (approximately $42 annually for an average home valued at $250,000). The cost to the homeowner of the same value home would be $22 annually for the referendum. Support increased to 68% during the polling as recent land acquisition and preserve improvements were communicated. The voters are most interested in water - lakes, ponds, the Fox River, restoration of wildlife habitat, trails and outdoor activities and the protection of open space for future generations. The Conservation Foundation has been involved with all of the District's referendums, (1999, 2005, 2007 and 2011), which the voters passed.

DISCUSSION: Commissioner Hoscheit addressed Ms. Jasper’s concerns regarding the generalness of the language presented in the resolution. The law requires the language that was provided, but the District plans and hosts several “town hall” style meetings throughout the District to explain the dissemination of the funds. The District plans to use the funding in a 70% for land acquisition and 30% for land development split. As with past referendum funds, the District presents the plans with maps and further discussion of priorities from residents.

Commissioner Smith, Scheflow and Sanchez all expressed their concerns regarding the timing of the referendum and the state of the economy as well as the State’s budget situation as examples of how government should not be using funding.

Commissioner Lewis stated that this is an investment in our future and our children’s future and it is done with thought and the prudent stewardship of funds. Commissioner Silva added that the findings show that the open space allows for individuals to become a healthier population. She cited the high obesity rates and other ailments that may improve with use of open space and its importance to overall wellbeing. Commissioner Gillam stressed that one of the priorities set by the Commission was to have connectivity of trails throughout the county as well as reforestation and restoration of the lands. Commissioner Kojzarek said that this would allow the voters to make their own decision, we were facilitating the opportunity and as demonstrated historically, they appreciate the open spaces within the county.

Finally, Commissioner Davoust stated the mission of the District to preserve and restore lands and that our preserves are the treasures within our county that make it unique and a sought after environment to raise a family and future.


MOVER: John Hoscheit, Commissioner SECONDER: Mark Davoust, President Pro Tem

AYES: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Brian Dahl, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam,

Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Monica Silva, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

NAYS: Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith

ABSENT: Susan Starrett

AWAY: Theresa Barreiro

VIII. Land Acquisition

FP-R-17-01-2513 Presentation and Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the First Amendment to a Real Estate Sale Agreement with Ravenna, LLC

An amendment that modifies the sales agreement to provide for the demolition of the house prior to the District purchasing the land and the cost of the demolition ($18,500) added to the sales price.

RESULT: ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: John Hoscheit, Commissioner SECONDER: Margaret Auger, Commissioner AYES: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz,

Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki ABSENT: Susan Starrett

IX. Executive Session to Discuss Land Acquisition, Contracts, Litigation, and Personnel None.

X. President's Comments None.

XI. Reports: Department Reports from December 2016

RESULT: PLACED ON FILE BY VOICE VOTE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Commissioner SECONDER: Don Ishmael, Commissioner AYES: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz,

Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki ABSENT: Susan Starrett

XII. Adjournment

RESULT: APPROVED WITH VOICE VOTE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Thomas Smith, Commissioner SECONDER: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Commissioner AYES: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz,

Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki ABSENT: Susan Starrett

President Michael Kenyon, Chairman Forest Preserve Commission Forest Preserve District of Kane County

Adjournment Until:

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 9:00 am Kane County Government Center Building A 719 Batavia Avenue, Geneva, Illinois

Respectfully Submitted, Ellen J. Maglio

Ellen J. Maglio Recording Secretary