
Kane County Reporter

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Kane County Judicial and Public Safety Committee amends budget for Coroner's office

Webp meeting8213

Kane County Judicial and Public Safety Committee met Thursday, Jan. 12.

Kane County Judicial and Public Safety is located at 719 S. Batavia Ave., Geneva, IL.

Here are the minutes as provided by Kane County:




County Board Room Minutes 9:00 AM

Kane County Government Center, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. A, Geneva, IL 60134

1. Call to Order

Chairman Martin called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.

Rebecca Gillam Board Member Present

Kurt R. Kojzarek Vice Chair Late 9:06 AM

Bill Lenert Board Member Present

Monica Silva Board Member Late 9:07 AM

Thomas Smith Board Member Present

Susan Starrett Board Member Late 9:03 AM

John Martin Chairman Present

Also present: Co. Bd. Chairman Lauzen; Co. Bd. members Sanchez, Kenyon; Finance staff Waggoner, Dobersztyn; Court Svcs. Dir. Aust; JJC Supt. Anselme; Juvenile Custody staff Tsang; ITD Exec. Dir. Fahnestock & staff Nardone; Sheriff Kramer & staff Lewis; Chief Judge Clancy Boles & staff O'Brien, Naughton; KaneComm Dir. Farris & staff Guthrie; Coroner Russell & staff; Circuit Clk. Hartwell; Public Defender staff Willett; State’s Atty. McMahon; Asst. State's Atty. Hatzis: Merit Commission staff; and members of the press & public.

2. Approval of Minutes: December 15, 2016


MOVER: Bill Lenert, Board Member

SECONDER: Rebecca Gillam, Board Member

AYES: Rebecca Gillam, Bill Lenert, Thomas Smith, John Martin

ABSENT: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett

3. Public Comment


4. Monthly Financial Reports

Monthly financial reports were included in the agenda packet. Finance staff Waggoner noted there were no FY17 budget concerns at this time. (Starrett arrives @ 9:03 a.m.) She mentioned that based on the number of autopsies in FY16 the Coroner would be bringing forward a budget adjustment this morning asking for funds from the Contingency Fund. She added that the Finance Department did do a reasonableness test on the amount he is asking for.

5. ETSB (R. Fahnestock, ITD)

Referencing the following resolution, Chairman Martin said it was his understanding that there will be further discussions on this between the parties involved to arrive at language that could then be presented to the committee next month. He asked that the resolution be tabled for 30 days.

1. Ordinance: Amending Chapter 7 Article III of the Kane County Code (Emergency Telephone System Board)

RESULT: TABLED [UNANIMOUS] Next: 2/16/2017 9:00 AM

TO: Judicial/Public Safety Committee

MOVER: Thomas Smith, Board Member

SECONDER: Bill Lenert, Board Member

AYES: Rebecca Gillam, Bill Lenert, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, John Martin

ABSENT: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Monica Silva

6. State's Attorney (J. McMahon)

State's Atty. McMahon reported they are in the process of finalizing their numbers for 2016. He shared preliminary numbers on criminal filings, noting they were up about 6% on felony filings and misdemeanors are relatively flat. He noted there were 11 murders in Kane County last year, which is consistent with 2015 & 2014. (Kojzarek arrives @ 9:06 a.m.; Silva @ 9:07 a.m.) McMahon reported that last year they collected $27.3 million in child support, which is a $1.5 million increase over the previous year. He noted that the number of referrals decreased, but the dollar amount collected increased. He said a significant area for revenue is the various diversion programs. There has been a reexamination of how cases are charged, resulting in a decrease in revenue for these programs across the board.

7. Sheriff/Adult Corrections (D. Kramer)

A written report was included in the agenda packet. Referencing a handout, Sheriff Kramer provided a year-end summary. He discussed various statistics, programs, and changes to uniforms. Kramer said they were $330,000 in the black for FY16, and that he was hopeful that money would be put into his vehicle program for the 11 new vehicles he needs. Chairman Martin congratulated the Sheriff and his staff on their charitable work for Toys for Tots. Kramer responded to several questions.

8. Judiciary & Courts (Chief Judge Clancy Boles/D. Naughton)

Chief Judge Boles provided an update on Juvenile Detention hearings that are now being held on the weekends. She said she and Judge Hull had developed a program to go into middle schools to talk about bullying, and this program has now been picked up by the Illinois Judges Association and will now be given statewide. She explained that it was one of only four programs that they provide statewide. Judges will be trained on how to conduct the program in their own communities.

9. Court Services Administration (L. Aust)

Court Svcs. Dir. Aust reported they are still in the process of compiling their statistics for FY16. She provided an overview of some of the things they have been working on and discussed criminal justice reform.

10. Juvenile Justice Center (R. Anselme)

Written reports were included in the agenda packet. Supt. Anselme thanked Martin for coming out and taking a tour of the JJC, and encouraged others to do so as well. He mentioned inmate letters to juveniles in their building, saying the kids really appreciated getting them. Anselme said the inmates really showed a desire to change their lives. He thought it was a great experience for all involved.

11. Juvenile Custody (A. Tsang)

Written reports were included in the agenda packet. Dr. Tsang reported that a total of 19 juveniles are participating in the MST Program, 10 of which are in residential placement.

12. KaneComm (D. Farris)

A monthly report was included in the agenda packet. KaneComm Dir. Farris provided an update on staffing and shared various statistics.

13. Merit Commission

Sheriff Kramer noted he would be bringing forward a resolution next month to fill the vacancy on the Merit Commission.

14. Circuit Clerk (T. Hartwell)

A monthly report was included in the agenda packet. Circuit Clerk Hartwell reported the go-live for the new Court Case Management system went very well.

15. Public Defender (K. Childress)

Atty. Willett reported they were working hard on learning how to use the new Case Management System.

16. Coroner (R. Russell)

Monthly reports were included in the agenda packet. Coroner Russell shared various statistics and discussed the following resolution:

A. Resolution: Amending FY 2016 Budget Amendment for Coroner's Office

Based on the number of autopsies for FY16 (194), a $74,360 adjustment to the FY16 budget is needed. In response to a question, Coroner Russell confirmed that 150 autopsies were budgeted for FY16 and again in FY17. He hoped that 2016 was just an anomaly, but acknowledged he had no way of knowing.


TO: Finance and Budget Committee

MOVER: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Vice Chair

SECONDER: Susan Starrett, Board Member

AYES: Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, John Martin

17. Executive Session

The committee moved into Executive Session at 9:47 a.m. to discuss Release of Closed Session minutes.


MOVER: Susan Starrett, Board Member

SECONDER: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Vice Chair

AYES: Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, John Martin

The committee returned to Open Session at 9:53 a.m.

18. Release of Closed Session Minutes

The committee approved the Release of Closed Session minutes as outlined in Exhibit A, attached.


MOVER: Bill Lenert, Board Member

SECONDER: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Vice Chair

AYES: Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, John Martin

19. Place Written Reports on File


MOVER: Susan Starrett, Board Member

SECONDER: Bill Lenert, Board Member

AYES: Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, John Martin

20. Adjournment


MOVER: Susan Starrett, Board Member

SECONDER: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member

AYES: Rebecca Gillam, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, John Martin

This meeting was adjourned at 9:55 AM.

Ellyn McGrath

Recording Secretary