The village of Algonquin Committee of the Whole met Oct. 11 to propose a petty cash policy.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the committee:
Village of Algonquin
Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Held in Village Board Room
October 11, 2016
AGENDA ITEM 1: Roll Call to Establish a Quorum
Present: Trustees, Debby Sosine, Jerrold Glogowski, Bob Smith, Brian Dianis, Jim Steigert,
and President Schmitt. Village Clerk Jerry Kautz was also in attendance.
Staff Present: Tim Schloneger, Bob Mitchard, Susan Skillman, and Attorney Kelly Cahill.
Chairman John Spella called the Committee of the Whole meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
AGENDA ITEM 2: Audience Participation
AGENDA ITEM 3: Community Development
AGENDA ITEM 4: General Administration
A. Consider an Ordinance Increasing the number of Class A and Class F Liquor Licenses
In accordance with an ordinance passed in 2013 limiting the number of allowable liquor
licenses in all classes to the number of licenses issued at that time, the attached proposed
ordinance increases the number of available Class A liquor licenses by one, F Liquor
Licenses by one. This change is the result of requests from:
(1) 423 Café LLC d/b/a Mia’s Café, 4120 E. Lake Cook Road, Algonquin a new business
that will be opening soon. They are requesting to be able to sell/serve alcohol on premises for
consumption on and off the premises. Trustees Sosine and Steigert had serious concerns about
this business being mainly interested in video gaming. President Schmitt said the gaming area
would be closed off from the main eating area that will serve Italian cuisine for lunch and dinner
with coffee and desserts. Trustee Smith said this is a high end type business. Mr. Schmitt added
that staff would closely audit the sales since the gaming revenue cannot exceed food sales
revenue as stated in our ordinance. Trustee Sosine, Dianis, and Steigert are not in favor of this
business. It was later mentioned that the food that would be sold would not be prepared on site
but supplied by Mandile’s Restaurant. This is against our liquor ordinance.
After discussion, Chairman Spella tabled this item until the next Committee of the Whole meeting
to discuss.
(2) Buona Beef, LLC, 501 S. Randall Road, Algonquin to be able to sell/serve alcohol (beer
and wine only) on the premises for consumption on the premises in their restaurant.
Consensus of the Committee of the Whole for this Class F license was to pass on to the Board
for approval.
B. Consider Ordinances Abating a Portion of Taxes Heretofore Levied to Pay Principal of
and Interest on Certain General Obligation Refunding Bonds
Susan Skillman reporting:
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Village ordinances that were approved in relation to Bond Series 2013 (Wastewater Treatment
Facility expansion) and 2014A (Public Works Facility construction) require that Kane and
McHenry County Clerks to annually levy taxes to provide funds for payment of the principal and
interest coming due for each referenced bond series. The 2016 tax levy for these bond series are
$808,325.00 and $606,675.00 respectively, or a total of $1,415,000.00.
The Village has historically abated property taxes for our General Obligation Bond Series. As a
condition to abate the debt service in the tax levy, the Village is required to have funds on
deposit sufficient to pay the principal and interest on the bonds when due. Staff recommends
approval of the tax abatement ordinances for Bond Series 2013 and 2014A.
Consensus was to move on to the Board for approval.
C. Consider a Formalized Petty Cash Policy
Susan Skillman reporting:
Proposed is a Petty Cash Policy which formalizes the Village of Algonquin’s process for
disbursement of incidental expenses where a formal requisition and check would be impractical.
Each petty cash fund is assigned a custodian who is responsible for maintaining and reconciling
the fund. Periodic audits of the fund are performed to ensure proper control is maintained.
Consensus of the Committee of the Whole is to pass on to the Board for approval.
AGENDA ITEM 5: Public Works & Safety
Bob Mitchard reported the following:
A. Consider an Agreement with Scheflow Engineers for 2016 IMS Project Inspectional
Per the RFP all firms submitted a cost based on the RFP for observation & documentation, as
well as management of Material Testing. Utilizing the modified decision matrix, the firm that
provided the best value was Scheflow Engineers. This firm listed the top rated inspector and had
a middle of the pack cost. In addition, Scheflow has recently completed the Stonegate Roadway
project which was very successful and has the same general contractor as the 2016 IMS project.
The Village budgeted an amount of $46,800.00. The estimated cost of services of the
recommended firm is in the amount of $45,000.00.
Schedule Analysis: Notice of Award = 10-19-16, Start of Construction = 10-11-16’ End of
Construction = 11-30-16
Consensus of the Committee of the Whole is to pass on to the Board for approval.
B. Consider the Purchase of Ford F550 Truck from Marrow Brother Ford in Greenfield, IL
As part of the FY 2016-17 budget, a service vehicle was approved to be purchased out of
the Water & Sewer Operating budget in the amount of $90,000 (split 50/50 between water
and sewer). This purchase would eliminate vehicle 810 (crane truck) and 813 (service truck).
Vehicle 813 has been identified as a unit for replacement based upon a growing history of
mechanical problems, ineffectual layout and low quality fiberglass toolboxes. The vehicle was
purchased in 2004, currently has 53,000 miles and has been used in the capacity of lift station
maintenance and construction activities. Vehicle 810 currently employs a crane and large
platform, was purchased in 2007, and works alongside 813. Staff has secured a written quote for
a Ford F550 truck chassis and Maintainer body with metal tool boxes and crane. The cost has
come in at $99,545, which is $9,545 over budget. However, staff plans to surplus and auction off
vehicles 810 & 813, which is estimated to bring in about $10,000. This should make up the
difference for the overage. If not, the department has excess money in the water distribution
maintenance line items from hydrant painting to cover the excess cost. Staff’s recommendation
is to issue a purchase order to Morrow Brother Ford of Greenfield, IL in the amount of $99,545
for the purchase of a new service truck.
Consensus of the Committee of the Whole is to pass on to the Board for approval.
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AGENDA ITEM 6: Executive Session
AGENDA ITEM 7: Other Business
(1) President Schmitt displayed the 2016 Illinois Transformer Award celebrating collaboration
and innovation in local governments. It was awarded to Algonquin this year. Congratulations to
staff that made this possible.
(2) Mr. Glogowski asked if the Village can address the community sign as part of downtown
restoration in the future. The current village ordinance prohibits LED signs but Mr. Smith stated
strides have been made to improve digital signage and also wishes this to be discussed at a
future Committee of the Whole meeting.
AGENDA ITEM 9: Adjournment
There being no further business, Mr. Spella adjourned the Committee of the Whole meeting at
8:12 p.m.
Submitted: Jerry Kautz, Village Clerk