
Kane County Reporter

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Elburn Board of Trustees approves water, sewer rate changes


Elburn Board of Trustees met Monday, Oct. 17.

The Village Board is comprised of six trustees elected at large, and the President of the Board of Trustees who is also referred to as the mayor. The term of all elected officials is four years.

The board also meets in committee of the whole format on the first and third Monday at 7 pm or following the Village Board meetings. All meetings are open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend. There is a brief public comment period near the beginning of the Village Board meetings.

Here are the minutes as provided by Elburn:


Board Members Present: President Dave Anderson, Trustees: Ken Anderson, Bill Grabarek, Dave Gualdoni, John Krukoff, Patricia Schuberg, Jeff Walter

Staff Members Present: Village Administrator & Public Works Director John Nevenhoven; Finance Director Doug Elder, Village Attorneys Britz & Bill Thomas, Police Chief Nick Sikora, Building Commissioner Tom Brennan

Others Present: Residents Wayne Byerhof, LeRoy Herra, Elburn Herald Reporter Susan O'Neill; Esther Steele, Dr. Lulu Blacksmith (Waubonsee Community College Director of Government and Community Engagement); Waubonsee & Blackberry Township Trustee Jim Michel's; Shobeen rep Dave Patel; Elburn Economic Development Committee members Annette Theobald, Bill Bramber; Pat Leech, Brian, Ceca; Kelly Durbala; Chamber of Commerce rep Dr. David FOSS

Call to Order-Village President Dave Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance - Trustee Walter led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call - A roll call vote ensued.

Public Comment, Awards & Presentations - Dr. Lulu Backsmith the Trustee Jim Michel's were present from Wabaunsee Community College who is celebrating their 50th anniversary. On behalf of the college, Blacksmith presented an award to the Village of Elburn to recognize their support of public higher education and thank the Village Board for their leadership and fostering of education to ensure all students receive high-quality education.

Omnibus Agenda (Omnibus Vote) - All items listed with an asterisk are considered to be routine by the Village Board or were recommended unanimously by the Committee of the Whole and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Board Member or citizen so requests in which event the item will be removed from the Omnibus (Consent) Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. *Minutes

*Willage Board October 3, 2016

*Committee of the Whole October 3, 2016

A motion was made by Trustee Walter and seconded by Trustee Schuberg to approve the Omnibus Agenda. A roll call vote ensued. Ayes: Ken Anderson, Grabarek, Gualdoni, Krukoff, Schuberg, Walter. Nays. None. Motion carried.

Village Attorney - No report

Village Clerk - No report

Finance Department a. Budget Report - 30 September 2016 - Finance Director Elder presented the report. 

Elder commended department heads for a good job managing their budgets. Elder advised $750K and $1M CDs will be released soon and will be reinvested. Regarding overtime, the majority of the hours are the police department and everyone is aware. Some overtime hours have occurred in Public Works due to after-hours call outs. Public Works overtime will increase when Snow plowing commences.

9. Building and Zoning

a. Consider and Approve Ordinance 2016-18 Approving a Lot Coverage Variance for 526 Ridge

Drive - Building Commissioner Brennan stated the homeowner is asking for the same lot coverage allowed in Blackberry Creek for a pool to be installed next spring. The back yard of the subject property is encroached by a utility easement. Attorney Britz stated a petition showing support of all neighbors was submitted to the Village. Brennan continued all requirements in order to conduct a public hearing before the Planning Commission were met and the Planning Commission recommended approval. A motion to approve Ordinance 2016-18 Approving a lot Coverage Variance for 526 Ridge Drive was made by Trustee Walter and seconded by Trustee Gualdoni. A roll call vote ensued. Ayes: Ken Anderson, Grabarek, Gualdoni, Krukoff, Schuberg, Walter. Nays: None. Motion carried.

b. Consider and Approve to Grant a Six Month Extension for a Temporary Structure at 601 E North Street - Brennan presented the request and stated first approval for the temporary structure was May 2011. The Mayor and Trustee Gualdoni have received complaints regarding the continuous extensions. Brennan has had no discussion with the petitioner as to what their long term intention is. Britz suggested a six month extension in order to apply for a building permit with an additional six months to complete construction of a permanent structure. A motion to approve a Six Month Extension for a Temporary Structure at 601 E North Street with consideration to apply for a building permit was made by Trustee Schuberg and seconded by Trustee Grabarek. A roll call vote ensued. Ayes; Ken Anderson, Grabarek, Krukoff, Schuberg, Walter. Nays: Gualdoni. Motion carried.

C. Third Quarter Building Department Report- Brennan presented the report.

10. Police Department

a. Third Quarter Police Department Report - Chief Sikora presented the report and suggested sending out a press release publicizing trick or treat hours from 4-7pm. There is no ordinance outlining the hours. There was consensus from the Board for the press release and for trick or treat hours to be from 4-7pm. 

Elburn McDonalds would like to host "coffee with a cop" and Sikora will oblige. 

No part-time officers have been hired. Background checks are being conducted. Area chiefs are having problems hiring part-time officers as well. The old squad cars will be gone this week to auction. Regarding the speed study on Route 38 near the fire station, IDOT conducted a study in March 2016 and found 55MPH is appropriate for the area. Elburn is on the list for a re-evaluation of the area but don't expect it until winter or later. When asked why squad cars are being re-striped, Sikora said we are trying to make the cars more community friendly and less sterile. Budget does not allow re-painting of the vehicles. The ABATE motorcycle run occurred last week and went well. There were 1600 motorcycles participating. It was inquired why parking enforcement is occurring downtown by the new CSO. Sikora said enforcement of the 2 hour parking ordinance is on the duty list for the CSO and asked if the Board wished to rescind the parking ordinance, No actual tickets have been issued as of yet. Sikora has heard complaints and compliments regarding parking enforcement downtown.

11. Public Works Department

a. Third Quarter Public Works Department Report - Newenhoven presented the report.

b. Consider and Approve Ordinance 2016-19 Approving Changes to Chapter 1042 "Water Rates and Charges" - A motion to Approve Ordinance 2016-19 Approving Changes to Chapter 1042 "Water Rates and Charges" was made by Trustee Ken Anderson and seconded by Trustee Schuberg. A rol call vote ensued. Ayes: Ken Anderson, Grabarek, Gualdoni, Krukoff, Schuberg, Walter, Nays: None. Motion carried.

c. Consider and Approve Ordinance 2016-19 Approving Changes to Chapter 1062 "Sewer Rates and Charges" - A motion to Approve Ordinance 2016-19 Approving Changes to Chapter 1062 "Sewer Rates and Charges" was made by Trustee Ken Anderson and seconded by Trustee Krukoff. A roll call vote ensued. Ayes: Ken Anderson, Gualdoni, Krukoff, Schuberg, Walter. Nays: Grabarek. Motion carried.

12. Village Administrator

a. Village Admin Newenhoven, Chief Sikora and some Willage Trustees attended the business expo at John Stewart School recently. It was a successful event and hope to continue in the future. It was a good networking opportunity with local businesses.

b. Nevenhoven witl attend strategic planning training sponsored by NIU in Naperville this week.

13. Mayor

a. Regarding appointment of a new Public Works Director, Mayor Anderson said EE has agreed to step in 20-25 hours/week until a permanent replacement is named. The Board should decide if the Village should hire a search firm, promote from within or recruit using EEI's help posting with various organizations. EEI is putting together a proposal. The Public Works Superintendent job description needs to be updated as should all appointed positions.

14. Bills

a. Approve the Bills List-A motion was made by Trustee Grabarek and seconded by Trustee Schuberg to approve the bills for Monday, October 17, 2016 for $87,187.89. A roll call vote ensued. Ayes: Ken Anderson, Grabarek, Gualdoni, Krukoff, Schuberg, Walter. Nays. None.

Motion carried.

15. Other Business - Nome

16. Adjourn - Trustee Gualdoni motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m. with Trustee Walter seconding the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.